Call III Center and post Creefe. are p. offices. The first settlers were John Martin, from Tompkins co., and Aaron Davenport, from N. J., who located in the s. w. corner of the town.1
CHEMUIG—was formed Feb. 28, 1789. Elmira was taken off in 1792, Erin in 1822, and Baldwin in 1856. It is the s. e. corner town of the co. Its surface is a hilly upland broken by deep and narrow valleys. Chemung River flows s. e. through the s. part, Wynkoop Creek flows s. through near the center, in a deep valley bordered by steep hillsides. The soil on the uplands is a gravelly loam, and in the valleys gravel mixed with alluvium. Broomcorn and tobacco are largely cultivated. BrcdiVille, (Chemung p. o.,) on Chemung River, contains a church and 57 dwellings. It is a station on the N. Y. & Erie R. R. Oiemiing Center and Baldwin are p. offices. The first settlement was made at Breckville, in 1788, by Elijah Breck, Capt. Daniel McDowell, and William Wynkoop,—the first two from Penn.2 The first church (Bap.) was formed in 1790, by Rev. Roswell Goff.3
ELMIRA—was formed from Chemung, as “ Newtown,” April 10, 1792, and its name was changed April 6, 1808. Catharines Schuyler co., was taken off in 1798, Big Flats and Southport in 1822, and Horseheads in 1854. It is situated s. of the center of the co. Ranges of hills occupy the e. and w. borders, and a wide vailey extends through the center. The declivities of the hills are generally steep, and their summits are 400 to 600 ft. above the valleys. The principal streams are Chemung River, forming the s. boundary, and Newtown and • Goldsmiths Creeks. The soil upon the uplands is a gravelly loam, and in the valleys a productive, sandy loam. Clmira. (p.v.) is situated upon the Chemung, near the center of the s. border of the town. Upon an emi¬ nence 2J mi. e. of Elmira Tillage are the remains of an ancient fortification. It is protected on one side by the river, and on the other by a deep ravine. An embankment 200 feet long, 14 feet wide, and 31 feet high still extends along the rear of the fortification, and upon it large trees grew when the whites first occupied the country. It was incorp. as “ Newtown” March 3, 1815, and its name was changed April 21,1828. The people are largely engaged in manufacturing3 and in commercial pursuits,5 for which the location of the place is admirably adapted. Besides the co. buildings, the village contains 3 banks, 1 daily and 2 weekly newspaper offices, 8 churches, and a large number of fine and commodious commercial buildings. It is also the seat of the Elmira Female College,® the Elmira Seminary,4 the Elmira Academy,5 and a large water-cure establishment.6 The public schools are graded and are in a flourishing condition. Pop. 8,308, of which 7,173 are within the limits of the town, and 1,135 in the town of Southport. The first settlement was made by Col. John Hendy and Christian Loop, who located on the present site of the village in 1788.10 Col. Hendy
8 The Elmira Academy, once incorp., is now a private institu¬ tion. It has an endowment of $10,000. New buildings for the school are in process of erection. In 1858, 262 pupils were re¬ ported.
9 The Elmira Water-Cure is situated op the hill 1 mi. e. of the village, commanding an extensive view of the valley and sur¬ rounding country. It contains accommodations for 110 patients.
10 Among the early settlers were John Konkle, James Cameron, Wm. Seeley, Nathaniel Seely, John Muller, Caleb Baker,
Marks, Thomas Hendy, and Jqhn J. AcMody. Cornelius
Low kept the first inn, in 1791, at Newtown Point, .and Cyrus Hallenbeck the first store, at about the same time and place. The first gristmill was built by Wm. Dunn and Brin- ton Parne, at the village in 1791, and the first sawmill, wool carding and cloth dressing mill by Gen. Matthew Carpenter, on the site of the present woolen factory. The following ao- count of the first birth in town was given in the N. V. Commercial Advertiser:—“One Saturday afternoon, about 4 o’clock, in the summer of 1788, while Col. John Hendy was working on his log house, and woman, both on horse¬ back, emerged from the Indian pathway and crossed the New¬ town Creek to his land. The man rode before, with a basket on each side of his horse, and a child in each basket, while the woman brought up the rear, having on her nag the goods and chattels of the family; for they were man and wife. The hus¬ band rode up to Col. H., inquiring with much anxiety if there was a doctor to be found in the vicinity. ‘ What is the matter V said the veteran. ‘ My wife has got hurt by the stumbling of her horse, and wants a doctor as soon as possible,’ was the reply. ‘ That is very unfortunate,’ said the Col., ‘ for there is no doctor in this wilderness.’ He had no shelter nor resting place to offer them, save the ground, the pine trees, and the canopy of heaven. They rode on a few rods, and stopped—for they were obliged to stop—under the best shelter they could find. On Sunday morning Col. Hendy met the man in the woods, near the spot where they had conversed before, and, in¬ quiring how his wife was, was answered, ‘ She is as well as could be expected.’ The Col. did not think again of the traveler till Monday, when he sent his son to look after them. The boy returned with the intelligence that they were getting ready to start. ‘But how is the woman, my boy V said he. ‘The |
Among the other early settlers were N. Swick, Homer Tap¬ per, Edward Beebe, Jacob Bucher, Alanson Owen, John Woolsey, and J. M. Barker, who located in the s. part. Jacob Bucher
kept the first inn on Post Creek, and Ostrander erected the
first saw and gristmills on the same stream. Reuben Beebe died in the town in 1854, at the age of 105. His widow, Hannah Beebe, was living,1858, at the age of 105. Mr. Beebe served as a soldier in the Revolutionary army.
The first marriage was that of Guy Maxwell and Nellie Wynkoop, and the first death, that of Wm. Bosworth. The first inn was kept by Wm. Wynkoop, on Wynkoops Creek, and the first store by Elijah Breck, at Breckville. Epinetns Owen erected the first gristmill, on Wynkoops Creek. Wm. Wynkoop was from Ulster co., and .settled at the mouth of the creek hearing his name. Samuel Wallace, the first school teacher, was killed by the Indians.
The principal of the manufacturing establishments are as follows:—The Elmira Woolen Manufactory, employing 64 hands, and turning out 230,000 yds. of cloth annually; the Phoenix Furnace Iron Works gives employment to 40 men; the Elmira Ax Factory to 25 men; and a barrel manufactory to 50 men. Besides these, there are several flouring mills, a planing mill, and other establishments.
and privileges granted to the other colleges in the State. It ex¬ tends to woman, opportunities for the highest culture. It is
beautifully situated upon an eminence a little n. w. of the vil¬ lage. The building is 230 feet long, with an octagonal center 70
feet in diameter and 4 stories high, flanked by 2 wings, each 80 by 50 feet, and 3 stories high, all erected at a cost of $80,000. The catalogue of 1858 reports 188 pupils in attendance.