ceous loam prevails, which is favorable to the production of grasses. Extensive ledges of gran- ite are found here. A large block of it, weighing 60 or 70 tons, was formerly poised so exactly between two stones, as to be visibly moved by the wind. It was dislodged from this position by the curiosity of some visitors. Durham was originally a part of Dover. Oyster River was so called from the abundance of oysters found in it. 32 miles E. by S. from Concord, and 11 W. N. W. from Portsmouth.
Durham, N. Y., Greene co. Drained by the Catskill and some of its tributaries. The sur- face is hilly and uneven; soil clay and gravelly loam. 20 miles N. W. from Catskill, and 34 S. W. from Albany.
Durham, Pa., Bucks co. Bounded E. by the Delaware River, and drained by Cook's or Dun- ham Creek, a mill stream. In this town is the Devil's Hole, a large cave, at the bottom of which is a basin of pure water, 20 feet wide, and having a subterranean outlet. 20 miles N. E. from Doylestown.
Durhamvitte, N. Y., Oneida co. On both sides of Oneida Creek. 125 miles W. N. W. from Albany.
Dutchess County, N. Y., c. h. at Poughkeepsie. Bounded by Columbia co. on the N., by the state of Connecticut on the E., by Putnam co. on the S., and by the Hudson River on the W. It was incorporated in 1683. Wappinger's, Fish- kill, and Ten Mile Creeks drain the surface, which is somewhat hilly and uneven. Soil chiefly fertile. It is rich in mineral productions, the principal of which are iron, marble, and lead. Peat and marl are also abundant, and there are one or two remarkable gas springs.
Duval County, Fa., c. h. at Jacksonville. Bound- ed N. by Georgia, E. by the Atlantic Ocean, S. by St. John's and Alachua counties, and W. by Alachua and Columbia counties. Watered by the Nassau, St. John's, and Black Rivers.
Duxhury, Ms., Plymouth co. This is an im- portant maritime town. The harbor is formed by a peninsula called the Gurnet, jutting out in a S. E. direction from Marshfield on the N., of about 6 miles in length. The soil of Duxbury is generally unproductive; yet there are some fertile spots. Its Indian name was Mattakeeset. There is an apple-tree here noted for its age, size, and fruitfulness. It is upwards of 100 years old. It is 40 feet in height, and its circumfer- ence, 8 inches from the ground, is 16 feet. Its fruit, in 1 year, has made 10 barrels of cider, besides 30 bushels for the cellar. The village in Duxbury is pleasantly located on elevated ground, in full view of the sea. Beyond it, about 2 miles distant, is Standish Hill," part of the farm of the renowned Captain Miles Stan- dish, the military hero of New England. 6 miles N. from Plymouth, and 30 S. E. from Boston.
Duxhury, Vt., Washington co. The south and western parts of this township are mountainous, and incapable of settlement. Nearly all the in- habitants are confined to the margin of Wi- nooski River, and the north-eastern parts of the township. This township is watered by Winoos- ki River, which forms the northern boundary, by Duxbury branch, on which is a considerable settlement, and several small branches of Mad River. The natural bridge over Winooski River is between this town and Waterbury, and near it are some curious caverns. The settlement was commenced about the year 1786. 11 miles W. from Montpelier. |
Dyer County, Te., c. h. at Dyersburg. Bounded N. by Obion co., E. by Gibson, S. by Lauder- dale, and W. by the Mississippi River. Drained by Obion and Forked Deer Rivers. Surface uneven, with the exception of the flats on the border of the Mississippi.
Eagle, N. Y., Alleghany co. Caneadea and Wiskay Creeks water this town. The surface is undulating; the soil favorable to the growth of grass and grain. 264 miles W. by S. from Albany.
Eagle Harbor, Mn., Houghton co. This vil- lage, on Keewaiwona Point, has sprung up in the immediate neighborhood of several important mines of copper and silver. The village takes its name from that of the little harbor in the bosom of which it is seated. The first house erected at this place was put up by Colonel Charles Gratiot, for the accommodation of the pioneer miners employed by the Lake Superior Copper Company in 1844; and it was at this place that the first search for native copper commenced. That year some of the veins yielded a promising return of copper; but the ground was not found to be so favorable for mining purposes as that of Eagle River, a few miles farther to the west- ward. There are now wrought, near Eagle Har- bor, several very valuable mines; among them, the North-West, Copper Falls, and North-West- ern mines are most conspicuous. This harbor is the nearest safe shelter for small vessels that the miners can avail themselves of, and hence its importance. Good hotels and comfortable ac- commodations now invite the traveller to this spot, which seven or eight years ago was an un- broken wilderness.
By means of gib nets an abundance of large lake trout and of white fish is caught off this harbor. Trout may also be taken by trolling with a long line from a sail boat. Siskowit, a fat species of salmon, are also occasionally caught at this place, but they are not abundant, their range being limited to the coast of Isle Royale, 40 miles N. of Keewaiwona Point, a few rarely straying across this part of the lake.
The climate of Eagle Harbor is like that of Kee- waiwona Point, generally much milder than that of the Sault St. Marie, on account of its being nearly surrounded by the deep waters of Lake Superior, which preserve an invariable tempera- ture of about 39i degrees Fahrenheit, and thus moderate the heat of the air in both summer and winter. Potatoes and some early garden plants thrive on Keewaiwona Point, but Indian corn rarely ripens there. Oats, barley, and summer wheat do very well.
Eagle River Settlement, Mn., Houghton co. Eagle River is 8 miles W. of Eagle Harbor, in lat. 47° 23; 28,/ N. The stream enters the lake over a sandy bar, and the bay offers no shelter for vessels, so that it is only practicable to take on board the steamers' cargoes of copper during good weather. In case of storms, the vessels run to Eagle Harbor for shelter.
Owing to the discovery of the most valuable mines of copper and silver near this river, a con- siderable village has sprung up at its mouth, and a numerous population of miners and persons connected with the mines reside at the mining stations up the river, at the Phoenix Cliff and |