Hayward’s United States Gazetteer (1853) page 551

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Rockingham County, Ya., c. h. at Harrisburg.
Bounded N. by Hardy co., N. E. by Shenandoah
and Page, S. E. by Greene and Albemarle, S.
W. by Augusta, and N. W. by Pendleton co.
Drained by Shenandoah Biver and tributaries.
Surface hilly, the Blue Ridge lying on the S. E.,
and Branch Mountains on its N. W. border; soil
very fertile on the streams.

Rock Island County, Is., c. h. at Rock Island.
Bounded E. by Whitesides and Henry counties,
S. by Mercer co., and W. and
N. by the Mississippi
River, separating it from Iowa. The Mississippi
and Rock Rivers enclose the N. part of this coun-
ty, forming a large island. Surface diversified;
soil fertile, particularly on the Mississippi, where
it consists of rich alluvion.

Rock Island, Is., c. h. Rock Island co.

Rockland, Me., Lincoln co. 38 miles S. E. from
Augusta. Formerly known as East Thomaston,
and taken from Thomaston in 1848. Situated
on the W. coast of Penobscot Bay, and includes
the peninsula of Owl's Head. It has a fine har-
bor, and is famous for the manufacture of lime,
obtained from the inexhaustible limestone ledges
in the vicinity. There are annually made at this
place, and sent to market, mostly in vessels
owned here, near half a million casks of lime of
superior quality, the reputation of which is well
known on all the maritime coast of the United

Owl's Head presents many romantic sea views,
and is a favorite place of resort during the sum-
mer season. It has steamboat communication
with Boston and Bangor, from which latter place
it is distant 55 miles S. Sometimes as many as
500 vessels pass it in a day.

Rockland County, N. Y., c. h. at Clarkstown.
Taken from Orange co. in 1798. It is of a tri-
angular form, being bounded on the W. and N.
by Orange co., E. by the Hudson River, and S.
by the state of New Jersey. Surface hilly and
mountainous ; soil chiefly fertile. Superior vari-
egated marble, magnetic oxide of iron, and sev-
eral other mineral productions are found in large
quantities. The New York and Erie Railroad
winds through this county.

Rockland, N. Y., Sullivan co. The Big Beaver
Kill and its tributaries water this town ; the sur-
face of which is hilly and mountainous, and the
soil gravelly loam, fertile in the valleys. 18
miles N. from Monticello, and 114 S. W. from

Rockland Lake, N. Y., Rockland co. The lake
is 5 miles in circumference, abounds in fish, and
furnishes the finest ice for New York market.

Rockport, la., c. h. Spencer co. On a high
bluff on the N. W. bank of Ohio River. 162
miles S. S. W. from Indianapolis.

Rockport, Ms., Essex co. This was a part of
the town of Gloucester until its incorporation in
1840, when it received the appropriate name of
Rockport. It comprises all the seaward portion
of the extremity of Cape Ann, with its islands,
and that part of Gloucester long known as Sandy
Bay. There are two pleasant villages in the
town, Sandy Bay and Pigeon Cove, about a mile
apart; at the latter village are inexhaustible
quarries of excellent granite. Artificial harbors
have been constructed at both villages. Although
the town derives its name from the character of
its shores and surface, it contains many large
tracts of clear land. This town is a resort for
many strangers during the summer months, who
here enjoy refreshing sea breezes and
the sublim-
ity of ocean views. 4 miles N. E. from Glouces-
ter Harbor, and 32 N. E. from Boston.

Rockton, N. Y. Herkimer co. See Appendix.

Rocky Mount, Va., c. h. Franklin co.

Rockville, la., c. h. Parke co.

Rockville, Md., c. h. Montgomery co. At the
head of Watts Branch of Potomac River. 56
miles W. from Annapolis.

Rodman, N. Y., Jefferson co. Watered by
Sandy Creek. Surface undulating; soil fertile
sandy and clay loam. 11 miles S. from Water-
town, and 154 N. W. from Albany.

Rogersville, Te., c. h. Hawkins co.

Rollin, Mn., Lenawee co. Watered by Tifflin's
and Bean Creeks. Soil very favorable to the
growth of grain. 71 miles S. W. from Detroit.

Rollinsford, N. H., Strafford co. New; taken
from Somesworth.

Rome, Ga., c. h. Floyd co. At the junction of
Etowah and Oostanaula Rivers. 161 miles N. W.
from Milledgeville.

Rome, Mn., Lenawee co. This town is watered
by the head branches of Beaver Creek. Soil fer-
tile, yielding fine crops of grain. 70 miles S.
from Detroit.

Rome, N. Y., Oneida co. Half shire town. It
is watered by the Mohawk River and
Creek, which are connected in this town by a por-
tage of a mile in length. Surface level, or slightly
uneven ; soil fertile, particularly in the Mohawk
valley. 107 miles N.
W. from Albany.

Rome, Me., Franklin co. A good township. 19
miles N. N. W. from Augusta.

Romney, Va., c. h. Hampshire co. On the E.
side of the S. branch of Potomac River. 138 miles
N. N. W. from Richmond.

Romulus, N. Y., Seneca co., is bounded on the
E. by Cayuga, and W. by Seneca Lakes. Surfafce
high in the centre ; soil fertile, and well adapted
to wheat. 12 miles S. from Waterloo, and 176
W. from Albany.

Rondout, N. Y., Ulster co. On the N. side of
Rondout Creek, 1 mile from its entrance into
Hudson River, and 59 miles
S. from Albany. It
is a depot of Lackawana coal for the Delaware
and Hudson Canal Company.

Root, N. Y., Montgomery co. 8 miles S. of the
village of Fonda, and 48 W. of Albany. The
township is drained by 2 or 3 small streams flow-
ing into the Mohawk River, which forms its N.
boundary. The soil is a fertile loam, resting on
slate and limestone formation.

Mitchell's Cavern is a remarkable cave in the
rocky cliff's near the river, first explored in 1821.
14 apartments, it is said, have been visited, some as
deep as 500 feet beneath the surface; the ceilings,
walls, and floors of which are ornamented with
stalactites, stalagmites, and various incrustations.

On the Plattekill, a small stream which runsN.
into the Mohawk, there is a waterfall with a per-
pendicular descent of 50 feet. About a mile above
this fall a vein of lead ore, found at the bottom
of the creek, has been wrought to some extent by
a company incorporated for the purpose.

Roscoe, (J., Coshocton co. Situated on the Ohio
Canal, at the junction of the Walhonding and
Tuscarawas Rivers, which unite to form the Mus-
kingum, opposite to Coshocton, the county seat,
with which it is united by a bridge crossing both
rivers just above their junction. It is 83 miles N.
E. from Columbus, and 30 N. from Zanesville.
The Walhonding Canal, which extends to Roch-

A Gazetteer of the United States of America by John Hayward.

Hartford, CT: Case, Tiffany and Company. 1853. Public domain imacre

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