The Antwerp Liberal Institute1 arid 3 churches. Pop. 621. Ox Bow2 (p. v.) is situated on the Oswegatchie River. Pop. 240. Stei'lingbiii'gh,3 1 mi. above Antwerp, and Spragues Corners, on the line of St. Lawrence co., are hamlets. The first improvements were made in 1803, at the Ox Bow, under the direction of Lewis R. Morrisj, the original proprietor.*
In 1808, Morris sold 29,033 acres to George and David Parish, under whose agents the greater part of the settlements were made. A party of militia was stationed here in 1808, to enforce the embargo, and a blockhouse was built at the village in 1812. The first church was built, in 1816, by Parish.4
BROWN VELEE—was formed from Leyden, April 1, 1802, and was named from Gen. Jacob Brown, its founder. Le Ray was taken off in 1806; Lyme, in 1818; Pamelia, in 1819; and Orleans, and a part of Alexandria, in 1821. It is situated on the N. side of Black River and Black River Bay. Its surface is level or gently undulating^ The soil is a sandy and clayey loam.
Sulphate of barytes is found on Pillar Point, and the vein has been worked to some extent for lithic paint. Upon the w. bank of Perch River, a few rods below Limerick, is a cave extending 150. yards into the bank and 30 feet below the surface. Manufactures receive considerable attention. Brownville, (p. v.,) on Black River, 4 mi. below Watertown, was incorp. April 5,
1828. It has a valuable water power, and contains 3 churches, a cotton factory, and several
founderies and machine shops. Pop. 621. Dexter5 (p. v.) is situated at the head of navigation
on Black River. It is the seat of an extensive woolen factory built in 1836.6 Pop. 429. •
lilmerick (p. o.) and Moffatville, (Perch River p. o.) contain a dozen houses each. Pillar
Point (p. o.) is situated across the bay from Sackets Harbor. Pop. 50. Gen. Jacob Brown
began the settlement of the town in 1799, as proprietor and agent.7 During the war Brownville
village became the seat of a hospital; and on different occasions large bodies of troops were
posted in the vicinity. For several years it was the residence and headquarters of Maj. Gen. Brown,
commander in chief of the n. department, and afterward of Col. Edward Kirby,8 his son-in-law.
There are 10 churches in town.9
CAPE VINCENT—was formed from Lyme, April 10,1849, and named from Yincent Le Ray, son of the proprietor. It is the n. w. corner town of the co., and embraces Carlton,Grenadier, and Fox Islands in the St. Lawrence. The surface is level, or slightly undulating, and the soil is a clayey loam.
Kent Creek is the principal stream. There are 2 or 3 sulphur springs in town. Considerable attention is paid to ship building. Cape Vincent,10 (p.v.,) the terminus of the W. and R.
R. R., near the head of the St. Lawrence River, is a thriving commercial village. Pop. 1026.
Saint Lawrence and Millens Bay are p. offices and hamlets. The first settlement in the town and co. was made upon Carlton Island,11 at about the time of the Revolution. A regular forti¬ fication, known as “ Fort Carlton,"12 was erected upon the island, and a tract of 30 acres was cleared and cultivated, and long known as the “ King's Garden.” The first settlement upon the main- . land was commenced in 1801 at Port Putnam, 2 mi. below Cape Yincent, by Capt. Abijah Putnam.11 Count Real, Chief of Police under Napoleon, and other French families of note, resided in this town for some time. A custom house was established in 1819. Upon the shores of Grenadier Island,13
‘Evans was hung near Watertown for murder committed in this town,—the only execution by civil authority that ever took place in the co.
6 Col. Kjirby held the office of paymaster in the army from 1824 till his death, April 18,1846.
2 M. E., 2 Prot. E., 2 Univ., 2 Presb., 1 Bap., 1 Union.
11 Called “ Gravelly Point” by many of the old inhabitants. It was first settled in 1809, laid out as a village in 1817, and incorp. in 1853. A lighthouse was built at Tibbits Point, 2 mi. distant, in 1826. The r.r. company have built here a wharf 3000 feet long, 2 immense freight houses, a grain elevator, &c. The Ontario Line of Steamers touch at this point, and ferry boats run regularly to Kingston. A few years since, a canal was dug across Wolf or Grand Island, to afford a more direct route for this ferry. This place received several visits from the enemy during the war.
12 This island contains 1274 acres. A military class right (see page 46) of 500 acres was located here in 1786. For several years after 1822 it was a thriving lumber station, where rafts were made up for the Quebec market.
18 This fort commanded the s. channel of the river, and was an important post during the Revolution. It was mostly exca¬ vated in the rock, and the materials taken out were used in the construction of the rampart and escarpment.
14 Mr. Putnam established a ferry from this place to Wolf Island. In 1803 a State road was opened to this place, and in 1804 a village plot was laid out, but soon after abandoned.
is This island was the rendezvous of Gen. Wilkinson’s army on their way down the river in 1813. At the eastern extremity is a |
This institution is not yet fully organized.
This name is derived from a remarkable bend in the Oswe¬ gatchie River, upon which the village is situated. The village was settled by Scotch emigrants.
8 Sterlingburgh, 1 mi. above Antwerp Village, is the seat of an iron furnace built by Jas. Sterling in 1846. A forge was built
* The first settler was Wm. Lee. Mills were built at Antwerp
Village in 1806-07, for Morris, by John Jennison. The first
school was taught in the Foster Settlement, by Benj. Cook.
This church was the second in the co., and for many years was used by all the denominations in town. It is now in pos¬ session of the R. C. There are in town 8 churches; 2 Bap., M. E., Wes. Meth., Presb., Asso. Ref. Presb., R. C., Union.
8 Named from S. Newton Dexter, of Whitesboro’, one of the proprietors. It was formerly known as “ Fish Island.” During the war the mills at this place furnished lumber for the public works at Sackets Harbor. The steamer “ Brownville,” built in 1827, and designed to run between this place and the lake ports, was burned upon her first trip. The Black River
Nav. Co., incorp. in 1810, built locks here, which were little used. Piers for the improvement of navigation were built at the mouth of the river by the Gen. Government;, but they have
resulted in injury.
1 This factory is of stone, and cost $140,000. It is fitted for 10
sets of machinery, and employs 75 hands.
grist mill, at the mouth of Philomel Creek. A bridge was built is 1802, and a dam across the river in 1806. In 1828, Henry