1741. It was incorporated by New Hampshire, April 1, 1746, and the name altered to Nashua, in December, 1836.
Distances, 35 miles S. of Concord, and 40 N. from Boston by railroad, and about 12 miles S. E. from Amherst. A railroad passes from this place to Worcester and Providence.
Nashville. Is., c.h. Washington co. On an ele- vated prairie, at the head of Little Crooked Creek, and 118 miles S. by E. from Springfield.
Nashville, la., c. h. Brown co. On the N. side of Salt Creek, 54 miles S. from Indianapolis.
Nashville, N. C., c, h. Nash co. On the S. side of Peach Tree Creek, a branch of Tar River, and 44 miles E. by N. from Raleigh.
Nashville, N. H., Hillsboro' co. This town was taken from Nashua and incorporated June 23, 1842. The soil on the rivers and other streams is rich, but elsewhere is light and sandy. In the S. E. corner of the town is a considerable portion of Nashua village. The cemetery in this village is beautiful. It lies in a grove in the rear of the Unitarian Church, occupying about two acres. Cost of ground, fences, walks, &c., about $3000. In this place are large manufactories, on the Nashua River, opposite to Nashua. See Nashua.
Nashville, city, capital of the state of Tennes- see, and seat of justice for Davidson co., is situ- ated on the S. side of Cumberland River, 120 miles from its mouth, and at the head of steam- boat navigation. Population in 1830, 5566; in 1840, 6929; in 1850, 10,500.
The city is pleasantly located upon a high and healthy site, of undulating surface, varying from 50 to 175 feet in elevation from the level of the river. The foundation is rocky, the soil thin, and dotted here and there with beautiful groves of cedar, giving to the environs a pleas- ing variety of landscape scenery. Owing to the salubrity of its situation, Nashville is the resort of considerable numbers from the lower parts of the country during the sultry heats of summer. The city was originally laid out upon a ground plot of 200 acres, with building lots of one acre each, four acres being reserved for the public buildings. But these boundaries have been sub- ject to many variations. There is a public square in the centre of the city, in which the court house is placed, which is a handsome edifice, 105 feet in front by 63 feet in depth, and two stories high, besides the basement. It is surmounted by a dome, the top of which is 90 feet from the ground, supported by eight Ionic columns. The market house, situated also in the public square, is one of the finest buildings in the west. There are spacious apartments in the building occupied as a city hall and recorder's office. The Episcopal Church is a fine stone building, in the Gothic style of architecture. The Presbyterian and the Methodist Churches, and some others, are large and elegant buildings. There are ten or twelve churches in the city, of the various denomina- tions. The state house has a commanding loca- tion on the highest ground in the city. The site, consisting of four acres of ground, was purchased by the city at a cost of $30,000, and presented to the state for the purpose. There is a female academy, situated in the western part of the city, which is a flourishing institution, and several other schools for young ladies, of a high order of excellence. The primary schools for both sexes are numerous and good Pew cities are better provided with means of instruction for the young. |
This city is the seat of Nashville University, which was founded in 1806. The main col- lege building is 200 feet long, 50 feet wide, and three stories high. This building has wings, and is accompanied by a spacious building for the accommodation of the chemical laboratory. All the university buildings, except the presi- dent's house, are within the college campus, which includes eight acres. The Lunatic Hospi- tal is a large and commodous building, which will accommodate over 100 patients. Vauxhall Gar- den, in the S. part of the city, is a pleasant place of resort for promenading and for popular recre- ations. It is provided with a circular railway, upon which a light pleasure car is propelled by the hand of the rider. In the suburbs of the city is a spring strongly impregnated with sulphur, with accommodations provided for cold and warm baths.
A number of steamboats of the first class are owned in Nashville, which ply between this city and Cincinnati, and other places. A railroad is in process of construction from Nashville to Chatanooga, in the southern border of the state, a distance of 150 miles, which, when completed, will afford an uninterrupted railroad communi- cation betw'een Nashville and Charleston, S. C., and also by a separate line part of the way be- tween Nashville and Savannah, Ga.
About 12 miles distant from Nashville is the retired and quiet country seat of the late presi- dent of the United States, Andrew Jackson, fa- miliarly known as the “ Hermitage.'' As the name he gave to it implies, the place which he had selected for his private residence was in a rural situation, rather remote from other habi- tations. The house is stately in its size, and symmetrical in its proportions, but makes no great architectural display. To this quiet home, after retiring from the presidential chair in 1836, General Jackson withdrew to pass the remainder of his days in the bosom of his family, continu- ing still, through the great popularity of his name, to exert a silent but extensive influence upon the politics of the country. Here, on the 8th day of June, 1845, he breathed his last, in the 79th year of his age.
Nassau County, Fa., c. h. at Fernandina. Is bounded W. and N. by St. Mary's River, separat- ing it from Georgia, E. by the Atlantic Ocean, and S. by Nassau River, partly separating it from Du- val co., and by Columbia co. Surface level, and somewhat marshy. Amelia Island extends along its sea-shore on the E. boundary.
Nassau, N. Y., Rensselaer co. Watered by Kinderhook Creek and its branches. The sur- face is rather hilly; soil very fertile. 16 miles S. E. from Troy, and 12 S. by E. from Albany.
Natchez. City, and seat of justice for Adams co., Mi. Situated on a high bluff on the E. bank of the Mississippi, 100 miles S. W. from Jackson, the capital of the state, and 279 miles by the river above New Orleans. The bluff on which Natchez is built is in some parts nearly 300 feet above the river, and is entirely composed of clay, unmixed with the smallest pebble; the whole resting on a substratum of pudding stone rock, which appears in view only when the water in the river is at a very lowr stage.
Natchez under the Hill, as it is called, is a portion of the place which lies upon the margin of the river, consisting of warehouses, stores, and shops, for the accommodation of the landing. But the |