tucket Rivers, which unite in the S. part of the town. The soil is a gravelly and sandy loam, with some alluvial meadow. This is an excellent farming town.
Lisbon, Me., Lincoln co. On the E. side of the Androscoggin, 6 miles below Lewiston Ealls. There are also falls here, called the Five Miles Ealls. There are some manufactures of cotton and wool, and many saw mills. 30 miles S. S. E. from Augusta.
Lisbon, N. H., Grafton co., is watered by Amo- noosuck River and several smaller streams. Here are several ponds ; the most noted is called Mink, and affords mill sites at its outlet. The meadows on Amonoosuck are generally very productive; the plain land has a light, thin soil, requiring con- siderable manure to make it productive; and the uplands have a strong, good soil, which affords many good farms. Blueberry Mountain is the principal elevation. Large quantities of iron ore and of limestone are found here. Franconia Iron Works receive their supply of ore from this town. This town was called Concord until 1824. First settlers: Lisbon was granted, in 1763, to Joseph Burt and others. 20 miles N. E. from Haverhill, and 95 N. W. from Concord.
Lisbon, N. Y., St. Lawrence co. Bounded on the N. W. by the St. Lawrence River; and wa- tered by Grass River and several small streams. Surface undulating; soil fertile and heavily tim- bered. Isle au Gallope, lying in the St. Law- rence, belongs to this town. . 10 miles N. W. from Canton, and 211 from Albany.
Lisle, N. Y., Broome co. Watered by Tiough- nioga River and some of its branches. Surface undulating; soil well adapted for grazing. 18 miles N. from Binghampton, and 140 S. of W. from Albany.
Litchfield County, Ct., c. h. at Litchfield. This is the largest and most elevated county in the state. The surface is hilly, and in some parts mountainous; the soil is chiefly a gravelly loam, under good cultivation, and very produc- tive of butter, cheese, beef, and pork. It abounds in iron ore, which is extensively manufactured. This county is watered by numerous ponds, by the beautiful Housatonic, and by many rivers rising in the high grounds. The streams give a valuable water power, and flourishing manufac- turing establishments are found in almost every town. Litchfield county was incorporated in 1751. It is bounded N. by Berkshire co., Ms., E. by Hartford and New Haven counties, S. by the counties of New Haven and Fairfield, and W. by the state of New York.
Litchfield, Ct., c. h. Litchfield co. This town, the Indian Bantam, is elevated, and its surface presents a diversity of hills and valleys. Bantam was first settled in 1720, and incorpora- ted by its present name in 1734. The soil is a gravelly loam, deep, strong, and admirably adapted for grazing. Great Pond is a beautiful sheet of water; it comprises an area of 900 acres, and is the largest pond in the state. The wa- ters of the Naugatuck, Shepung, and Bantam give the town a good water power.
Litchfield village, on Litchfield Hill,'' is a delightful place. It is situated on an elevated plain, surrounded by interesting scenery, and affords extensive prospects. In the W. part of the town, Mount Tom rears a front of 700 feet above the Naugatuck, presenting a panoramic landscape of great beauty and vast extent. Near this town is a mineral spring which is saturated with iron and sulphur.'' A law school of great respectability was established in this town, by the Hon. Tapping Reeve, in 1784. 30 miles W. from Hartford.
Litchfield, Ky., c. h. Grayson co. 109 miles S. W. by W. from Frankfort.
Litchfield, Me., Kennebec co. A good farming township. 16 miles S. S. W. from Augusta.
Litchfield, N. H., Hillsboro' co., is a small, fer- tile township on the E. bank of Merrimae River. It has an excellent soil. There are 2 ferries — Thornton's, on the post road from Amherst to Portsmouth, and Read's, 3 miles above. This town was originally known by the Indian name of Natticott, and by the English one of Brenson's Farm. 8 miles E. from Amherst, and 30 S. by E. from Concord. The Concord Railroad passes on the opposite bank of the river, where there is a station.
Litchfield, N. Y., Herkimer co. Drained by one of the head branches of the Unadilla, and several small tributaries of the Mohawk River. Surface hilly; soil calcareous loam. 10 miles S. W. from Herkimer, and 83 N. W. from Albany.
Litchfield, Pa., Bradford co. Surface hilly, and drained by branches of Wepassining Creek; soil gravelly loam. 156 miles N. from Harrisburg.
Little Compton, R. 1., Newport co. This very pleasant town, the Indian Seaconnet, lies on the ocean, at the eastern entrance into Narraganset Bay. The soil of the town is uncommonly fertile. Seaconnet Rocks, at the south-eastern extremity of the town, where a breakwater has been erected by government, are well known to sailors, and memorable as the place where a treaty was made between the English and the queen of the power- ful Seaconnet tribe in 1674. That tribe is now extinct. Seaconnet Rocks are their only monu- ment. Little Compton is becoming celebrated as a place of resort, in summer months, for sea air and bathing, and very justly so, for very few parts of our coast exhibit a more interesting location. 9 miles E. by N. from Newport.
Little Beaver, Pa., Beaver co. A branch of Little Beaver Creek waters this town. Surface undulating; soil rich calcareous loam.
Little Falls, N. J., Passaic co. The Passaic River has a fall of 33 feet at this place, affording great hydraulic power. The Morris Canal passes here. 79 miles N. E. by E. from Trenton.
Little Rock, As. Capital of the state, and seat of justice of Pulaski co. On the S. side of the Arkansas River, about 150 miles from its mouth, where it enters the Mississippi. The river is navigable for steamboats to this place at all stages of the water. The town is built upon a high bluff, from 150 to 200 feet above the river. It is said to be the first place above the mouth of the river in which rocks are found. It is laid out upon a regular plan, and contains the state house, court house, jail, and other public offices for the state and county, a United States arsenal, a United States land office, a penitentiary, and churches of all the principal denominations. This place was laid out and settled in 1820.
Littleton, N. H., Grafton co. Littleton extends on the Connecticut River about 14 miles. There are 3 bridges over the river. The beautiful Con- necticut, in passing down the rapids called Fif- teen Mile Falls, extending the whole length of Littleton, runs in foaming waves for miles to- gether, which renders it impossible to ascend or |