from Bennington, Vt., and the latter from Nor- wich, Ct. 57 miles N. W. from Montpelier, and 28 N. N. W. from Burlington.
North Kingston, R. I., Washington co. This is a wealthy township, on the W. side of Narragan- set Bay. The surface of the town is uneven; the soil is a gravelly loam, well adapted for the cul- ture of grain and vegetables, and the productions of the dairy. There are some forests in the town, of good ship timber. It is watered by several small streams, which produce a good wa- ter power, on which are numerous manufacturing establishments. These streams afford bass and other fish in abundance. There is considerable navigation owned at North Kingston, which is employed in the coasting trade and fishery. Wickford village, in this town, is very pleasant and flourishing; it has a good harbor, and is a place of considerable trade. It lies about 2 miles E. of the Stonington Railroad. 30 miles S. from Providence.
North Middleton, Pa., Cumberland co. Wa- tered by Conadogwinit Creek and its branches, and is bounded N. by Blue Mountains, in which occur Sterret's and Long's Gaps. Surface level in some portions; soil calcareous loam and slate.
Northport, Me., Waldo co. On Penobscot Bay. 46 miles E. from Augusta, and 6 S. from Belfast.
North Providence, R. I., Providence co. This ancient and wealthy town was a part of Provi- dence until 1767.
The surface of this town is uneven, consisting of moderate elevations and gentle declivities. The rocks are primitive and transition; some limestone is found.
The prevailing soil is a gravelly loam, which is interspersed with tracts of sandy loam, and some of calcareous. The forests consist of oak, walnut, and some pine.
The waters of the town consist of the Seekonk River, which washes its eastern border; the Wanasquatucket, which forms its western boun- dary ; and the Mashasuck, which intersects the in- terior of the township. These streams afford numerous sites for hydraulic works, some of which are almost unrivalled. There are some valuable shad and herring fisheries in the See- konk.
The village of Pawtucket is situated in the N. E. section of the town, four miles N. E. from Providence, on the border of the Seekonk River; its site being principally the declivity of a hill, and it is highly romantic and picturesque. The river here affords numerous natural sites for manufac- turing establishments, mills, and hydraulic works of almost every description, which are scarcely rivalled, and which are occupied to a great extent. The rapid march of manufacturing and mechan- ical industry, which the short annals of this place disclose, has few examples in our country, and has produced one of the most considerable and flourishing manufacturing villages in the United States. The river here forms the boundary line between Massachusetts and Rhode Island, and the village is built upon both sides of it, being partly in each state. That part of the village which is in Rhode Island is principally built on four streets, and comprises a large number of handsome buildings. 4 miles N. of Providence, and 38 S. W. from Boston by the Boston and Providence Railroad. |
North Salem, N. Y., Westchester co. Watered by Titicus Creek or River, a branch of the Cro- ton, which bounds it on the W. Surface rather hilly ; soil gravelly and clay loam. 24 miles N. from White Plains, and 122 S. from Albany.
North Sewickly, Pa., Beaver co. Slippery Rock and Conquenessing Creeks unite in this town, and flow into Beaver River. Surface undulating; soil calcareous loam. 233 miles W. by N. from Harrisburg.
North Stonington, Ct., New London co. This town was taken from Stonington in 1808. It is watered by the Pawcatuck and its branches, which afford good mill sites. The surface is uneven, hilly, and abounding in granitic rocks. The soil is a gravelly loam, and generally productive of good pasturage. Agriculture is the principal em- ployment of the inhabitants. Milltown is a pretty village, with some trade. 13 miles S. E. from New London, and 50 S. E. from Hartford.
North Strabane, Pa., Washington co. Char- tier's and Little Chartier's Creeks flow through this town, and unite on its N. border. Surface hilly; soil loamy.
Northumberland, N. H., Coos co. On the E. bank of Connecticut River. The soil along the river is very productive, perfectly free from stone and gravel, and originally covered with a growth of butternut. A portion of the upland is also good, and covered with pine, spruce, &c. Cape Horn, an abrupt mountain, 1000 feet in height, lies near the centre of the town. At the falls in the Connecticut, below the mouth of the Amo- noosuck, a handsome bridge connects this town with Guildhall, Yt. A dam is thrown across the river at this place, at both ends of which are pleasant villages, and mills of various kinds are erected. The scenery of Northumberland is very wild and beautiful. Eirst settlers, Thomas Burnside and Daniel Spaulding, with their fam- ilies. Settled in 1762. 130 miles N. from Con-
cord, and 7 N. E. from Lancaster. On the Mon- treal and Atlantic Railroad.
Northumberland, N. Y., Saratoga co. Bounded on the E. by the Hudson River. A level town, with a soil of sandy loam. 15 miles N. E. from Ballston Spa, and 36 N. N. E. from Albany.
Northumberland County, Pa., c. h. at Sunbury. Bounded N. by Lycoming and Columbia coun- ties, E. by Luzerne and Schuylkill, S. by Dau- phin co., and W. by Susquehanna River, sep- arating it from Perry, Juniata, Union, and Ly- coming counties. Drained by the main and some smaller branches of the Susquehanna. Surface rough and mountainous, except on the border of the river, where it is more level, and the soil fertile.
Northumberland, Pa., Northumberland co. 59 miles N. from Harrisburg. It is situated at the confluence of the N. and W. branches of the Susquehanna River. It is connected by bridges across both of these branches with the opposite shores. The country spreads out behind the town in a semicircular area, rising gradually to- wards Montouss ridge, which crosses from one river to the other, about 3 miles distant. The village is regularly laid out with broad streets, and is a quiet and pleasant place of residence. Business has been in some measure withdrawn from this place by the facilities offered for pass- ing up the respective branches between which it is located by the Susquehanna North and West Branch Canals, which meet here. Each branch has its respective trading town at a point farther up. There is, nevertheless, considerable trade |