Lorraine, N. Y., Jefferson co. Watered by Sandy Creek and its branches. Surface hilly ; soil sandy loam and clay. 15 miles S. from Wa- tertown, and 145 N. W. from Albany.
Los Angelos County, Ca., c. h. at Puebla de Los Angelos. In the S. part of the state.
Los Angelos, Ca., c. h. Los Angelos co. Eormer Mexican capital of California.
Loudon, N. H., Merrimac co. Suncook River passes through Loudon, furnishing valuable mill privileges. There is some good intervale on its borders. Loudon was originally a part of Can- terbury, and lies on the E. side of Merrimac Riv- er. First settlers, Abraham and Jethro Batchel- der and Moses Ordway. About 10 miles N. E. from the state house in Concord.
Loudon County, Ya., c. h. at Leesburg. Bound- ed N. E. by the Potomac River, separating it from Maryland, S. E. by Fairfax co., S. W. by Prince William and Fauquier, and N. W. bv Clarke and Jefferson counties. Drained by Killoctan and Goose Creeks, and branches, which afford good water power. Surface mountainous, the Blue Ridge lying on the N. W. border. Soil of vari- ous qualities.
Louisa County, Io., c. h. at Wappello. Bound- ed N. by Johnson and Muscatine counties, E. by the Mississippi River, separating it from Illinois, S. by Des Moines and Henry, and W. by Wash- ington co. Drained by Iowa River and branches, which afford hydraulic, power. Soil of fine quali- ty, especially on the borders of the rivers.
Louisa, Ky., c. h. Lawrence co. Located on the W. side of Big Sandy River. 158 miles E. from Frankfort.
Louisa County, Ya., c. h. at Louisa Court House. Bounded N. and N. E. by Pamunky River, separating it from Orange and Spottsylva- nia counties, S. E. by Hanover, S. W. by Gooch- land and Fluvanna, and N. W. by Albemarle co.
Louisburg, N. C., c. h. Franklin co. On the N. side of Tar River. 36 miles N. E. from Raleigh.
Louisville, As., c. h. Lafayette co.
Louisville, Ga., c. h. Jefferson co. On Rocky Comfort Creek, just above its junction with Ogeechee River, and 53 miles E. from Milledge- ville.
Louisville, Ky. City, port of entry, and seat of justice of Jefferson co. It is 52 miles W. by N. from Frankfort, the capital of the state. The population in 1800 was 800; 1810, 1357: 1820, 4012; 1830, 10,336; 1840, 21,210; 1850, 43,000. Louisville is situated on the S. side of the Ohio River, at the head of the rapids. Opposite to the city the river is a mile wide, and for many miles above spreads out into a most beautiful sheet of water. -The city is built on a gradual ascent from the river, about 75 feet above low-water mark, with streets running parallel to the river, nearly E. and W., from 60 to 120 feet wide, intersected at right angles by streets running up from the river, which are uniformly 60 feet wide. The areas enclosed by the intersecting streets are 420 feet square; which, however, are in most in- stances subdivided by narrower streets and alleys. The public buildings of Louisville are, many of them, of the most convenient and elegant con- struction. The City Hall, for the accommodation of the municipal courts and offices, is a spacious and magnificent building. The city and county prison is constructed on the most approved mod- el of modern improvements, combining health, convenience, and security. |
The Marine Hospital is a fine building, erected in 1820, by a grant of $40,000 from the state; a donation for the site, containing about 7£ acres of ground, having been made by two noble-minded citizens. The establishment is well endowed, admirably regulated, and abundantly sufficient for all the purposes of its design, there is in Louisville a Medical Institute, which is well fur- nished with books and apparatus, and has been in very successful operation for a number of years. There is here a school for the blind, en- dowed by the state. There are two orphan asy- lums, and a Magdalen asylum ; a city workhouse, a hospital, a prison, several markets, and banking houses. It has several spacious hotels, which are among the best in the country. Some of the church edifices are fine specimens of architecture, of which there are in the city 3 Presbyterian, 6 Methodist, 4 Baptist, 1 Campbellite Baptist, 2 Episcopal, 2 Roman Catholic, 1 Friends, 1 Uni- tarian, 1 Universalist, several colored churches, 1 free church, and a Jews' synagogue. The Mercantile Library Association has a library of between 4000 and 5000 volumes. The Kentucky Historical Society has accumulated a large and valuable collection of books, pamphlets, and man- uscript documents, connected with the settlement and history of the state. An Agricultural and a Horticultural Society have been organized. The system of free schools was introduced into Louisville earlier than any where else west of the mountains; and the city is well provided with the means of education, which are open to children of every age, and of all classes. Large banking facilities have been provided.
The principal business of Louisville is foreign and domestic commerce. It is extensively re- sorted to by merchants from the river towns above and below, and from the interior of the adjacent states, as an eligible wholesale market for dry goods and groceries. In this commerce are employed more than 300 steamboats, besides boats of other descriptions with which the western rivers are navigated. The import and export trade of Louisville, in 1850, amounted to near $50,000,000. The exports consist of tobacco, bag- ging, and bale rope, pork, lard, bacon, flour, whis- key, feathers, flaxseed, beeswax, and live stock; to which should be added steam engines, sugar mills, and various kinds of machinery manufactured here. There are several large founderies and ma- chine shops, in which engines and machinery of the best description are produced. Many steam- boats of the largest class, every year, are built at Louisville and the adjoining towns, and fur- nished with engines from these establishments. Two extensive steam bagging factories are in full operation, and several ropewalks, converting tons of raw hemp daily into bagging, cordage, and bale rope. There are manufactories of cot- ton and woollen; a number of flouring mills, breweries, and distilleries. White lead, linseed and lard oil, starch and hydraulic cement, tobac- co, snuff, cigars, &c., are manufactured here in large quantities. The book trade, printing, bind- ing, and paper making, are carried on with great energy and success. All, or nearly all, these branches of manufacture are rapidly extending their business.
The city is abundantly supplied with excellent water, and gas works have been established for lighting the city |