BOSTON: PUBLIbHtu by d. d. ivjjjlll, .....— ----
It is a popular compliment to the days of the year to say that Casco Bay has 365 islands. There are really 122 islands and islets,—not counting the rocks and reefs which might be made to swell the num ber possibly to 150. A few of these still bear their aboriginal names, as Chebeague and Jebaskadiggin. The most beautiful island in the bay has long borne the name of Hog Island ; but Diamond Cove— a jewel in a swines snout —is beginning to give its name to the island in which it is contained. These islands naturally fall into three ranges, having the same general direction as the long peninsulas on the north- eastern side,—the enumeration of each range beginning next to Port- land. Inker Range.—Mackays, The Brothers (2), Ten Pond, Clap- board, Sturdevant, Basket, Cousins, Little Johns, Lanes, Moges, (2), Crab, Bibbers, Silver (4), two unnamed. Middle Range.—Hog or Diamond (2), Cow, Crow Knob, Chebeague (2), Crow, Irony, Goose Nest, Little Green, French, Whaleboat (2), Goose (2), Goslin (2), Shelter, Birch, Whites, four unnamed. Outer Range.—House, Cushings, Ram, Peaks, Pumpkin Knob, Overset, Marsh, Long, Step- ping Stones (3), Hope, Crotch, Jewells, Sand, Outer Green (2), Broken Cave (3), Bates, Ministerial, Stave, Little Bangs, Stockmans, Whale Rock, Haddock Ledge, Mark, Eagle, Upper Flag, Horse, Birch, Has- kells, Turnip, Jaquish, Baileys, Orrs, Jebaskadiggin, Pond, Ram No. 2, Cedar (6), Elm (2), Ragged, Bold Dick, White Bull, Little Bull, Sis- ters (2), Mark No. 2, Brown Cow, Gooseberry, Wood (2), Burnt Coat, Jamesons Ledge, Lower Flag, Horse No. 2, Malaga, Bear, Rogue, one unnamed, Jennys, Yarmouth, two unnamed, Pote, Hopkins, Bate- mans, Long No. 2, three unnamed.
The bay is also as remarkable for its peninsulas as for its many islands. Between tbe sheltered waters of Fore River and Back Cove, at its western extremity, extends Casco Neck, covered by the city of Portland. At the eastern end, the long, narrow peninsula of Harp- swell stretches out some eight miles into the quiet waters, flanked by many islands. At this end the islands cluster thickest, and the main- land reaches out many fingers, between which creeks and inlets and tidal rivers extend far inland; and the shore is fringed with pictu- resque Points.
The principal river is the Presumpscot, which, in the 22 miles of its length, furnishes water-power to the amount of 20,846 horse-power, wdth a flow of unusual uniformity. Connected with this river are twenty-three distinct lakes, with an agregate area of more than 90 square miles. Several of these, of which the chief are Lake Sebago and Long Pond, are valuable for commercial navigation. This lake and pond are connected by a canal with Portland Harbor at Fore River. Sebago Lake is a noble reservoir of the purest water in New England. The name is said to signify a stretch of water. It is dis- tant from Portland 17 miles by the Portland and Ogdenshurg Railroad. The lake is 14 miles long by 11 miles wide, and contains an area of 50 square miles. Its depth in some parts is 400 feet. Six towns form its shores, and others are located on the connected lakes at the north. During the summer fine steamers daily leave Pavilion Bay, near Lake Sebago Station, for Harrison Village, at the north-eastern extrmity of Long Pond. Reaching the broader part of the lake, Rattlesneake Mountain, in Raymond, comes into view ; and in the same direction, but near the lake, may be seen the boyhood home of Nathaniel Hawthorne
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