academy. About a mile eastward of the landing is situated the flourishing village of Greenville, at the eastern extremity of which a dam has been constructed across the Shetucket. The first pa- per manufactured in Connecticut was made in this town, by Colonel Christopher Leffingwell.
Above the cove, which sets up about a mile from the river, the bed of the river consists of a solid rock, having a perpendicular height of 10 or 12 feet, over which the whole body of water falls in an entire sheet upon a bed of rocks below. The river here is compressed into a very narrow channel, the banks consisting of solid rocks, and being bold and elevated. For a dis- tance of 15 or 20 rods, the channel or bed of the river has a gradual descent, is crooked, and cov- ered with pointed rocks. The rock, forming the bed of the river at the bottom of the perpendicu- lar falls, is curiously excavated, some of the cavi- ties being 5 or 6 feet deep, from the constant pouring of the sheet of water for a succession of ages.'' At the bottom of the falls there is the broad basin of the cove, where the enraged and agitated element resumes its usual smoothness and placidity. 15 miles N. from New London, with which, and with Hartford and Worcester, it is connected by railroad.
Norwich, Ms., Hampshire co. A branch of Westfield River, and a number of its tributaries, give this town an excellent water power. Many parts of the town are fit for cultivation, the soil being strong and fertile; but the larger part of it, rough and hilly, is fit only for grazing. The Western Railroad just touches the south-western corner of the town, at Chester village depot, 119 miles W. from Boston. To Northampton it is 12 miles. From Chester village to a pleasant village, in the centre of the town, is 4 miles.
Norwich, N. Y., Chenango co. Shire town. Situated on the Chenango River. The surface is hilly, with a broad, fertile valley bordering the river. The hilly parts are well adapted to graz- ing. 110 miles W. from Albany.
,Norwich, Vt., Windsor co. The Connecticut River washes the eastern boundary of this town- ship, and is from 30 to 40 rods in width. The Ompomponoosuc River and Bloody Brook pass through Norwich. The latter is said to have had its name from a bloody battle fought there during the French war. The surface is uneven, but nearly all admits of cultivation. It produces all kinds of grain and grass, and some of the finest orchards in the state. Extensive beds of iron ore are found in the N. W. corner of the town. On the bank of Connecticut River, about 70 rods above the mouth of the Ompomponoosuc, is an Indian burving-ground. Between the Conecti- cut and the Ompomponoosuc is a high bluff, where explosions were formerly heard, like the report of cannon. Norwich village is pleasantly situated on a plain, near Connecticut River. In 1762, the township was partly lotted, and the next year Jacob Fenton, Ebenezer Smith, and John Slafter came here from Mansfield, Ct., built a camp, and began improvements. 40 miles S. E. from Montpelier, and 19 N. from Windsor. The Passumpsie Railroad passes through the town. |
Nottingham, N. H., Rockingham co. There are several ponds in this town, mostly of small size. Little River and several other streams rise here, and North River passes through the town. The soil is in many parts good, though the surface is rough and broken. Several mountains extend along the western part of the town, forming parts of the range called Blue Hills. Nottingham Square is a pleasant village on an elevated site. Bog iron ore is found here in great quantities. Mountain ore, crystals and crystalline spars, and ochres are also found. First settlers, Captain Jo- seph Cilley and others, in 1727. From Concord, 25 miles E. S. E., and 20 W. from Portsmouth.
Nottingham, N. J., Mercer co. Drained by As- suripink and Crosswick's Creeks and branches. Surface mostly level; soil much diversified. Lo- cated 17 miles N. E. from Mount Holly.
Nottingham, Pa., Washington co. Drained by Peter's, Mingo, and Little Mingo Creeks. Sur- face hilly, abounding with coal; soil loamy. 13 miles E. from Washington.
Nottowag County, Va., c. h. at Nottoway. Bounded N. by Amelia co., E. by Dinwiddie, S. by the Nottoway River, separating it from Lunen- burg co., and W. by Prince Edward co. Drained by branches of the Appomattox and Nottoway Rivers.
Nottoway, Va., c. h. Nottoway co. On Notto- way River. 67 miles S. W. from Richmond.
Novarro County, Ts., c. h. at Corsicana, an E. central county, on the W. bank of the Trinity.
Noxubee County, Mi., c.h. at Macon. Drained by the W. fork of Tombigbee River and its tributaries.
Nueces County, Ts., c. h. at Corpus Christi. On the S. bank of the Nueces, at its mouth.
Nunda, N. Y., Alleghany co. Canseraga and Cashaqua Creeks water this town. Surface undu- lating ; soil fertile and well adapted to wheat. 20 miles N. from Angelica, and 225 W. from Albany.
Oakdale, Mo., c. h. Shelby co.
Oakham, Ms., Worcester co. This was once a part of Rutland, and called Rutland West Wing.'' The surface is uneven, rough, and stony, but not mountainous; its soil is moist, and affords uncommonly sweet pasturage for cattle. Ware River passes its north-western border, and it is otherwise watered by a number of rivulets, streams, and ponds. 15 miles N. W. from Worces- ter, and 59 W. from Boston.
Oakland County, Mn., c. h. at Pontiac. Bound ■ ed N. by Genesee and Lapeer counties, E. by Ma comb, S. by Wayne and Washtenaw, and W. by Livingston co. Drained by Clinton River and its tributaries, and by the head branches of Huron, Flint, Rouge,' and Shiawassee Rivers. Surface undulating; soil fertile.
Oberlin, O., Lorain co. A village situated in the southern part of Russia township, 32 miles S W. from Cleveland, and 11 miles S. from the port on Lake Erks, called Black River Port.'' This place was laid out and settled, in 1832, to be the seat of the literary institution located there, and named Oberlin, in honor of the Rev. John Fred- eric Oberlin, a distinguished philanthropist of Switzerland. The village is located upon a level plain, in the midst of a tract 3 miles square, em- braced in the original purchase, and to a great ex- tent yet covered with the primitive forest. The site was selected because it was supposed to be healthy, could be easily approached by the west- ern lakes and other avenues of travel, and yet was sufficiently remote from the vicinity of large towns to secure an exemption from the tempta- tions to dissipation and vice which they offer. Another consideration was, that extensive and fertile lands could be obtained for the purposes of |