Some Germans, from Pennsylvania, settled here about the years 1802 and 1803. Muskingum and Hockhocking Eivers are in this county. Stone coal is found in some parts.
Perry County, Pa., c. h. at Bloomfield. Bound- ed N. W. and N. by Juniata co., E. by the Sus- quehanna Eiver, separating it from Dauphin co., S. by Cumberland and Franklin counties, and W. by Huntingdon co. Drained by Juniata Eiv- er and Sherman's Creek. On Sherman's Creek, 11 miles N. from Carlisle, is a warm spring, bene- ficial in cutaneous and other disorders, which dis- charges 90 gallons of water in a minute. Sur- face rough and mountainous soil very fertile.
Perry, Pa., Armstrong co. The Alleghany Eiver, and its tributary, Clarion Eiver, water this town, which contains iron ore.
Perry, Pa., Jefferson co. Watered by Maho- ning and Little Sandy Lick Creeks. Surface un- dulating ; soil gravel and loam.
Perry County, Te., c. h. at Perrysville. Bounded N. by Benton and Humphreys counties, E. by Hickman, S. by Wayne and Hardin, and W. by Henderson co. Drained by Tennessee Eiver and several small branches, and by Buffalo, a tribu tary of Duck Eiver.
Perry's Mills, Ga., c. h. Tatnal co. 144 miles S. E. from Milledgeville.
Perrysburg, N. Y., Cattaraugus co. Drained by several small streams flowing into Cattarau- gus Creek, which bounds it on the N. Surface broken: soil well adapted to grass and grain. 20 miles N. W. from Ellicottville, and 306 W. from Albany.
Perrysburg, O., c. h. Wood co., was laid out in 1817. On the Maumee Eiver. at the head of steamboat navigation, on an inclined plane, 60 feet above the S. E. bank of Maumee Eiver, from which is one of the most delightful pros- pects in the United States. 184 miles N. from Cincinnati, and 64 S. from Detroit. The Wa- bash and Erie Canal passes on the opposite side of the river.
Perryrille, As., c. h. Perry co. On the N. side of La Feve, a branch of Arkansas Eiver. 55 miles W. N. W. from Little Eock.
Persia, N. Y., Cattaraugus co. Watered by some branches of Cattaraugus Creek, which bounds it on the N. Surface undulating: soil good clay and gravelly loam. 16 miles N. W. from Ellicottville, and 300 W. from-Albany.
Person County, N. C., c. h. at Eoxboro'. It is bounded N. by Virginia, E. by Granville, S. by Orange, and W. by Caswell co. Some branches of Dan Eiver, and the head branches of Neuse Eiver, water this county.
Perth Amboy, N. J., Middlesex co. City and port of entry. Situated at the head of Earitan Bay, at the junction of the Earitan Eiver with Arthurkill, or Staten Island Sound. It has a fine spacious harbor, containing 12 feet of water at the mouths of the rivers, and from 24 to 26 in the main channel. The town was laid out in 1698, and incorporated as a city in 1784. 25 miles from New York by water, and 65 from Philadelphia by the New York and Philadelphia Kailroad.
Perth, N. Y., Fulton co. Drained by Chucte- nunda Creek. Has a rolling surface; soil clay loam. 10 miles E. from Johnstown, and 40 N. W. from Albany.
Peru, Is., La Salle co. Situated on the right bank of the Hlinois Eiver, at the foot of the
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rapids, 212 miles above its mouth, and about 250 miles above St. Louis. This, in ordinary stages of the water, was formerly considered as the head of steamboat navigation; but by an improvement of the channel, the boats now pass about a mile farther up, to the village of La Salle, where the canal from Lake Michigan unites with the river. There is a considerable village here, the principal street of which is low, running along the river bank, while other portions of it are spread over the elevated grounds immediately behind. The locality is favorable to business.
Peru, la., c. h. Miami co. On the N. bank of * Wabash, and is crossed by the Wabash and Erie Canal. 90 miles N. from Indianapolis.
Peru, Me., Oxford co. Peru is bounded on the N. by Androscoggin Eiver, and contains some pleasant ponds and mill streams. It has a good soil. Incorporated 1821. Peru lies 38 miles W. by N. from Augusta, and 17 N. by E. from Paris.
Peru, Ms., Berkshire co. This township in- cluded the greater part of Hinsdale until 1804. The whole was purchased at auction, at Boston, June 2, 1762, for 1460 pounds. It went into the hands of Oliver Partridge and Elisha Jones, and, in honor of the former gentleman, was called Partridgefield, from its incorporation, in 1771, until 1806, when it received its present name. The settlement commenced about 1764. This town, occupying the height of land on the Green Mountain range, has a cold, severe climate. The surface is uneven, and the soil hard and stony, and best adapted to grazing. There is an excel- lent limestone quarry here. 12 miles E. from Pittsfield, and 143 from Boston.
Peru, N. Y., Clinton co. On the border of Lake Champlain, and watered by Great and Little Au Sable Eivers. Surface mostly level on the E., and hilly on the W.; soil sandy and clay loam. 10 miles S. W. from Plattsburg, and 153 N. from Albany.
Peru, Vt., Bennington co. This is a Green Mountain township, high and broken. It con- tains 2 large fish ponds, from which issue beau- tiful mountain streams. The settlement was commenced about the year 1773, by William Barton, from Woodstock, Ct. 30 miles N. N.
E. from Bennington, and 30 S. W. from Wind- sor.
Peterboro', N. H., Hillsboro' co. Peterboro' lies in a N. E. direction from the Grand Monad- nock, and is bounded on the E. by a chain of hills, called Pack Monadnock. Contoocook Eiver passes through the centre of the town. The N. branch affords a never-failing supply of water, and furnishes those noble falls, on which are situ- ated several factories. There are extensive and valuable meadows on this branch, above these falls; and the soil, generally, is excellent. In the centre of the town is a high hill, 200 feet above the river. The chain of hills on the E. is dis- tinguished by two principal summits. Between these is a depression of a quarter part of the mountain's height. About 60 rods W. of the ridge of this depression, on a terrace of the moun- tain, is a pond of about 9 acres' extent, very deep, and replenished with fish. There is another pond near the foot of the southern summit, of 33 acres, from which, during the dry season, there is no visible outlet. Excellent iron ore has been dis- covered. First settlers, William Eolfe, Alex- ander Scott, Hugh Gregg, William Scott, and |