of the Triangle. A Cong, church was formed at a very early period, by Rev. Ely, and a
Bap. church in 1798. There are now 6 churches in town.1
EOWVIEEE 2—was formed from Mexico, (Oswego co.,) March 14,1800, and a part of Harris- burgh was taken off in 1803. It lies upon the w. bank of Black River, a little n. of the center of the co. Its w. border is about 400 feet above the river. Its surface is gently rolling. A wide intervale, the n. part of which is swampy, extends along the course of the river. The soil is a deep, fertile loam intermixed with disintegrated limestone.3 A mineral spring is found near the K. border of the town. ILowville, (p. v.,) incorp. under the act of 1847,4 is situated near the s. border of the town. It contains 5 churches, an academy,4 2 printing offices, and a bank. Pop. 908. West liOWvIlle, (p. o.,) in the w. part of the town, Stows Square, about 3 mi. n. of Low¬ ville, and SmttlJS JLaitdisig-, on Black River, are hamlets. Settlement was commenced about 1797, under Silas Stow, agent for N. Low, and the town was rapidly filled with immigrants from New England.5 The first church (M. E.) was founded in 1804. There are now 6 churches in town.6
MIRTIM SMJII.GU 7—was formed from Turin, Feb. 22, 1803, and a part of Turin was annexed in 1819. ~ It lies upon the w. bank of Black River, near the center of the co. It has an easterly inclination, its w. border being nearly 1000 feet above the river valley. Its surface is rolling, with a wide, level intervale bordering upon the river. The principal streams are Martins •and Whetstone Creeks.8 The soil is a deep, fertile loam, except along the river, where it is .sandy. Near the head of Whetstone Gulf is a sulphur spring. Martinsbnrgh (p.v.) is situated on Martins Creek, near the center of the town. It contains the co. buildings, 3 churches, and a news¬ paper office. Pop. 210. West Martinsfourgli, (p.v.,) in the n. part of the town, has a pop. of 164. Glemsdale, (p.o.,) in the s.e. part, is a hamlet of about 12 dwellings. Settlement was begun by Gen. Walter Martin, at Martinsburgh, in 1801.9 The first church (Presb.) was organized in 1804, by Rev. Elijah Norton. There are 7 churches in town.10
MONTAGUE11 (Mo n-ta-giP)—was formed from West Turin, Nov. 14, 1850. It lies near the center of the w. border of the co. Its inclination is toward the n. w.,tand its elevation is 1200 to 1600 ft. above tide. Its surface is generally rolling, but in some places it is broken and hilly. It is watered by numerous small streams, flowing into Deer River. The n. branch of Salmon River flows through the s. w. corner. Upon lot 22, in the n. w. part, is a sulphur spring. The soil is a moderately fertile, sandy and gravelly loam. Gardners Corners (Montague p. o.) is in the n. part of the town. Settlement commenced in 1846, under the agency of Diadate Pease, agent of the Pierrepont estate. There are"2 churches in town; M. E. and Bap.
NEW BEEMESf—was formed from Watson and Croghan, March 31, 1848. It lies upon the e. bank of Black River, n. of the center of the co. Its surface is level in the w., but rolling, broken, and rocky in the e. It is watered by several tributaries of Black River, the largest of which is Beaver River, on the n. boundary. The e. part is sparsely settled. The soil is a light, sandy loam. Uayansville12 (New Bremen p. o.) is in the w. part of the town. Pop. 200. Settlement was commenced in 1798, by Samuel Illingworth and some French families.14 In the w. part is a settlement of Germans, and in the sr. one of French. There are 4 churches in town.15
©SCEOEA16—was formed from West Turin, Feb. 28, 1844. It lies upon the high region in
depth of 200 to 250 feet. This remarkable chasm above the “ Chimney” is tortuous, with precipitous sides, and in many places is so narrow that the stream occupies the entire spac^ between the ledges. Whetstone Gulf, upon Whetstone Creek, in the s. part of the town, is a similar ravine. .
10 Among the first settlers were Elijah Baldwin, Mrs. Richard Arthur and sons, Reuben Pitcher and sons, N. Cheney, Eli Ro¬ gers, Ehud Stephens, N. Alexander, Stephln Searls, Joseph Sheldon, Chillus Doty, A. Conkey, D. Ashley, S. Gowdy, C. and
D. Shumway, and J. and O. Moore. W. Martin built the first mills, and in 1807 a paper mill.
11 2 M. E., 2 Union, Bap., Presb., and Second Advent.
is This town embraces Township No. 3, or Shakspeare, of the Boylston Tract. It was named from the daughter of II. B. Pierrepont, the proprietor. *
is This place was laid out in 1826, by Charles Dayan.
14 Several of the French company located at the head of navi¬ gation on Beaver River, where they designed to build a city. A sawmill was built, a half-dozen houses were erected, and the place received the name of “CastorvilleJacob Obesier and Rodolph Tillier were engaged in this project.
16 Bap., M. E., Evan. Luth., and R. C.
■18 This town embraces Townships 13 and 8, or Rurabella and Hybla, of the Boylston Tract.. It was named from the cele¬ brated Seminole chief. |
2 Cong., Bap., M. E., Calv. Meth., Univ.
This town embraces No. 11 of the Eleven Towns. It was named from Nicholas Low, of N. Y., the early proprietor.
8 In the Trenton limestone are veins of the. sulphurets of lead and iron, intermixed with calcite and fluor spar.
efforts were made to secure the location of the co. seat in this village; and a fine brick building,now used as a town hall, was erected in anticipation of its removal.
The Lowville Academy has from the first maintained a high rank. Its 50th anniversary was celebrated July 22,1858.
6 Among the early settlers were Jonathan Rogers, Ehud Ste- hens, Moses Waters, A. Wilcox, B. Hillihan, Daniel Kelley, saac Perry, J. H. and S. Leonard, John Schull, Wm. Darrow, Jas. Bailey, John Bush, A. F. and J. Snell, David and Benj. Rice, and Ebenezer Hills. The first birth was that of Harriet Ste¬ phens. The first inn was kept by Capt. Rogers, and the first store by Fortunatus Eager. The first mill was built by D. Kelley.
1 2 Bap., Cong., Friends, M. E., and Prot. E.
This town embraces Township No. 4, or Cornelia, of the
Boylston Tract, and Porcia and a part of Lucretia, of Constable’s
* Martins Creek was formerly called “Roaring Brook.” At
Chimney Point* near the center of the town, this stream has worn
& channel through the shale and Utica slate, for 2 mi., to the