The natural alliance which subsists between Boston and Roxbury, their close connection by wide and beautiful avenues, the crowded state of one city, and the romantic beauties of the other, can leave no doubt on the mind of an observer of the rapid increase of Boston, that ltoxbury, with its crystal springs and admirable sites for building, will soon become the location of no inconsiderable portion of the wealth and fashion of the metropolis.
There are in Roxbury, yet to be observed, some memorials of the revolutionary scenes, especially on one of the crowning eminences of the highlands, surrounded by some of the most beautiful cottages and ornamental gardens in that section of the city, where are to be seen, in a very perfect state of preservation, the breastwork and intrenchments of a large military fortress constructed at that period.
A little distance back from the city, on the Dedham Turnpike, is situated the beautiful rural cemetery called the Forest Hills Cemetery. The enclosure includes an area of about 70 acres, a large portion of which is covered with trees, shrubs, herbaceous plants, and flowers, embracing almost every variety indigenous to New Eng- land. The grounds are diversified in a very picturesque manner, by hills, valleys, glades, pre- cipitous cliffs, masses of moss-grown rocks, dells, and lakes. When the gradings are entirely com- pleted, there will be nearly 5 miles of avenues for carriages and 3 of footpaths. An Egyptian gateway ornaments the entrance, which is copied from the ancient portico at Garsery, above the first cataract of the Nile. A range of four emi- nences in the south-western portion of this beau- tiful ground has been designated as the Eliot Hills,'' to commemorate the name and pious labors of the Rev. John Eliot, the venerated K apostle of the Indians,'' who was pastor of the first church in Roxbury, from 1632, for a period of nearly 60 years. Mr. Eliot was remarkable for his indefatigable labors and charities. He imbibed the true spirit of the gospel, and his heart w'as touched with the wretched condition of the Indians. He learned their language, preached to them in it, and translated the entire Scriptures into it. This would seem the business of a life, when we consider, for example, that the sense of the expression Kneeling down to him,'' is conveyed in the Indian language by the com- pound word Wutappessttukqussunnoowehtunkquoh.
A large eminence in the Forest Hills Ceme- tery bears the name of the most honored of the native-born sons of Roxbury — General War- ren, who fell on Bunker Hill, bravely contend- ing for the liberties of his country, on the 17th of June, 1776. He was the first officer of rank who fell in this eventful conflict.
The business and wealth of Roxbury are inti- mately connected with the port of Boston; in- deed, its entire interests, in this point of view, are hardly capable of being considered as separate from those of the metropolis. It has, however, considerable trade of its own, and its manufactures are various and extensive. These consist of car- peting ; of worsted and silk fringe and tassels; of leather; of iron castings ; steam engines and boilers ; fire engines ; cordage ; paints ; sheet lead ; white lead and chemical preparations; shoes; hats; cabinet ware; and a great variety of other articles.
When viewed from the dome of the State 70 |
House in Boston, this beautiful city, together with the cities of Charlestown and Cambridge, — involved and blended as they are with Boston, from which they are in no part more than 5 miles distant, and from which no other lines of separa- tion can be distinguished than such as are made by the Charles River and the several bridges and avenues running from one city to another,— seem all to be one great city; as in fact, from their relations of intercourse and commerce, as well as their proximity, they virtually are, as truly as the city and liberties of Philadelphia.
Roxbury, N. H., Cheshire co. The N. branch of Ashuelot River forms the boundary between this town and Keene. Roaring Brook waters the S. part, and empties into the Ashuelot at the S. W. corner. On the E. side is Roaring Brook Pond, at the outlet of which are mills. Roxbury presents a rough and uneven surface, rising into considerable swells, affording excellent grazing land. This town was formed of a part of Nelson, Marlboro', and Keene, and is the native place of Joseph Ames, Esq., a celebrated artist and por- trait painter to the pope of Rome. 5 miles E. from Keene, and 50 S. W. from Concord.
Roxbury, N. J., Morris co. Bounded E. by Black River, and contains Budd's Pond, a sheet of water 2 miles long and 1 broad, the waters of which flow into the S. branch of Raritan River. The surface is mostly covered by Schooley's Mountain, and the soil is a mixture of clay and cal- careous loam. 14 miles N. W. from Morristown.
Roxbury, N. Y., Delaware co. Watered by the Papacton branch of the Delaware River. Surface hilly and mountainous; soil good sandy loam, very fertile in the valleys. 20 miles E. from Delhi, and 63 S. W. from Albany.
Roxbury, Pa., Philadelphia co. On the Schuyl- kill River. Surface rough and hilly, the N. W, portions containing soapstone; soil clay and loam.
Roxbury, Yt., Washington co. Roxbury is situated on the height of land between Winooski and White Rivers, and has consequently no large streams. The surface is uneven, but the soil is well adapted to the production of grass, and in general yields good crops of grain. The timber is mostly hard wood. Iron ore is found in the south-eastern part. There is a small vil- lage in the N. E. corner, on a principal branch of Dog River. The settlement was commenced in 1789, by Christopher Huntington. 15 miles S. W. from Montpelier.
Royalston, Ms., Worcester co. This town was first settled in 1754, and named for Colonel Isaac Royal, one of its proprietors. The land in this town consists generally of hills and valleys, and the soil is excellent, being suitable for tillage or grazing. It is watered by Miller's River and its tributary streams, upon which is much good meadow. Several small streams, one of which has upon it a perpendicular fall of 20 feet, and descends 100 feet in 40 rods, unite and form Tully River, which pours into Miller's River a great quantity of water. These various streams afford a number of good mill sites. There is a handsome village near the centre of the town, and 2 ponds well stocked with fish. Although these ponds are within half a mile of each other, yet they vary in height 150 feet. 35 miles N. W. from Worcester, and 65 W. N. W. from Boston. The Boston and Vermont Railroad passes through Athol, 7 miles S. from the centre of this town. |