The first settler was Ebenezer Allen, a tory, who located upon the Genesee, near the present site of Rochester, in 1788. He soon after removed to Canada. The first permanent settlements were made in 1789, in Wheatland and near the head of Irondequoit Bay. During the next five years settlements sprang up in various parts of the co., though the general growth was greatly retarded by the difficulty of access, the dense forests, and the unhealtbiness of the climate when the lands were first cleared. The unsettled condition of Indian affairs also had the effect to retard settle¬ ment ; and the War of 1812 almost put an end to improvement. At the close of the war, settlers eame in more rapidly, and a great business began to develop itself at Rochester. The construc¬ tion of the Erie Canal gave an impetus to business, and speedily pushed settlements into every portion of the co. From that time the progress of the co. has been rapid and continuous. The co. was contained in the Phelps and Gorham Purchase. The three western towns belonged to the Triangle Tract, and the remainder of the eo. w. of the Genesee constitutes a portion of the cele¬ brated “ Mill Yard Tract.”1
' BRIGHTON2—was formed from “ Smallwood,”3 March 25, 1814. A part of Rochester was taken off in 1834, and Irondequoit in 1839. It is an interior town, lying upon the e. bank of the Genesee, a little s. e. of the center of the co. Its surface is gently rolling, with a slight inclina¬ tion toward the-N. The deep valley of Irondequoit Bay is on the e. border. Its streams are small brooks, tributaries of the Genesee and Irondequoit. The soil is a sandy loam in the e. and a clay loam upon the river. Near the center are lime beds, formerly extensively worked. The people are largely engaged in raising vegetables for the Rochester market. There are several ex¬ tensive nurseries in town. Brighton., (p. v.,) in the n.e. part, contains a church and about 30 dwellings. It is a canal village and a station upon the N. Y. C. R. R., where the two branches from the e. unite. A large brick and tile manufactory is located about 2 mi. s. of the village; and the Genesee Model School* is situated upon a beautiful site 2 mi. s. e. West Brighton, (p.v.,) near, the Genesee, s. of the line of Rochester, contains about 15 dwellings. In its immediate vicinity are the co. penitentiary, poorhouse, and insane hospital, the Mount Hope Rural Cemetery, the Monroe co. almshouses, an extensive glue factory, and several other manufactories. The first settlement was made in 1790, by John Lusk and Orange Stone, who located about 4 mi. e. of the river.4 Rev. Solomon Allen, from Northampton, Mass., preached the first sermon and was the first settled minister. There is but one church (Cong.) in town.
CHI1LI—was formed from Riga, Feb. 22, 1822. It is an interior town, lying s. w. of the center of the co. Its surface is level or gently rolling, with a slight inclination to the e. Genesee River forms the e. boundary; and Black Creek, a sluggish stream, flows e. through near the center. The soil is a clay loam, mixed with sand. South of Black Creek are several peculiar gravelly knolls, the principal of which is Dumpling Hill, near the river. Chili, (p. v„) in the N. part, contains a church and 15 houses; ’torth Chili, (p. v.,) a r. r. station in the n. w. corner, contains a church and 25 houses ; Clifton, (p. v.,) in the s. w. part, contains 1 church, a saw and grist mill, plaster mill, furnace, and 201 inhabitants; South Chili is a hamlet. The first settlement was made in the e. part, by Joseph Morgan, in 1792.5 There are 5 churches in town.7
CLARKSOM8—was formed from the town of Murray, April 2, 1819. Union was taken off in 1852. It lies on the w. border of the co., n. of the center. Its surface is level, with slight un-
cey and Calvin Hyde, Samuel Sheffer, Enos Blossom, Timothy Allyn, and Oliver Culver,—the last named from Orwell, Yt. In 1800. most of the business upon the lake was done at Irondequoit Landing. In 1798, Judge John Tryon laid out a village 3 mi. above the head of the bay, and built a large warehouse. The place was called “ Tryons Town.” Asa Dayton kept an inn at this place, in 1801. A tannery and distillery were afterward built, and the place became quite a lively little village; but it is
now entirely deserted. - Turner taught the first school;
Ira West kept the first store; and Solomon Hatch and Oliver Culver built the first mill, on Allens Creek, in 1806.
6 Among the early settlers were Andrew Wortman, in 1794; Stephen Peabody, Col. Josiah Fish and his son Lebbeus, from
Vt.. who located at the mouth of Black Creek, in 1795. -.
Widener and his sons Jacob,- Abraham, William, and Peter;-
Sottle and family, Joseph Cary, Lemuel and Joseph Wood, Samuel Scott, Joshua Howell, Benj. Bowen, John Kimball, Dilling¬ ham, Franklin and family, all settled previous to 1800. The
first birth was that of a child of Joseph Wood, in 1799. The first death occurred in the family of Joseph Morgan. James Chap¬ man kept the first store, in 1807; and Joseph Cary built the first mill.
7 2 M. E., 2 Bap., and Presb.
8 Named from Gen. Clarkson, an extensive landholder,
who gave 100 acres to the town. |
In Ms treaty with the Indians, Mr. Phelps wished to obtain a tract w. of the Genesee; but the Indians were ..only will¬ ing to cede the lands e. of that river. A compromise was finally effected, by which a tract 21 mi. long by 12 mi. wide was granted to Phelps and Gorham for a mill yard. It is said that the In¬ dians were much astonished when they came to see the mill and know how much land was really required for a yard. The Mill Yard Tract was bounded e. by the Genesee, w. by a line parallel to and 12 mi. w. of it, and it extended 24 mi. s. from Lake Ontario.
This town embraces Township 3 of Range 7 of the Phelps and Gorham Purchase. It was originally purchased by Gen. Hyde, Prosper Polly, Enos Stone, Col. Gilbert, and Joseph Chaplin, from Lenox, Mass.
The original town, “Boyle,” was organized April 6,1806, and embraced the six n. towns e. of the river. Penfield was taken off in 1810, and Perinton in 1812. Some time in 1812 or ’13 the name was changed to “ Smallwoodand March 25,1814, it was divided into two parts, one taking the name of Brighton and the other of Pittsford.
John Lusk owned 1,500 acres at the head of Irondequoit
Bay. Among the other early settlers were Joel Scudder, Chaun¬