Gazetteer of the State of Maine With Numerous Illustrations, by Geo. J. Varney
BOSTON: PUBLISHED BY B. B. RUSSELL, 57 CORNHILL. 1882. Public domain image from
village. A bank of these shells 30 feet in depth, at some points of a cor- responding width, extends the entire length of the peninsula. By whom or when deposited is not known ; but they are generally supposed to have been taken from the adjoining salt-water basin in the river by the Indians. Oysters are still found in these waters in small numbers.
The principal village is at the lower falls and head of navigation on the Damariscotta river. Other small ones are Damariscotta Mills, on the river a short distance above the last; north, on the eastern side, opposite Pfc Nobleboro; and another at Sheepscot Bridge, which connects the town
with Aina, on the west side of the river. There are two grist mills, and three lumber mills, one of the latter at each of the three villages on the Damariscotta. Other manufactures are ships, leather, boots and shoes, match splints and large quantities of bricks.
The Knox and Lincoln railroad has a station at the village and at South Newcastle and Damariscotta Mills, the first 18 miles from Bath.
Newcastle was settled at about the same time as Pemaquid and Arrowsic, and was for 35 years or longer called Sheepscot Plantation. The first settlement was made on a neck on the Sheepscot side of the peninsula, occupying an area of about 400. rods in length and 92 in width. A street ran the whole length of the neck, upon both sides of which, at uniform distances, were laid outt he two acre lots into which tbe homesteads were usually divided. On these, traces of cellars have been found ; and not far away the remains of an extensive reservoir. Easterly from these were the farms, consisting of 100 acres each, reached by a road called the Kings highway,—which also led to the woods and the mill. The latter was on a stream called Mill Brook, or river, about a mile from the settlement. On the highest point, opposite the falls and overlooking the town, was a small fort. Sullivan, in his history of Maine, says, quoting from Sylvanus Davis, a resident pro- prietor : There were in the year 1630, 84 families, besides fishermen, about Pemaquid, St. Georges, and Sheepscot, and 50 of these were said to be on the Sheepscot farms.
In 1665, Robert Carr, George Cartwright and Samuel Maverick, commissioners appointed by the Duke of York, arrived at Sheepscot, this being within the limits of the territory claimed by him under his patent from the English crown. The house of John Mason, at which they met and organized a government, is supposed to have been in the Sheepscot plantation. Mason, about 1649-50, purchased of the sagamores Robin Hood and Jack Pudding, a considerable tract about his resi- dence. The commissioners erected the whole extensive territory [see history of Maine, ante.], into the county of Cornwall, applied the name, New Dartmouth, to the whole region about the plantation, and estab- lished the line between this and Pemaquid. The commissioners vested w*- the civil power in the county in a chief constable, three magistrates or
justices of the peace, and a recorder. The justices were Nicholas Raynal, Thomas Gardiner and William Dyer. This government lasted until 1675, when the first Indian war desolated the region. When Arrowsic fell beneath the tomahawk, a little girl escaped, flying 10 miles through the j woods to the Sheepscot, giving the inhabitants a timely alarm. A ship
) which William Phips, a Boston citizen, had been building near this
place was ready for sea; and instead of taking to Boston a cargo of I lumber, as he had intended, he took the affrighted inhabitants and
* their goods, and conveyed them to a place of safety. Phips, who was
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