Sandusky County, O., c. h. at Lower Sandusky. Lake Erie and St. Lucas co. are on the N., Huron on the E., Seneca on the S., and Wood co. on the W. In January, 1820, it was organized. The land is low and level, and is watered by Sandusky Bay and River, also by Portage River, Green, Mud, and Muskalunge Creeks.
Sandwich, Ms., Barnstable co. This town was granted to Edmund Freeman and others in 1637. Its Indian name was Shawme. Sand- wich is situated on the shoulder of Cape Cod, and although much of the soil is thin and sandy, yet there is not a little of an excellent quality. It is watered by a number of streams, which afford a good water power, and by numerous ponds, some of which are large, affording a variety of ex- cellent fish. The forests afford an abundance of deer. Sandwich has a good harbor within the cape, and navigable accommodations in Buzzard's Bay. There are a number of flourishing villages in the town. There are in this town several branches of manufacture, but the most important is that of the New England Glass Company, who manufacture annually about $300,000 in value, of glass, equal in quality, if not superior, to any manufactured in this country. 63 miles S. E. fro tn Boston by the Cape Cod Branch Railroad, and 12 N. W. from Barnstable.
Sandwich, N. H., Carroll co. This town was originally granted by Governor Benning Went- worth, in 1763. Sandwich Mountains are a lofty range, extending N. E., and terminating in Cho- coma Peak, in Albany. Squam Mountain is of considerable height. There are other mountains. The Bearcamp River passes E. into Tamworth; the W. branch passes through Bearcamp Pond. There is another pond, not far distant from this, from which issues Red Hill River, passing S. into Winnipiseogee Lake. A small stream passes W. into the Pemigewasset River. About one fourth of Squam Lake lies in the S. W. corner of Sand- wich. This is a flourishing town, and its produc- tions are numerous and valuable. 52 miles N. from Concord, and about 22 N. W. from Ossipee.
Sandy Creek, Pa., Mercer co. A township sit- uated between French Creek and Salem town- ships. 10 miles N. from Mercer.
Sandy Creek, N. Y., Oswego co. Watered by Little Sandy Creek and other streams, flowing into Lake Ontario, which bounds it on the W. Surface undulating: soil sandy loam. 7 miles N. from Pulaski, and 159 N. W. from Albany.
Sandy Hill, N. Y., c. h. Washington co. 53 miles N. from Albany. On the E. bank of Hudson River. The river has a fall of 12 feet in the up- per part of the village, and at Baker's Falls, 100 rods below, a perpendicular descent of 50 feet. The place is connected with the Champlain Canal by a navigable feeder. There are consid- erable manufactories here, and much more power to be improved.
Sandy Lake, Pa., Mercer co. This township is on the E. border of the county. S. from French Creek township.
San Felipe, Ts., c. h. Austin co.
Sandford, Me., York co. Sandford is watered by Mousum River. It has a good water power, and an establishment for the manufacture and printing of cotton goods. 35 miles W. S. W. from Portland, and is bounded S. W. by Alfred.
San Francisco County, Ca., c. h. at San Fran- cisco, includes the peninsula between San Fran- cisco Bay and the Pacific.
San Francisco, Ca., c. h. San Francisco co. The entrance to the Bay of San Francisco, known as the Golden Gate, is about 3 miles wide, and is formed by a gap or opening, extending 5 or 6 miles through the range of mountains that runs along the coast of California. Table Hill, not far from the northern shore of this strait, is 2500 feet high. Opposite the entrance, just as it opens into the bay, are the Islands of Alcatraz and Yerba Buena. 30 miles in the distance, nearly due W., rises the peak of Monte Diablo, the highest point of the second or interior coast range, and overlooking every thing between the ocean and the Sierra Nevada. It is between these two coast ranges that the Bay of San Francisco spreads out, extending in a direction E. of S., up- wards of 50 miles, with a breadth varying from 6 or 7 miles, where it turns S., to near 20 in the middle, and diminishing to 2 or 3 at the southern extremity, into which flows the Guadaloupe Riv- er, on which, and on the shores of the bay, is some excellent land. At the N., the Bay of San Fran- cisco communicates by a strait not unlike that of the Golden Gate, with San Pablo Bay, a basin of near 15 miles diameter, into which are dis- charged, through a deep navigable channel com- ing from the W. and extending in its course into Susan Bay, the united waters of the Sacramento and San Joaquin, the two principal rivers of Cal- ifornia.
The peninsula between San Francisco Bay and the ocean consists chiefly of barren sand hills. The city of San Francisco lies just within the northern point of the entrance into the bay, upon a deep curve of the shore, and on the sides of three hills of sand, which rise steeply from the water, the middle one receding so as to form a bold amphitheatre.
The Bay of San Francisco was entered by Sir Francis Drake during his famous expedition to the Pacific, in 1578, before any settlements, ex- cept those at St. Augustine, had been formed on the Atlantic coast of the United States. It was known to the Spaniards 30 years earlier, but was neglected till their occupation of Upper Califor- nia, which commenced in 1769, not long after which San Francisco was taken possession of, and was subsequently held by a small garrison, maintained in a little fort just at the entrance into the bay, a hamlet of a few houses growing up on the site of the present city. At the time of the transfer of California to the United States, in 1848, and even as late as April, 1849, San Francisco did not contain more than 30 or 40 houses. But the discovery of gold gave it a sud- den impulse, and by the 1st of September, 1849, there were 500 houses, tents, and sheds, with a population, fixed and floating, of 5000 or 6000. Streets had been regularly laid out, and already there were 3 piers at which small vessels could discharge. New buildings, though of the most flimsy description, the oldest and most substan- tial of adobes or dried mud, the rest of boards and canvas, were held, as well as the city lots, at the most extravagant prices. The Parker House, an ordinary frame building, of 60 feet front, used as a hotel, rented for $110,000 yearly, and other buildings in like proportion or at rates still more extravagant. These enormous rents led to a rapid and immense increase of buildings, and, notwithstanding the very high prices of building materials and labor, by the beginning of 1850, San Francisco had become a real city, | |