Hayward’s United States Gazetteer (1853) page 584

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Spring Garden, Va., Pittsylvania co. A vil-
lage. By post road 130 miles S. W. by W. from

Spring Place, Ga., c. h. Murray co.

Springport, N. Y., Cayuga co. Watered by
small streams flowing into Cayuga Lake, which
bounds it on the W. Surface rolling ; soil fer-
tile calcareous loam. 9 miles S. W. from Au-
burn, and 165 W. from Albany.

Springville, N. Y., Erie co. On Spring Creek.
287 miles W. from Albany. There is a valuable
water power here, which is improved for flouring
mills and manufactories of various kinds.

Springwater, N. Y., Livingston co. Watered
by the inlet of Hemlock Lake. Surface hilly
and broken; soil clay loam, yielding large crops
of grass. 16 miles S. E. from Geneseo, and 223
W. from Albany.

Stafford, Ct., Tolland co. The surface of the
town is rough: in some parts mountainous,
abounding with rocks of primitive formation. Its
soil is a coarse, hard, and dry gravelly loam,
generally not very productive. There are several
minerals in the town, but iron ore is the principal.

The town is watered by Eurnace River and
the Willimantic, which unite in Stafford, and af-
ford a good water power.

Stafford Mineral Springs have acquired con-
siderable notice, and are celebrated for their vir-
tues in curing cutaneous diseases. The cele-
brated Dr. Joseph Warren, who fell at the battle
of Bunker Hill, was the first person who ana-
lyzed these waters, and highly approved their

By the New London and Willimantic Railroad
16 miles from the Palmer depot on the Massa-
chusetts Western Railroad, 50 N. from New
London, 52 by railroad from Hartford, and 24
by stage. See
Fashionable Resorts.

Stafford, N. J., Monmouth co. This township
has some good farms, though the soil is generally
sandy. Mannahankin is the principal settlement.

Stafford, N. Y., Genesee co. Allen's and
Black Creeks water this town, the surface of
which is chiefly level, and the soil clay and grav-
elly loam, based upon limestone. 5 miles E.
from Batavia, and 238 W. from Albany.

Stafford County, Va., c. h. at Stafford. Bound-
ed by Prince William N., Fauquier co. N. W..
Rappahannock River S. W. and W., and King
George co. S. E. It is situated between the Po-
tomac and Rappahannock Rivers, and has a sandy
soil and hilly surface. The principal towns are
Stafford, Falmouth, and North Marlboro'.

Stafford, Va., c. h. Stafford co. On the N.
bank of Rappahannock River, opposite Freder-
icksburg, and 73 miles N. from Richmond.

Stamford, Ct., Fairfield co. Its Indian name
Rippowams. It was purchased of the natives
for “ twelve coats, twelve hoes, twelve hatchets,
twelve knives, two kettles, and four fathom of
white wampum.'' The soil of Stamford is a rich
gravelly loam, well cultivated, and very productive.
The surface is undulating, presenting a great va-
riety of' delightful prospects. The town is well
supplied with mill sites by Mill and Miannas
Rivers, and within its bay, between Shippan and
Greenwich Points, are good harbors for vessels
ef 8j feet draught of water.

Stamford Borough is a neat village, beautifully
situated near the Sound, and surrounded by a
country full of interesting scenery. 40 miles by
railroad from New Haven, 36 from New York.

Stamford, Ky., c. h. Lincoln co. Near Dick's
River. 10 miles S. E. from Danville.

Stamford, N. Y., Delaware co. The head
branches of the Delaware River water this town.
Surface rather hilly and broken; soil well suited
to grazing. 16 miles E. from Delhi, and 58 S.
W. from Albany.

Stamford, Vt., Bennington co. A mountain
township, on the line of Massachusetts. Branches
of the Hoosic and Walloomsackrise here. There
are several fine fish ponds among the mountains,
and some good land, but the land is generally too
elevated for culture. The township was char-
tered in 1753. 9 miles S. E. from Bennington,
and 21 W. by S. from Brattleboro'.

Standish, Me., Cumberland co. Bounded on
the N. and N. E. by Sebago Lake, and S. W. by
Saco River. It lies 16 miles N. W. from Port-
land. This is a good farming town, with two
pleasant villages. It has Buxton on the S., and
Gorham on the N. E.

Stanford, N. Y., Dutchess co. Watered by
Wappinger's Creek. A hilly and mountainous
town. Soil chiefly sandy loam, suitable for graz-
ing. 16 miles N. E. from Poughkeepsie, and 72
S. from Albany.

Stanhope, N. J., Sussex co. 60 miles N. from
Trenton, on the Morris Canal, on Museonetcong
River, which affords a good hydraulic power, by
a fall of 30 feet, produced at this place by turning
it from its natural bed. The canal, by an inclined
plane, here overcomes an ascent of 76 feet.

Stanly County, N. C., c. h. at Albemarle. South
central part. Washed on the W. by the Yadkin,
and on the S. by Rocky River, branches of which
flow through it from N. to S.

Stapleton, N. Y., Richmond co. On the E.
side of Staten Island, 2 miles N. of the Nar-
rows, at the entrance of New York Harbor.
The Seamen's Retreat, a hospital for sick and
disabled seamen, is located here. It was opened
in 1831. The building is 208 feet long, and 3
stories high, with wings 32 feet deep, and 2 stories
high. The grounds attached to it include 37

Stark County, la. In the N. W. angle. The
Kankakee flows through it from N. to S. W.

Steuben County, la., c. h. at Angola. In the N.
E. corner of the state.

Stark County, Is., c. h. at Towton. N. cen-
tral part. Spoon River, a western tributary of
the Illinois, flows through it.

Stark, N. H., Coos co. This town was former-
ly named Piercy. It was altered to compliment
the memory of General Stark. In the N. E.
part of the town the N. and S. branches of the
Amonoosuck form a junction. Nash's Stream
falls into this river, in the N. part of the town.
Piercy's Pond lies on the E. side of the town.
The soil is extremely broken. Mill Mountain
is in Stark, and a part of Pilot Mountain. There
is also a singular ledge opposite Mill Mountain,
called the Devil's Sliding-Place. On the S. it
breaks abruptly into a precipice of nearly 300
feet, while on the N. cattle may be driven to the
top. The scenery of this town is well -worth
visiting. First settlers, Caleb and Benjamin
Smith, in 1788. 10 miles N. E. from Lancaster,
and 135 N. from Concord.

Stark, N. Y., Herkimer co. Watered by
Otsquaga Creek. Surface hilly; soil fertile cal-
careous loam. 12 miles S. E. from Herkimer,
and 69 N. W. from Albany.

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