what rough surface, but a productive soil. 140 miles N. W. from Albany.
Boxboro', Ms., Middlesex co. Soil mostly light, and the surface broken and hilly. Good lime- stone is found here. There is a pleasant village in Boxboro', through which the Boston and Fitchburg Railroad passes. 27 miles N. W. from Boston, and 7 N. W. from Concord.
Boxford, Ms., Essex co. 25 miles N. from Boston, and 12 S. W. from Newburyport.
Bozrah, Ct., New London co. The soil is a gravelly loam, rich and fertile. It is watered by Yantic River, on which are two pleasant and flourishing villages, Bozrahville and Fitchville.
Bracken County, Ky., c. h. at Augusta. N. E. part of the state, on the Ohio River. Surface broken; soil fertile.
Bradbury County, As., c. h. at Warren. In the S. E. corner, bordering on Louisiana. Saline Fork of the Wachita runs S. through it.
Bradford, Me., Penobscot co. 87 miles N. E. from Augusta.
Bradford, Ms., Essex co. On the S. side of Merrimae River. United to Haverhill by a bridge 680 feet in length, and a railroad viaduct. The surface of the town is pleasantly diversified, and the soil various. Much of the land is of a superior quality. The Bradford Academy is on an elevated spot, about 100 rods from Haver- hill, and commands a beautiful view. 16 miles N. E. from Lowell, and 31 N. from Boston by the Boston and Maine' Railroad.
Bradford, N. H., Merrimae co. Many parts of the town are hilly, although most of it lies in a valley. Near the Sunapee Mountain is an extensive plain, more than a mile long and half a mile wide. 28 miles W. from Concord.
Bradford, N. Y., Steuben co. Drained by Mud Creek and its tributaries. The surface is uneven; soil of good quality. 12 miles E. from Bath, and 204 S. of W. from Albany.
Bradford County, Pa., c. h. at Tonawanda. In the N. E. angle bordering on N. Y. Watered by the Chemung and the N. branch of the Sus- quehanna Rivers, and by Tonawanda and Sugar Creeks. Surface partly mountainous. In the S. part is much good land.
Bradford, Pa. A northern township of McKean co., on the New York frontier.
Bradford, Yt., Orange co. The surface is somewhat broken. A strip of intervale skirts Connecticut River, which bounds the town on the E., and there is much good land in other parts. 30 miles S. S. E. from Montpelier, and 11 S. S.E. from Chelsea.
Bradley, Me., Penobscot co. 12 miles E. N. E. from Bangor.
Bradley County, Te., c. h. at Cleveland. In the S. E. corner, bordering on Georgia. Surface mountainous; soil, fertile on the borders of the streams.
Bradleyvale, Yt., Caledonia co. Watered by Moose River. Has a fine water power and much good land. 12 miles easterly from St. Johnsbury.
Brady, Mn. Watered by Portage River. 146 miles W. from Detroit.
Braintree, Ms., Norfolk co. The surface is variegated by hill and dale, presenting many de- lightful views of Boston, its harbor, and the adjacent country. The soil is a strong, gravelly loam, and very productive. Excellent granite abounds here. The first ever used in this coun- try, for the purpose of building houses, was fur- nished by John Hayward, Esq., of this town, in 1752, for the erection of King's Chapel, in Bos- ton. There are several villages in the town. The Old Colony Railroad passes through the centre. 10 miles S. by E. from Boston, and 12 E. by S. from Dedham. |
The town is well watered by Monatiquot Riv- er, on which are several manufacturing establish- ments.
The farm of Hon. Benjamin Y. French, a na- tive of this town, and a retired merchant, at Mount Monatiquot, deserves to be noted as a remarkable instance of the agricultural and hor- ticultural improvements effected of late years in the vicinity of Boston. Commencing in 1818 with a worn-out piece of land, Mr. French now has on his place over 400 varieties of the apple, as many of the pear, and about 100 each of plums and cherries, besides every variety of other fruit which can be cultivated in this climate, whether for the field or garden. It is his object to try all kinds, with the view of selecting the best, which he thinks will soon be reduced to about 30 varieties of the apple, 20 of the pear, and about the same number of plums and cherries, by which the worthless kinds so generally now growing will be superseded. This selection will include quite a number of native American varieties, new speci- mens of which are constantly brought forward by the zeal of our intelligent horticulturists, who well deserve to be ranked among public benefactors: In 1851, Mr. French exhibited, at the Horticultural Rooms in Boston, 230 choice specimens of as many different varieties of the apple and pear, for which he received a splen- did piece of plate.
Braintree, Vt., Orange co. Watered by the third branch of White River, and Ayers's and Mill Brooks, its tributaries. Between Ayers's Brook and the third branch is a large swell of land called Quaker Hill." Between the third branch and the head of White River is a consid- erable mountain, which renders that part incapa- ble of settlement. 21 miles S. from Montpelier, and 14 W. by S. from Chelsea. The Vermont Central Railroad passes through this town.
Branch County, Mn., c. h. at Branch. On the southern border of the state. Undulating, and watered by branches of the St. Joseph's River. Soil fertile sandy loam.
Branch, Mn., c. h. Branch co. On the W. branch of Coldwater River. 113 miles W. S. W. from Detroit.
Branciforte County, Ca., c. h. at Santa Cruz, on the N. coast of Monterey Bay.
Brandenburg, Ky., c. h. Mead co. On the Ohio River. 94 miles W. by S. from Frankfort.
Brandon, Mi., c. h. Rankin co.
Brandon, N. Y., Franklin co. A large and mostly uncultivated town, covered with dense forests, and interspersed on the S. part with nu- merous lakes. It is drained by Saranac, St. Regis, and Racket Rivers. 10 miles S. W. from Ma- lone, and 215 N. N. W. from Albany.
Brandon, Yt., Rutland co. Watered by Otter Creek, Mill River, and Spring Pond, on which streams are good mill sites. Some of the land is level, with rather a light soil, but that on Otter Creek is excellent. Bog iron ore is found here; also, abundance of marble. There are two cu- rious limestone caverns in this town. 60 miles N. W. from Windsor, and 40 S. W. from Mont- pelier. The Rutland Railroad passes through it. |