Large public meetings, agricultural fairs, &c., are frequently held here, on account of the central position of the place in the county.
Carthage, Te., c. h. Smith co. 52 miles E. from Nashville.
Carthage, Ts., c. h. Panola co.
Carver, Ms., Plymouth co. 8 miles S. W. from Plymouth, and 38 S. E. from Boston. Soil sandy and poor. Noted for its iron castings. This town has a number of beautiful ponds, and is re- sorted to by sportsmen for fishing and fowling.
Casco, Me., Cumberland co. An interior town- ship, taken from Raymond.
Casey Comity, Ky., c. h. Liberty. S. central. Watered by the head branches of Green, and the Rolling. Fork of Salt River.
Cass County, Ga., c. h. at Cassville. N. E. part. Watered by Etowah River and Sulacoe Creek. Hilly and mountainous; soil very rich on the borders of the streams.
Cass County, Is., c. h. at Virginia. W. central. In the S. angle between the Illinois and Sanga- mon. Drained by several creeks flowing into the Illinois. The surface is slightly uneven; the soil very productive.
Cass County, la., c. h. at Logansport. N. cen- tral. Watered by the Wabash and Eel Rivers, which afford fine mill privileges. Surface mostly level. The Wabash and Erie Canal traverses this county.
Cass County, Mn., c. h. at Cassopolis. In the S. W. corner, bordering on Indiana. Undulating; soil very fertile.
Cass County, Mo., formerly called Van Bu- ren, c. h. at Harrisonville. On the W. border. Drained by the Osage, which passes through it from W. to E.
Cass County, Ts., c. h. at Lindin.
Cassopolis, Mn., c. h. Cass co.
Cassville, Ga., c. h. Cass co. 144 miles N. W. from Milledgeville.
Castine, Me., Hancock co., occupies a peninsula, with a good harbor, on the E. shore of Penobscot Bay.
Castleton, N. Y., Rensselaer co. On the E. bank of Hudson River. 8 miles S. by E. from Albany.
Castleton, Vt., Rutland co. This is a flourish- ing town, watered by a river of the same name. The surface is rough and hilly, but there is some rich 'land. Mill streams abound in Castleton. Lake Bombazine, seven miles in length and two in breadth, is chiefly in this town. It is stored with fish, and has an island near its centre of exquisite beauty. The village of Castleton is elevated and neatly built. It was incorporated in 1847. There is considerable variety in the soil and surface. The rocks are chiefly argilla- ceous. • The soil of the plains is sandy and light; on the hills it is slaty, gravel, loam, and vegeta- ble mould. Castleton River, and its tributary brooks, furnish considerable water power. Being increased by many abundant springs along its bed, its waters are very pure and cool in summer, and seldom frozen in winter. The first dwelling house was erected in August, 1769, of which Colo- nel Lee and his servant were the sole inhabitants the following winter. In 1770, Ephraim Buel, Eleazer Bartholomew, and Zadock Remington, with their families, settled in this town, and were soon followed by Colonels Bird and Lee. 11 miles W. from Rutland, and 72 S. W. from Montpelier.
Castor, Mo., Madison co.
Caswell County, N. C., c. h. at Yaneeyville. On the N. border. Dan River winds along its N. boundary. Soil fertile.
Catahoola, Parish, c. h. at Harrisonburg. E. cen- tral. On both sides of the Washita.
Catawissa, Pa., Columbia co. At the junction of the Susquehanna River and Catawissa Creek. 81 miles N. N. E. from Harrisburg.
Catskill, N. Y., c. h. Greene co. On the Hud- son River. It is watered by the Catskill and some of its branches. The surface is hilly in the W. part. The soil consists of clay, sand, and loam. 34 miles S. from Albany.
Cattaraugus County, N. Y., c. h. at Eliicott- ville. Bordering on Pennsylvania. It is wa- tered by Great Valley, Oil, and Cattaraugus Creeks, and the Alleghany River. Surface ele- vated ; soil good, and well adapted to grazing. This coun^ contains bog iron ore, some salt and sulphur springs, and one oil spring. The Gene- sec Valley Canal crosses its S. E. angle, terminat- ing at Olean, on the Alleghany River. Its south- ern part is traversed by the Erie Eailroad.
Catawba County, N. C., c. h. at Newton. New : taken from Lewiston. On the southern bor- der.
Cavendish, Vt., Windsor co. The soil is good, and easy to cultivate. Black River and Twenty Mile Stream are the principal waters. Along these streams are some small tracts of fine inter- vale. The greatest curiosity in the town, and perhaps the greatest of the kind in the state, is at the falls on Black River, which are situated between Dutton's Village and White's Mills. Here the channel of the river has been worn down 100 feet, and rocks of very large size have been undermined and thrown down, one upon another. Holes are worn into the rocks, of various dimen- sions and forms. Hanks's Mountain, which sepa- rates Baltimore from this town, derives its name from Colonel Hanks, who, during the French and Indian wars, encamped thereon for the night, with a small regular force. There are two villages, viz., Duttonsville and Proctorsville. Near the latter village are large quarries of soapstone and serpen- tine. The settlement of this place was commenced in 1769, by Captain John Coffin. 10 miles S. W. from Windsor, and 60 S. from Montpelier. The Rutland and Burlington Railroad passes through the town.
Cayuga County, N. Y., c. h. at Auburn. W. central part. Extends from Lake Erie S. along the E. shore of Seneca Lake. It contains Owasco Lake, and includes the upper W. shore of Skeneatales Lake. It is crossed by the Erie Canal and by the Rochester and Syracuse Rail- road. The soil is very fertile, yielding large crops of grain of different kinds. There are several important sulphur and saline springs, and also a chalybeate spring in the county-
Cayuga, N. Y., Cayuga co. On the N. E. shore of Cayuga Lake. 162 miles W. by N. from Al- bany. A bridge for travel here crosses the lake, over a mile in length, and another for the Roch- ester and Syracuse Railroad, still longer. A steamboat plies between Cayuga and Ithaca, at the head of the lake, 40 miles distant.
Cayuta, N. Y., Chemung co. Watered by Ca- yuta Creek and some of its branches. Surface hilly and broken. 188 miles S. W. from Al- bany.
Cazenovia, N. Y., Madison co., is watered by Chittenango Creek and Cazenovia Lake. The |