being the largest mirrors ever imported into the United States. The plate glass for the windows alone cost $35,000; and the entire cost of the building, independent of the furniture, was about half a million of dollars.
Many of the stores, banks, and other buildings for purposes of business, in New York, are among thdhnost elegant architectural ornaments of the city. These are too numerous to be described in this place. As an example of the largest class of stores, it may suffice to instance the splendid palace on Broadway, built and occu- pied by A. T. Stuart as a silk store. Fronting upon Broadway, it covers the entire block be- tween Chamber Street and Reed Street, having a front upon Broadway of 150 feet, and a depth up both the other streets of the same extent. It is built of polished white marble, six stories high, in a style of architectural beauty, without and with- in, corresponding to the costliness of the materials.
Many of the private residences in the upper part of the city are of the most costly and beauti- ful description. Long streets consisting of stately blocks and terraces, and separate mansions, with every accessory of architectural splendor, excite the admiration of the beholder. Under the smiles of fortune,'' says a writer of New York, most classes of our citizens have been pros- perous, many have grown wealthy, and the style and expense of living, and the beauty of some of the principal streets of the city, have proportionally improved. The buildings now generally in course of construction by our wealthy inhabitants, for their private residences, are among the most splendid and costly city dwelling houses in the world. The several styles of architecture are conceived by architects of great ability, and the designs of the buildings and interior decorations are in many instances carried out without regard to cost. $100,000 for the cost of a single city lot, freestone house and furniture, is not an unfrequent expenditure. The support of many private establishments requires an out- lay of $10,000 to $20,000 a year, some ranging much higher.''
The number of theatres and places of amuse- ment in New York is not considered large in comparison with that of European cities'of the same size. The principal theatres are the Park Theatre, opposite the Park; the Bowery The- atre, Bowery, above Bayard Street; Astor Place Opera House, near the upper part of Broadway; Olympic Theatre, Broadway,.above Canal Street; National Theatre, near Chatham Square ; Burton's Theatre, Chamber Street, and Niblo's Theatre, at the corner of Broadway and Prince Streets. The American Museum, oppo- site the Astor House, is an excellent and very extensive establishment of its kind, founded in 1810, and enriched with curiosities of nature and art from all parts of the world. Its immense collections occupy five large saloons 100 feet in length. From the observatory on the top of the building, which is very high, one of the finest views of the city, bay, and surrounding country is obtained. Peale's Museum and Gallery of Fine Arts, founded in 1825, contains four spa- cious apartments, filled with choice specimens in the departments of natural history, painting, statuary, &c. The cosmoramie views in these museums are equal to any in the world for num- ber and variety, and for the truth and perfection of art with which they are prepared. The Chi- nese Museum, at 359 Broadway, contains a very extensive collection of curiosities, illustrative of the arts and the customs of life in China.
Castle Garden, off the Battery, and Vauxhall Garden, at the upper end of the Bowery, are places of pleasant resort for recreation. There are also in the vicinity of the city several places of daily resort in the summer season. The prin- cipal of these is Hoboken, on the opposite bank of the Hudson, between which and New York, in pleasant weather, there are continual currents of persons going and returning by the boats, which seem, as it were, to bring these places nearer to the city than if they were within its limits. The grounds at Hoboken are beautifully laid out, and shaded and supplied with various means of innocent and healthful recreation. Haerlem Village, on the N. end of the island, included within the city limits, was founded, we are told, as long ago as 1658, with a view to the amusement and recreation of the citizens.'' The Haerlem Railroad, 8 miles in length, con- nects this village with the very heart of the city. The cars start from the City Hall several times a day, passing through Centre and Broome Streets, the Bowery, and Fourth Avenue, as far as Twen- ty-Seventh Street, with horses, and thence with steam to Haerlem, and beyond to other places to the N. and E. of it. The ride to Haerlem is pleasant, affording a view of much of the city, the East River, and surrounding country, and passing through a tunnel excavated in the solid rock, 595 feet long. Manhattanville and Bloom- ingdale, on the W. side of the island, and Astoria, on the E. side, are also much frequented. Many of the pleasant places in New Jersey, on Staten Island, and on Long Island are also brought by the numerous ferries, railroads, and steamboats diverging from the city, within a convenient dis- tance for pleasure excursions.
The markets in New York are numerous, and well supplied with every necessary and luxury which the country produces. They are not sit- uated, as in some other cities, in one or two cen- tral localities, this being impracticable from the great extent of the city. The principal markets are the Fulton, Catharine, Washington, Frank- lin, Clinton, Tompkins, and Essex. The value of the country produce brought to market, and consumed annually by the inhabitants, has been estimated at $15,500,000.
The city is lighted to a great extent with gas. The first experiment was made in the Park in 1812. The works of the New York Gas Light Company, organized in 1823, are in Canal Street, from which between 30 and 40 miles of pipe have been laid into all parts of the city. The light produced is strong and beautiful, imparting to Broadway, and to other streets in which the stores are generally lighted in the evening, al- most the splendor of midday.
But the greatest of the public works of New York is the Croton Aqueduct, by which, after much suffering from the want of it, the blessing of an abundant supply of pure water has been secured to the inhabitants. This great under- taking was decided upon by a vote of the citizens at the charter election in 1835, and it was so far completed that the water was brought into the city on the 14th of October, 1842. The aque- duct commences at a point on the Croton River, about 6 miles from the Hudson, in Westchester county, and about 40 miles from the City HalL | |