and a branch extends into the city of Buffalo. The Buffalo and Niagara Falls Railroad is part- ly, and the Buffalo and Black Rock Railroad wholly, within this county.
Erie County, O., c. h. at Sandusky city. N. part on Sandusky Bay and Lake Erie. Drained by Huron and Vermilion Rivers. Level and fertile. The W. part crossed by three railroads running from Sandusky city S. S. W. and W.
Erie, 0., Sandusky co. Located on the N. side of Portage River, near Lake Erie. It was organized in 1833, and settled by the Canadian French. 16 miles N. E. from Lower Sandusky.
Erie County, Pa., c. h. at Erie. Bounded N. by Lake Erie and New York, E. by Warren co., S. by Crawford co., and W. by Ohio. Surface undulating, and watered by Conneaut, Elk, Wal- nut, and other creeks flowing into Lake Erie, and French Creek, flowing into the Alleghany River. Soil mostly sand and clay, well suited to the growth of grass.
Erie, Pa., shire town of Erie co. On the shore of Lake Erie, 272 miles N. W. from Harrisburg, 90 miles, on the lake, S. W. from Buffalo, N. Y., and 94 N. E. from Cleveland, O. Erie is built upon a bluff pleasantly overlooking Presque Isle Bay, the peninsula of which forms it, and the broad expanse of the lake beyond. The site is level, and the town is regularly laid out with broad and handsome streets. The public buildings are generally fine specimens of architecture, and many of the private residences are elegant, mak- ing this one of the pleasantest places in Penn- sylvania. The Reed Hotel, after the plan of the Astor House, in New York, is a splendid estab- lishment. The town contains the usual county buildings; a splendid Doric temple, of marble, formerly used by a branch of the U. S. Bank of Pa., now by the Erie Bank; an academy; and several churches of different denominations.
This place has good commercial advantages, being on one of the best harbors of Lake Erie, which is generally free from ice a month earlier than that of Buffalo; and being connected, by a canal, with the Ohio River, at the mouth of the Beaver, and thence by the river with Pittsburg, and, by the Pennsylvania Canal, with Philadelphia. The canal basin, connected with the harbor at Erie, is 2000 feet long by 1000 feet wide. It is connected by railroad with Buffalo on the E., and with Cleveland on the W.
During the war of 1812, Erie was an impor- tant military and naval station. Here, with most incredible despatch, was built the fleet with which Commodore Perry gained his victory on Lake Erie, on the 10th of September, 1813. Scarcely 70 days from the time the timber was standing in the forest, the whole squadron, con- sisting of 3 brigs, 5 schooners, and 1 sloop, was ready for action.
Erin, N. Y., Chemung co. Watered by Cayu- ta Creek and some other small streams. The surface is hilly ; the soil hardly of medium quality. 8 miles E. from Elmira, and 190 W. by S. from Albany.
Errol, N. H., Coos co. This town is situated on the W. of Umbagog Lake. Several streams unite here with the Androscoggin. The surface is rough; the soil cold and hard to till. First settlers, Timothy Ruggles and others, February 28, 1774. Distances, 30 miles N. N. E. from Lan- caster," and 108 from Concord. |
Erving, Ms., Franklin co. Until 1838, the ter- ritory of this town was called “ Erving's Grant." It is watered on its S. side by Miller's River, a beautiful mill stream, and Connecticut River washes its N. W. corner. There is much ele- vated land in the town, affording excellent pas- turage. 10 miles E. by N. from Greenfield, and 80 W. N. W. from Boston, with which it is con- nected by railroad.
Erwin, N. Y., Steuben co. Situated at the junction of Conhocton and Tioga Rivers. The surface is hilly. 20 miles S. E. from Bath, and 210 W. by S. from Albany.
Escambia County, Fa., c. h. at Pensacola. It is bounded N. by Alabama, E. by Escambia Riv- er, separating it from Santa Rosa co., S. by the Gulf of Mexico, and W. by Perdido River, separating it from Alabama. The surface, near the coast, is level, but in the interior more ele- vated. The soil is mostly sterile.
Esopus, N. Y., Ulster co. On the W. bank of the Hudson. Watered by Wallkill and Rondout Rivers. The surface is rather hilly; the soil mostly sandy clay and loam. 7 miles S. from Kingston, and 68 S. from Albany.
Essex, Ct., Middlesex co. On Connecticut River, 7 miles from its mouth, in the town of Saybrook. 37 miles S. by E. from Hartford. It has considerable shipping and trade, and something is done at ship building.
Essex County, Ms. Salem, Ipswich, and New- buryport, shire towns. This county is bounded N. W. by Rockingham co., N. H., S. W. by Mid- dlesex co.; S. by Suffolk co., E. and N. E. by the Atlantic Ocean, and S. E. by Massachu- setts Bay. There is much good land in this county, but its surface is rocky and uneven. It has an extensive sea-coast, indented with nu- merous bays, inlets, and capacious harbors. It is more densely populated than any county of its size in the U. S. It has great wealth, and its commerce and fisheries are unrivalled by any section of country, of its extent, on the globe. It has many beautiful ponds, and commanding elevations, and its seaboard is the delight of every beholder. The principal rivers are the Merrimac, Ipswich, and the Shawsheen.
Essex, Ms., Essex co. This was formerly a part of Ipswich, and is watered by a little river called Chebacco, which empties into Squam Bay, and gives it some mill privileges, and navi- gable accommodations. Essex is a pleasant, flourishing town, and contains many fine farms. It is a great place for building small vessels em- ployed in the fisheries.
Essex County, N. J., c. h. at Newark. Bound- ed N. by Passaic and Bergen counties, E. by Bergen and Richmond, S. by Middlesex, and W. by Somerset and Morris counties; Watered by the Passaic, Rahway, and some other rivers, which afford fine water power. Surface moun- tainous ; soil mostly red shale.
Essex County, N. Y., c. h. at Elizabethtown. Bounded on the N. by Clinton co, E. by Lake Champlain, S. by Warren, and W. by Frank- lin and Hamilton counties. It contains sev- eral small lakes, and- is watered by Au Sable, Boquet, Saranac, and several smaller rivers, and the head waters of the Hudson. The surface is hilly and mountainous, much the highest peaks in the state occurring in this county. Mount Marcy, in the town of Keene, is elevated 5467 feet above the level of the ocean. The soil is fertile on the borders of the lake, but sterile in |