Hayward’s United States Gazetteer (1853) page 369

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ration, in 1645, the township comprised 15 miles
square; since which the pleasant towns of South-
ington, Berlin, Bristol, Burlington, and Avon
have been taken from the original territory of

Farmington Eiver rises in the highlands in the
N. part of Berkshire co., Ms., and after meander-
ing delightfully through the towns of New Hart-
ford and Burlington, in a S. E. direction, it
changes its course at Farmington to the N., and
passing Avon and Simsbury to the border of
Granby, it again turns abruptly to the E., and
meets the Connecticut at Windsor. This is a
beautiful and fertilizing stream, and gives to the
towns through which it passes, but particularly
to Farmington, large tracts of rich alluvial

Farmington village is a delightful place, on an
elevated plain, surrounded by high hills. It is
connected with New Haven by railroad.

Eound Hill, in the meadows, near the village,
is a natural curiosity. It rises abruptly to the
height of 60 feet, is nearly circular in its form,
and covers 12 acres.

Farmington, Io., Van Buren co. On the Des
Moines Eiver. Iron ore, coal, and building stone
abound in this vicinity.

Farmington, Me., See Appendix, No. 6.

Farmington, Mo., c. h. St. Francis co. S. E.
from Jefferson City 139 miles.

Farmington, N. H. See Appendix, No. 8.

Farmington, N. Y., Ontario co. Mud Creek
and a small branch of Canandaigua outlet water
this town. The surface is level, and the soil fer-
tile, but difficult to till. The Auburn and Eoch-
ester Eailroad crosses the S. W. angle. 7 miles
N. from Canandaigua.

Fauquier County, Va., c. h. at Warrenton.
Bounded N. by Warren, Clarke, and Loudon
counties, E. by Prince William, S. by Stafford
and Culpepper, and W. by Eappahannock co.
Watered by the Ocoquan and the head branches
of the Eappahannock Eiver. Surface agreeably
diversified ; soil tolerably fertile.

Fayette County, Aa., c. h. at Fayette Court
House. Bounded N. by Marion and Walker
counties, E. by Walker, S. by Tuscaloosa and
Pickens counties, and W. by Mississippi. Sipsey
and Battahatchy Eivers and Luxapatilla Creek
water this county. Surface slightly uneven; soil

Fayette Court House, Aa., c. h. Fayette co. 2
miles W. from Sipsey Eiver, and 40 N. W. from

Fayette County, Ga., c. h. at Fayetteville.
Bounded N. by De Kalb co., E. by Henry, “S. by
Pike, and W. by Flint Eiver, separating it from
Coweta, and partly from Campbell co. The sur-
face is level, and soil fertile.

Fayette County, Is., c. h. at Vandalia. Bounded
N. by Montgomery and Shelby counties, E. by
Effingham and Clay, S. by Marion and Clinton
counties, and W. by Bond and Montgomery
counties. Watered by Kaskaskia Eiver and its
tributaries. Surface level, consisting partly of

Erairies, and on the borders of the Kaskaskia,
able to inundation.

Fayette County, la., c. h. at Connersville.
Bounded N. by Henry and Wayne counties, E.
by Union, S. by Franklin, and W. by Eush co.
Watered by White Eiver and its head branches,
which afford extensive hydraulic power.

Fayette County, Io., c. h. at West Union. In

the N. E. angle. Watered by Turkey Eiver and
its branches.

Fayette County, Ky., c. h. at Lexington.
Bounded N. by Scott and Harrison counties,
by Bourbon and Clark, S. by the Kentucky
Eiver, separating it from Madison co., and
by Jessamine co. Surface an elevated table
land, watered by the head branches of Elkhom
Eiver and other streams flowing into the Ken-
tucky. Soil of excellent quality.

Fayette, Me., Kennebec co. A good township
of land. 17 miles W. N. W. from Augusta.

Fayette, Mi., c. h. Jefferson co. 80 miles S. W.
from Jackson, and 25 N. E. from Natchez.

Fayette, Mo., c. h. Howard co. On the E. side
of Bonne Femme Creek. 61 miles N. W. from
Jefferson City. Fayette College is located here.

Fayette, N. Y., Seneca co. Bounded on the
E. by Cayuga, and W. by Seneca Lake. Seneca
Eiver and some of its branches water the town
on the N. The surface is level; soil fertile. 178
miles W. from Albany.

Fayette County, 0., c. h. at Washington. Clin-
ton and Green counties bound it on the W., Pick-
away and Eoss on the E., Highland on the S.,
and Madison co. on the N. The land is level,
and of a good quality, and is watered by Deer
and Paint Creeks. Emigrants from Virginia
and Kentucky settled here about the year 1805.

Fayette County, Pa., c. h. at Union. Bounded
N. by Westmoreland co., E. by Somerset co., S. by
Virginia, and W. by the Monongahela
separating it from Greene and Washington coun-
ties. Drained by the Youghiogeny Eiver, and
Dunlap, Brown's, Eedstone, and Cook's Creeks.
At the Ohiopile Falls the Youghiogeny
descends 60 feet within the space of a mile.
The surface of this county is partly mountain-
ous, Laurel Hill and the Chestnut Eidge lying
in the
E. part. The soil is fertile.

Fayette, Pa., Alleghany co. Watered by
branches of Chartier's Creek. Surface hilly,
abounding with coal; soil loam. 214 miles
from Harrisburg.

Fayette County, Te., c. h. at Somerville. Bound-
N. by Tipton and Haywood counties, E. by
Hardeman co., S. by Mississippi, and W. by
Shelby co. Watered by Loosahatchy and Wolf
Eivers. Soil fertile. A railroad extends from
La Grange, in this county, to Memphis, on the
Mississippi Eiver, and a side branch extends to

Fayette County, Ts., c. H. at La Grange. S.
central. On both banks of the Colorado.

Fayette County, Va., c. h. at Fayetteville.
Bounded N. by Nicholas co., E. by Greenbrier,
S. by Mercer and Logan, and W. by Logan and
Kanawha counties. Watered by New and Gau-
ley, head branches of the Great Kanawha Eiver,
and by Clear and March, branches of Coal
Eiver. The surface is mountainous, and on New
Eiver, 2 miles from Fayetteville, is a projection
called Long Point, the top of which, consisting
of a flat rock covering 2 acres, is elevated 1500 feet
above the water of the river. At another place,
a perpendicular rock, called Hawk's Nest, or Mar-
shall's Pillar, rises 1100 feet above the surface of
the same river. Some interesting remains of
ancient fortifications are also found in this county.,

Fayetteville, As., c. h. Washington co. Situated
on the N. W. side of White Eiver. 196 miles
N. W. from Little Eock.

A Gazetteer of the United States of America by John Hayward.

Hartford, CT: Case, Tiffany and Company. 1853. Public domain

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