W. by the Illinois River, separating it from Peo- ria co. Drained by Mackinaw River.
Woodford Count if, Ky., c. h. at Versailles. Ken- tucky River is on the W., Franklin N. W., Scott N. E., Fayette E., and Jessamine S. E.
Woodford, Vt., Bennington co. Woodford contains several large ponds, from which issue branches of Walloomsack and Deerfield Rivers. The greater part of this town is too elevated and broken for cultivation. It is a good location for the sportsman. The town began to be settled immediately after the revolutionary war. 7 miles E. from Bennington, on the road to Brattleboro'.
Woodhull, N. Y., Steuben co. Watered by Tuscarora Creek. Has an uneven surface, and tolerably good soil. 20 miles S. from Bath, and 225 S. W. from Albany.
Woodsfield, 0., c. h. Monroe co. On elevated ground, 18 miles from Ohio River, and 117 E. from Columbus.
Woods Hole, Ms., Barnstable co. In the town of Falmomh. See Falmouth.
Woodstock, Ct., Windham co. The surface of the town is characteristically hilly, but not moun- tainous or broken, and comprises very little waste land, most or all of the eminences being capable of cultivation. The prevailing soil is a deep gravelly loam, which is str.ong and fertile. It is best adapted to grazing. It may be considered one of the richest agricultural towns in this part of the state. The town is divided into 3 parts, viz., the old society of Woodstock, West Wood- stock or New Roxbury, and Muddy Brook Socie ty or North Woodstock.
The villages of Thompson, North Killingly, and Dudley, in Massachusetts, on corresponding elevations, are in fair view from the village in Old Woodstock. The village of Muddy Brook, or North Woodstock, is about 3 miles distant, sit- uated in a beautiful valley, through which Muddy Brook, a fine mill stream, passes.
Woodstock, Me., Oxford co. In part mountain- ous, but with some fertile land. 42 miles W. from AuguSta.
Woodstock, N. H., Grafton co. The Pemige- wasset passes through the eastern section of this town. The three branches of this river unite in the N. part of Woodstock. There are several brooks and rivulets which supply this place with a number of mill privileges. The ponds are nu- merous. Cushman's Mountain in the S. W., Black in the N. W., and Blue in the W., are the highest elevations. Among these mountains, 4 branches of the Wild Amonoosuck and Baker's Rivers, and Moosehillock Brook, have their sources. On the last stream is a beautiful cas- cade. There are here two springs, which have been termed medicinal. This town has some fine scenery. First settlers, John Riant and others, in 1773. 20 miles N. from Plymouth, and 62 N. from Concord.
Woodstock, N. Y., Ulster co. Watered by the Saghkill and other branches of Esopus Creek. The Catskill Mountains cover most of the sur- face ; soil clay, gravel, and loam of indifferent quality. 12 miles N. W. from Kingston, and 57 S. W. from Albany.
Woodstock, Vt., c. h. Windsor co. Well watered by Quechee River and its branches. The soil is generally very fertile, with a pleasant surface of hills and vales. Woodstock Green, so called, is a beautiful village. The court house, planned and built under the supervision of Ammi B. Young,
Esq., the architect of the custom house in Boston, is one of the most chaste and classical structures in New England. The S. village is neat and pleasant; it is about 5 miles from the Green. The settlement of this town was commenced by Mr. James Sanderson, who moved his family here about the year 1768. 46 miles S. from Montpelier, and 11 N. W. from Windsor.
Woodstock, Va., c. h. Shenandoah co. About 1 mile from the W. bank of the N. fork of Shenan- doah River, and 150 N. N. W. from Richmond.
Woodville, Aa., c. h. Jackson co. 163 miles N. E. from Tuscaloosa.
Woodville, Mi., c. h. Wilkinson co. 135 miles S. W. from Jackson. Connected with the Mis- sissippi River by a railroad to St. Francisville. 29 miles.
Woodville, Ts., c. h. Tyler co.
Woolwich, Me., Lincoln co. Woolwich lies a little above Bath, on the E. side of Kennebee River. 32 miles S. from Augusta, and 7 W. from Wiscasset. It was incorporated in 1759. Woolwich has several ponds and small streams, and its navigable privileges are valuable.
Woolwich, N. J., Gloucester co. Bounded N. W. by the Delaware River, and drained by Pe- paups, Little Timber, Raccoon, and Oldman's Creeks. Surface level; soil sandy. 11 miles S. W. from Woodbury.
Woonsocket Falls, R. I., Providence co. In the towns of Smithfield and Cumberland, at the falls of Blackstone River, which afford a great water power. 15 miles N. N. W. from Providence. See Smithfield, R. I.
Wooster, 0., c. h. Wayne co. On the forks of Killbuck and Apple Creeks, and was named for General Wooster, who was killed at Danbury, Ct., in the year 1777, during the revolutionary war. 61 miles S. W. from Cleveland, and 89 N. E. from Columbus.
Worcester County, Md., c. h. at Snow Hill. Delaware co. is op the N., the Atlantic Ocean E., eastern shore of Virginia S., and Somerset co., Md., W. The Pocomoke River drains the greater part of this county.
Worcester County, Ms., c. h. at Worcester. This county crosses the state from New Hamp- shire on the N. to the states of Connecticut and Rhode Island on the S. It is bounded W. by the counties of Franklin, Hampshire, and Hamp* den, and E. by Norfolk and Middlesex counties. This is the largest county in the state. Its terri- tory is larger than the state of Rhode Island, and its population greater than that of the state of Delaware. Its surface is rather undulating than hilly. Wachuset Mountain is its highest eleva- tion. The soil is generally strong, and produces all kinds of grain, grasses, fruits, &c., common to its climate. Its water power is abundant in almost every town, and perhaps in no section of New England are the interests of agriculture, commerce, and manufactures more completely blended, nor can there be found better resources for their united support. Its principal rivers are the Blackstone, Quinebaug, Nashua, Ware, Mil- ler's, and Mill. The Blackstone Canal passes from the centre of the county to the city of Providence, and several important railroads pierce the country in various directions, which with their various branches, afford a rapid com- munication to the capital of the state, and to distant towns and cities at the N., the W., and the S. | |