the top. There are no less than 24 established routes between different points in the city, on which they run, with a great number of vehicles belonging to each route. The total number of licensed omnibuses, February 1, 1851, was 568; yielding a revenue to the city of $10,700. Be- sides these, the Haerlem Railroad cars, which run as omnibuses from the Park through the city, starting every 15 minutes, accommodate an im- mense number of persons. The number of hackney coaches, licensed in 1851, was 341.
The lines of communication between New York and the great interior of the country, both by water and by land, are numerous and exten- sive. Those on the North River are connected, by canals and railroads from Albany and Troy, with Lake Champlain and Canada on the N., and with Western New York, the great lakes, and the Mississippi Yalley on the W. The Erie Railroad opens a communication from Jersey City, opposite the city of New York, to Dun- kirk, on Lake Erie; and will soon be connected, by a continuous chain of railroads, with the west, as far as the Mississippi, and ultimately far beyond. A railroad from the heart of the city, running along the eastern bank of the Hudson to Greenbush, opposite Albany, now establishes a communication, at all seasons, with the railroads going thence N., E., and W. The Haerlem Railroad is extended W., to con- nect with others running through the Connecti- cut and Housatonic valleys, and reaching the metropolis of New England, and the British provinces, on the N. and E. Several lines of steamboats, through Long Island Sound, connect with lines of railroad at the E., and form routes to Boston. With Philadelphia, Baltimore, and the cities S., to New Orleans, similar lines of communication are established, connection by steam being already continuous through this whole extent. Frequent and regular commu- nication is maintained, by the various lines of packet ships and ocean steamers, between the principal ports of Europe, the West Indies, Mexico, and California. Some of these vessels are now almost daily arriving and departing, with a precision and despatch which, a few years ago, would have been thought incredible. The Collins line of steamships to Liverpool have a con- tract with the government for carrying the mails.
The central position of New York, in reference to the other parts of the Union, having New England on the N. E., the Middle and Southern states on the S. W., and much of the vast inte- 1 rior of the Mississippi Yalley brought into free communication with it by canals and railroads, in connection with the navigation of the Hudson, gives to this city preeminent advantages for being a great commercial mart for the whole country. Its first selection by the Dutch, as a place of set- tlement, was influenced, no doubt, by the circum- stances of its lying at the mouth of a navigable river, having a good harbor, and being easy of defence against the Indians. A communication with the interior by navigable streams, until within a few years past, has been thought essential to the existence of a commercial city. It is true, indeed, that since the introduction of canals and railroads, particularly the latter, this consideration has sunk into one of secondary importance; and it must be granted that, in this respect, New York has not now the advantage which she once had over some of her sister cities. By means of railroads and canals, Philadelphia, Baltimore, and Boston will obtain a large amount of the western trade, which, before these new facilities arose, would have found its way to New York. Still the central position of New York, and the extensive growth to which she has attained, must continue to secure to her the name and rank which she already possesses of being the com- mercial emporium of the nation. When we con- sider the prospective advances of this country, the vast resources of its enterprise and wealth which remain to be developed, and the power which New York will have to increase her facil- ities of traffic with our own interior, and with foreign ports, to any requisite extent, we cannot doubt that she is destined to become, perhaps, the most flourishing and extensive mart of com- merce in the world.
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The first settlement made on Manhattan Island, with a view to permanent occupancy, was by the Dutch in 1615. In 1629, being resolved to estab- lish a colony at New Amsterdam, as New York was then called, they appointed Walter Yan Twiller governor, who held the office nine years. In 1635, the governor erected a substantial fort; and in 1643 a house of worship was built in the S. E. corner of the fort. In 1644, a city hall, or stadt house, was erected, which was on the corner of Pearl Street and Coenties Slip. In 1653, a wall of earth and stones was built from Hudson River to East River, designed as a defence against the Indians, immediately N. of Wall Street, which from that circumstance received its name. The first public wharf was built in 1658, where Whitehall Street now is.
The administration of Governor Stuyvesant, the last of the Dutch governors, tenninated, after a continuance of 17 years with the capture of the colony by the English, in 1664, when the city was named New York, in honor of James, Duke of York. The property of the Dutch West India Trading Company was all confiscated. The number of inhabitants was then about 3000.
In 1673, the Dutch retook the city from the English, it having been surrendered by Captain Manning without firing a gun. It was restored to the English the next year ; and Manning was tried for cowardice and treachery, and sentenced to have his sword broken over his head. The inhabitants were all then required to take the oath of allegiance to the English government. As descriptive of the commercial condition of the city at that period, Governor Andros, in his re- port to the government in England, in 1678, says, Our principal places of trade are New York and Kingston, except Albany for the In- dians. Our buildings most wood, some lately stone and brick ; good country houses, and strong of their severall kindes. A merchant worth £1000, or £500, is accompted a good substantiall merchant, and a planter worthe half that in move- ables accompted rich; all estates may be valued att about £150,000; there may lately have traded to ye colony, in a yeare, from 10 to 15 ships or vessells, of about togeather 100 tunns each, Eng- lish, New England, and oure own built, of which five small shipps and a ketch now belonging to New Yorke, foure of them built there.''
In 1686, James II. abolished the representative system, and prohibited the use of printing presses. A meeting of commissioners, denominated a congress of the several colonies, was this year assembled at New York. A regulation for light- | |