excursion to Massachusetts Bay, as related by Winslow, they anchored at night under Nantasket Head, and then ran over to the Dorchester shore at this place, which they called Squantum, from the name of the friendly Indian who accompanied them.
This place is admirably adapted to the enjoy- ment of sea air and bathing, and to the procuring of shell and other fish. In the warm season of the year, it is frequently thronged by visitors from Boston and the neighboring towns, who obtain these luxuries in great abundance, and at a mod- erate expense. On the approach to Squantum by land, the ride is through some of the finest farms in the vicinity of Boston. Indeed the ap- proach to this little peninsula, either hy land or water, is delightful.
These mineral waters have had a considerable notoriety ever since the settlement of that por- tion of Connecticut in which they are situated. The Indians first made the early inhabitants ac- quainted with their existence, it having been their practice, from time immemorial, to resort to them in the warm season, and to plant their wigwams around them. They recommended the water as an eye water; but gave, as their own particular reason for drinking it, that it enlivened their spirits.'' It is said that, in 1766, Dr. Joseph War- ren, afterwards General Warren, the patriot, who fell on Bunker Hill, made a careful examination of these waters, and had thoughts of purchasing the land on which they rise, with a view of estab- lishing himself there.
There are two distinct springs, the medicinal properties of which are considerably diverse. One of them, and that which has been longest known, contains a solution of iron, sustained by carbonic acid gas; a portion of marine salt; some earthy substances, and an element called natron, or native alkali. This spring has been pro- nounced by chemists to be one of the most effi- cacious of the chalybeate springs in the United States.
The other spring, as analyzed by Professor Silliman in 1810, contains hydrogen gas and sul- phur in large proportions, and a small propor- tion of iron.
In the year 1765, an effectual cure occurring of a most obstinate case of cutaneous disease, which had baffled all medical skill, very much raised the reputation of these springs; in consequence of which they immediately became a place of much resort for persons afflicted with various diseases. Within a few years past, it has been ascertained, as it is confidently believed, that the use of these waters operates as a thorough and effectual means of eradicating scrofula from the human system.
Dr. Willard subsequently carried into execu- tion the plan of the lamented Dr. Warren, by building a large hotel for the reception of invalids and others. This establishment has been con- tinued, with enlargements and improvements, to the present time. The situation is one which has many attractions for the lovers of bold and ro- mantic scenery ; and affords a most grateful retreat in summer from the heat, din, and dust of our large cities and crowded marts of business. The New London, Willimantic, and Palmer Railroad, connecting with the Western Railroad at the latter place, passes by Stafford Springs, thus making the place easy of access from Bos ton, New York, and all other places on the prin cipal routes through New England. |
These springs are situated in a wide and beau- tiful valley among the mountains in the E. ex- tremity of Monroe co., the region of the mineral springs of Virginia. Their temperature is 73° Fahrenheit. They are celebrated for the tonic power of their waters, whether used externally or internally. They are only 17 miles distant E. from the celebrated White Sulphur Springs.
See Long Branch.
Eighteen miles N. E. from Utica, are on the West Canada Creek, in the town of Trenton. These falls are among the most interesting of the natural curiosities of the U. S. The creek, or stream, here has its bed, for a distance of two or three miles, deep in the stratum of dark-colored limestone, which underlies the soil, and the whole is so densely embosomed in the primitive forest, that no token of the long and deep gorge through which the waters rush is visible till you are on the very brink. In one place, the banks of this gulf are about 140 feet in perpendicular height The average breadth, between the banks, is about 200 feet. Within a distance of two miles, there are no less than six distinct cascades, interchan- ging with rapids as picturesque as the falls them- selves. From the Upper Falls, where the water pitches over a descent of 20 feet, into a spacious basin, the river dashes along down its rocky bed for about a mile, to the second falls, called the Cascades, consisting of two pitches, with inter- vening rapids, having a fall of 18 feet. A little below is the third fail, called the Milldam, from the regularity and smoothness of the sheet of water, which here rolls over a precipice of 20 feet. About 40 rods below this are the High Falls. At this place, the most remarkable fea- tures of the spectacle are presented. The volume of the river is separated by rifts in the ledge into three distinct cataracts, which have a perpendic- ular fall of 109 feet, from the brink of the preci- pice to the bed of the stream below. Here, of course, the ravine has become very deep, and the lofty walls of bare and shelving rocks on each side, as seen from the bottom, surmounted and overhung by their wooded banks, combine with the triple cataract to present a scene of the wild- est grandeur. About 70 rods farther down is the fifth, or Sherman's Falls, which have a de- scent of nearly 40 feet; and, after a current of less declivity than the rapids above, the stream reaches the last of this beautiful succession of cataracts, at Conrad's Falls, where the pitch is about 15 feet; making an aggregate of 312 feet descent in two miles, including the rapids. The Falls, at all times interesting, become intensely so in the season of the annual floods. The path which the observer must take, in order to obtain any adequate view of the scene, is found by de scending a stairway at the lower end of the ra- vine, to the bottom, and pursuing his course along the strand, up the stream. This path a part of the way is easy, and part of the wav it is more difficult, being for some distance along a narrow shelf of rocks, upon the immediate verge |