Hayward’s United States Gazetteer (1853) page 592

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give it mill privileges. Sweden lies 9 miles N.
E. from Fryeburg, 19 S. W. from Paris, and 62
W. S. W. from Augusta. Incorporated 1813.

Sweden, N. Y., Monroe co. Drained by Salmon
Creek. Surface undulating ; soil moist argilla-
ceous loam, yielding large crops of grass, grain,
and fruit. 15 miles W. from Rochester, and 241
N. of W. from Albany.

Switzerland County, la., c. h. at Vevay. This
county has a productive soil and hilly surface. It
is bounded by Dearborn N., Ripley N.
W., Jef-
ferson W., and by the Ohio River E., S. E., and S.

Sycamore, Is., c. h. De Kalb co.

Sylnania, Ga., c. h. Scriven co.

Syracuse, N. Y., shire town of Onondaga co.,
is situated on the Erie Canal, at the point of its
connection with the Oswego Canal, about one
mile and a half S. of Onondaga Lake. A railroad
from Oswego also here connects with the great
chain of railroads between Buffalo and the Hud-
son River, thus giving to Syracuse the twofold
advantage of railroads and canals on these most
important thoroughfares of intercourse and trade.
This flourishing city is one of the sudden and
magnificent creations in our country of those arti-
ficial channels and facilities of business which
have been so greatly multiplied and extended
within the last 30 years. It was incorporated as
a village in 1830, when the population was 2566.
In 1840 it had a population of 6500; and in 1850
of 22,271. It lies 147 miles
W. from Albany by
railroad, and 178 E. from Buffalo. It is 35 miles
S. by E. from Oswego.

This place, as well as others in the township
of Salina, in which it is included, is celebrated
for the manufacture of salt, made from the sa'lt
springs which abound in the vicinity. The water
is brought in pipes to Syracuse from Salina, a
mile and a half distant. The fine salt is made by
boiling, and other modes of applying artificial
heat, and the coarse by solar evaporation. An
experiment has recently been made, by order of
the secretary of war, for the purpose of testing
the relative merits of the Onondaga and the
Turk's Island salt, in consequence of a prejudice
heretofore existing against the salt of home man-
ufacture, which had made it a requisite in all con-
tracts of the government for the packing of pork
and beef for public stores, expressly to stipulate
that Turk's Island salt should be used. As the
result of this experiment upon a lot of 800 barrels
of pork, it is believed that the virtues of the do-
mestic article are in all respects equal to those
of the foreign, while in some points the advan-
tage is clearly on the side of the former. The
Onondaga salt, as it is called, is decidedly the
best in appearance, being of much the lightest
color, and is 4 pounds heavier in the bushel.
There are annually manufactured at Syracuse
about 800,000 bushels of this coarse solar salt,
and the amount can be increased to any extent.
" The springs at Salina, from which these works
are supplied, are pierced through the alluvial, and
terminate on gravel. A difference of opinion
prevails as to the source of the brine. The gen-
eral opinion is, that beds of rock salt exist here,
as at other salt springs. Borings have been made
at several points, and in one instance to the depth
of 250 feet, without finding fossil salt. But the
very important fact was elicited that the strength
of the brine increased with the depth of the well.''
The wells, or springs, ordinarily used, are exca-
vated only to the depth of 18 or 20 feet. Four-
teen pounds of salt are manufactured from a
cubic foot of the water of the strongest spring.
The whole amount of revenue to the state from
the salt made at the four localities of Salina,
Geddes, Liverpool, and Syracuse, in
1850, was
$44,364 03; 'which, at the impost of 6 cents per
bushel, gives, for the quantity manufactured,
739,400 bushels.

To those who remember the appearance of
this spot, and the country around it, no longer
ago than
1820, in which year the middle, and
first constructed, section of the Erie Canal was
opened for navigation, having penetrated a wild
and dark wilderness at Rome only to emerge
from it at this place, and when Syracuse con-
sisted of only a miserable tavern and a few scat-
tered and indifferent wooden houses, the change
which the brief period of
30 years has made must
appear more like enchantment than reality. In
every thing but the name Syracuse is now
city. Its extent, the magnitude and durability
of its warehouses, its splendid hotels, its lofty
spires glittering in the sun, its extended and well-
built streets, thronged with people full of life and
activity, and its canal basins crowded with boats,
lading and unlading at the lofty stone warehouses
upon the wharves, all conspire to give to this
place the aspect of one of our most busy and
flourishing marts of commerce.

Tacony. A landing place on the Delaware. 8
miles above Philadelphia. Passengers leave the*
cars at this place and take the steamboat.

Taghkanic, N. Y., Columbia co. Copake Creek
waters this town. Surface hilly and mountain-
ous ; soil clay loam, very fertile in the valleys.
12 miles S. E. from Hudson, and 40 from Albany.

Talbot County, Ga., c. li. at Talbotton. Bound-
ed N.
W. by Merriwether co., N. E. and E. by
Flint River, separating it from Upson and Craw-
ford counties, S. by Macon, Marion, and Muscogee
counties, and
W■ by Harris co. Drained by
branches of Flint and Chattahoochee Rivers.

Talbot County, Md., c. h. at Easton. Choptank
and St. Michael's Bays penetrate into this county,
also Treadhaven River, to a distance of about
miles. The county occupies the peninsula be-
tween Tuckahoe River and Choptank, Ches-
apeake, and St. Michael's Bays. It is bounded
N. by Queen Ann, E. by Tuckahoe River, or
Caroline co., and S. E. by Choptank Bay, or
Dorchester co.

Talbotton, Ga., c. h. Talbot co.

Talladega County, Aa., c. h. at Talladega. This
county is bounded N. byr Benton, E. by Ran-
dolph, S. by Tallapoosa and Coosa, and
W. by
Coosa River, separating it from Shelby and St.
Clair. The land slopes westward towards the
Coosa River.

Talladega, Aa., c. h. Talladega co.

Tallahassee, Fa. City, capital of the state, and
seat of justice of Leon co. 292 miles W. N. W.
from St. Augustine. The situation of this place
is on elevated ground, having a fine mill stream
on its eastern border, with a fall of 15 or 16 feet,
after which it disappears in a cleft of the lime-
stone strata. The adjacent country is rolling,
but not hilly, and the soil good. The city is of
recent origin, having been commenced in 1824,
on this epot being selected as the capital of the
state. The legislature held its first session there
the following winter. It was incorporated as a
city in 1825. It is regularly laid out, containing

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