Vessels of 30 tons come up to Elizabethtown, and vessels of 300 tons to Elizabethport, at the mouth of the creek. From this port a railroad, passing through Elizabethtown, extends 26 miles, to Somerville. Elizabethtown is on the New Jersey Railroad, between New York and Phila- delphia, 15 miles from the former, 72 from the latter, and 42 N. E. from Trenton.
Elisabethtown, N. Y., c. h. Essex co. Watered by Boquet River and some of its branches. The surface is broken by the Clinton range of moun- tains, which passes through it from N. to S., some of the peaks being elevated about 1500 feet above the surrounding plains. Excellent iron ore is found here in large quantities. 126 miles N. from Albany.
Elizabethtown, Te., c. h. Carter co. On Wau- tauga, a branch of Holston River. 301 miles E. from Nashville. In the vicinity are large iron works.
Elk, Pa., Warren co. Located between the Alleghany River on the E. and S., and Cone- wango Creek on the W. The soil on the streams is very fertile.
Elk County, Pa., e. h. at Ridgeway. On the height of land between the eastern and western waters. N. central part. Watered on the E. by Susquehanna Creek and its tributaries, flowing into the W. branch of the Susquehanna, and on the W. by the sources of Clarion River, a tribu- tary of the Alleghany. Hilly, but fertile in the valleys. Thinly peopled.
Elk Creek, Pa., Venango co. The Six Mile Run, and Canoe, Beaver, and Dyer Paint Creeks, water this town. Surface level; soil loam. 122 miles W. N. W. from Harrisburg.
Elk Creek, Pa., Erie co. Drained by Cussa- wago and Conneaut Creeks. On the margin of the latter salt springs are found. Surface hilly; soil gravelly loam. 256 miles S. W. from Erie, and 16 N. W. from Harrisburg.
Elkhart County, la., c. h. at Goshen. Bounded N. by Michigan, E. by La Grange and Noble counties, S. by Kosciusko, and W. by St. Joseph co. St. Joseph and Elkhart Rivers and their branches water this county, the surface of which is a mixture of woodland and prairie.
Elkhorn, Wn., c. h. Walworth co. 68 miles S. E. from Madison.
Elkland, Pa., Tioga co. Watered by Cowa- nesque and Crooked Creeks, branches of Tioga River. Surface hilly; soil gravel, clay, and loam. 170 miles N. from Harrisburg.
Elk Ridge Landing, Md., Anne Arundel co. On the S. side of Patapsco River, at the head of tide water. 7 miles W. S. W. from Baltimore, and 30 N. N. W. from Annapolis. Connected by railroads with Baltimore and Washington ; also with Cumberland, on the route to Ohio. The Patapsco is crossed at this place by a splendid viaduct of granite, 700 feet long, with 8 arches. There are here extensive iron works.
Elkton, Ky., c. h. Todd co. On the E. side of Elk Creek, a branch of Red River. 187 miles S. W. from Frankfort.
Elkton, Md., c. h. Cecil co. Situated at the junction of the two main branches of Elk River, at the head of tide water. On the railroad, 44 miles from Philadelphia.
Ellejay, Ga., c. h. Gilmer co. 170 miles N. W. from Milledgeville.
Ellenburg. N. Y., Clinton co. English River and some other streams water this town, 25 miles N. from Plattsburg, and 188 N. N. E. from Albany. |
Ellery, N. Y., Chautauque co. On the N. side of Chautauque Lake. Drained by several small creeks. The surface is undulating; the soil good. 342 miles S. by W. from Albany.
Ellicott, N. Y., Chautauque co. On the N. side of Chautauque Lake. Watered by Cassa- daga Creek and the outlet of the lake. The
surface is undulating, the soil sandy loam. 330
miles W. by S. from Albany, and 18 S. E. from Maysville.
Ellicotts Mills, Md., Anne Arundel co. On Patapsco River. 40 miles N. W. from Annapo- lis. There are numerous mills and manufacto- ries here, amidst much romantic scenery.
Ellicottviile, N. Y., Cattaraugus co. Wa- tered by Great Valley Creek and some of its branches. The surface is mostly undulating, the soil well adapted to the growth of grass and grain. 292 miles W. by S. from Albany.
Ellington, Ct., Tolland co. Ellington was taken from East Windsor in 1786, and was that part of East Windsor cajfed the Great Marsh. The soil is light and dry, but considerably fer- tile. It is generally level, but the eastern part is hilly and mountainous. The scenery in this town embraces considerable variety, and is un- commonly interesting and beautiful. The El- lington School, for boys, situated in a very neat village, is in high repute. 12 miles N. E. from Hartford.
Ellington, N. Y., Chautauque co. Clear Creek flows nearly through the centre of this town. The surface is undulating; the soil sandy loam. 20 miles E. from Maysville, and 320 S. of W. from Albany.
Elliot, Me., York co. On Salmon Falls River. A good farming town. 108 miles S. W. from Augusta.
Elliotsville, Me., Somerset co. This place is 81 miles from Augusta.
Ellisburg, N. Y., Jefferson co. The N. and S. branches of Sandy Creek flow through this town, affording excellent hydraulic power. The surface is level; the soil fertile loam. 20 miles S. W. from Watertown, and 166 N. W. from Albany.
Ellsworth, Me., c. h. Hancock co. On both sides of Union River, at the head of navigation. The soil is good, and the situation convenient for ship building, which is largely carried on here, many ships employed in the freighting business being owned by the inhabitants. There are some manufactures, and a good deal of trade. 81 miles E. byN. from Augusta.
Ellsworth, N. H., Grafton co. This town is mountainous. The principal elevation is Carr's Mountain. A small stream issues from West Branch Pond, and runs into the Pemigewasset, at Campton. The soil, though in some parts sterile, produces grain. Maple sugar is made here. 59 miles N. N. W. from Concord, and about 12 N. from Plymouth.
Ellsworth, 0., Trumbull co. This township is bounded by Jackson on the N., Canfield E., Salem S., and Berlin W. It is the first in the 4th range of townships in the Connecticut West- ern Reservation. It is 181 miles N. E. from Columbus, and 15 S. from Warren.
Elmira, N. Y., e. h. Chemung co. On the N. side of Chemung River, and drained by Newton's Creek, one of its tributaries. The surface is |