Hayward’s United States Gazetteer (1853) page 407

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sea, and about 1000 feet above them. The surface
is varied by hills and valleys, commanding wide
and beautiful prospects. There is probably no
town in New England, so elevated, which pos-
sesses so great a water power. There are
springs, brooks, and rivers in almost every
direction. Meadow and Cannevstone Brooks,
Burnshirt and Otter Rivers, are good mill streams.
There is some choice meadow land in the town'
and the soil is generally good. About a mile
and a half S. E. from the handsome village, near
the centre of the town, lies Great Asnaconcomick
Pond, covering about 300 acres. About a mile
N. E. from this is Moose Horn Pond, circular in
form, and around which there are appearances
of an ancient wall. 20 miles N. N. W. from
Worcester, and 52 W. by N. from Boston, by
the old road.

Hubbardston, Vt., Rutland co. 50 miles S. W.
from Montpelier, and 10 N. W. from Rutland.

Hudson, N. H., Hillsboro' co. The land is
easy of cultivation. On the Merrimae are fine
intervales, of a deep, rich soil. Distant from the
river, the land is hilly and broken. There are 2
ponds, Little Massabesick and Otternick. The
Merrimae River forms its western boundary, and
on its banks the first settlements were made.
This town was formerly called Nottingham West.
First settlers, Messrs. Blodgett, Winn, Lovewell,
Colburn, Hill. Greely, Cross, Cumings, Pollard,
Marsh, and Merrill. 17 miles S. E. from Am-
herst, and 40 S. from Concord.

Hudson, N. Y. City and seat of justice for Co-
lumbia co. Situated on the E. bank of Hudson
River, on fine navigable waters, 116 miles N.
from New York city, and 29 S. from Albany.
Population in 1820, 2900; in 1830, 5392; in
1840, 5672; in 1850, 6289. The ground on
which the city stands is elevated about 60 feet
above the river, terminating in a bold promon-
tory in front, upon the brow of which a beautiful
public ground has been laid out, and ornamented
with trees and shrubs, commanding a fine view
of the river, of Athens opposite, and of the dis-
tant landscape, extending to the Catskill Moun-
tains on the N. and W. Upon either side of
this promontory, which is formed of a silicious
slate rock, the river makes up, and forms the two
considerable bays called South Bay' and North
Bay, and which have a sufficient depth of water
for large vessels. Around the margins of these
bays, and at the foot of the promontory along
the river bank, are the quays, which are carried
out on a line with the base of the hill.

From the promenade on the lofty bank of the
river, the city extends back, by a gradual ascent,
about one mile, to a smoothly rounded hill, called
Prospect Hill, about 200 feet high, which com-
mands an entire view of the place. The streets
are straight, and cross each other at right angles.
The central and principal street, running
S. E.
from the promenade, is Warren Street, which is
closely and handsomely built upon, and near
its upper end, upon the N. side, has an extensive
public square. The court house in Hudson is
a spacious and handsome structure, situated on
a small public square near the centre of the
side of the city. This building, including the
wings, presents a front of 116 feet. The main
edifice, 40 feet by 60, and 60 feet high, is sur-
mounted by a dome 40 feet high, towering above
the other buildings of the city. The front en-
trance is decorated by a portico with 6 Ionic
columns. The material used for the front is the
Stockbridge marble ; and for the other parts the
blue limestone of tbe neighborhood, which fur-
nishes here a fine material for ornamental ar-
chitecture. There are a number of handsome
church edifices, of which the Presbyterians, the
Episcopalians, the Methodists, the Baptists, and
the Universalists have one each. There are 2
markets, 2 banks, an academy, a female semina-
ry, and 3 or 4 extensive public houses, besides
others of less note. The city is well supplied
with pure water, which is brought in iron pipes
from a fountain at the foot of Becraft's Moun-
tain, 2 mites distant.

HartfordeerT0fr“e    St3tSS    °f ^erica ^ John Hayward,

artford, CT. Case, Tiffany and Company. 1853. Public domain dmane

Hudson was founded in 1784, by a company
of 30 enterprising emigrants from Providence,
R. I., and from Nantucket and Martha's Vine-
yard, in Massachusetts. It had a rapid growth,
and great prosperity in business, for many years,
until the interests of commerce, and especially
of the whale fishery, in which it had a large
capital invested, experienced a check; after
which its prosperity declined for a time, until its
enterprise had found new channels to some ex-
tent. It is now rising again by a gradual and
healthful advancement.

The construction of the Hudson and Berkshire
Railroad, which connects this place with the
Western Railroad between Boston and Albany,
34 miles long, has opened new facilities of travel
and trade to this pleasant city. The resources
of Berkshire co., in iron, lime, and marble, are
abundant, and are in demand in all the Atlantic
cities. By this road an eligible route of travel
is opened from New York to the New Lebanon
Springs, and to many of the most important
places in Massachusetts. Hudson was incorpo-
rated as a city in 1785, the year after its settle-
ment was commenced, with a mayor, aldermen,
and recorder; but the charter has been repeated-
ly amended since that time.

Hull, Ms., Plymouth co. This town comprises
the peninsula of Nantasket, which forms the S.
E. side of Boston Harbor. It extends N. by
from Cohasset, nearly 5 miles, and is celebrated
for its beautiful beach 4 miles in length, and for
its shell fish and sea fowl. The town lies be-
tween two hills of fine land, near Point Alderton,
opposite Boston light-house. On one of the hills
in this place is a well, 90 feet deep, which is fre-
quently almost full of water. Hull was a mart
of commerce, and the residence of eminent men,
six years before Boston bore its present name, and
four years before Salem became a town.
steamer which plies between Boston and Hing-
ham stops at this place. 9 miles E. S. E. from
Boston by water, and 21 by land.

Hume, N. Y., Alleghany co. Watered by the
Genesee River and some of its branches. Sur-
face undulating ; soil clay loam, producing large
crops of grass and grain. 14 N. from Angelica,
and 26 W. from Albany.

Humphrey, N. Y., Cattaraugus co. The Five
Mile Run and Great Valley Creek water this
town, the surface of which is undulating, and the
soil suitable for grass. 8 miles S. E. from Elli-
cottville, and 300 W. by S. from Albany.

Humphreys County, Te., c. h. at Reynoldsburg.
Bounded N. by Steward, E. by Dickson and
Hickman, S. by Perry co., and W. by the Tennes-.
see River, separating it from Benton co. Drained
by Duck Creek and its branches.

Hunt County, Ts., c. h. at Grenville.

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