Gazetteer of New York, 1860 & 1861 page 400
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IRONDEQUOIT1 —was formed from Brighton, March 27, 1839. It lies on the N. border
of the co.,
e. of the center. Lake Ontario forms the n., Irondequoit Bay the e., and Genesee River
w. boundary. Its surface is rolling, with an inclination in the n. part toward the lake and the
deep valley of Irondequoit Bay on the
e. The streams are small and.flow n, and e. into the lake
and bay. The soil in the
n. part is sandy, and in the s. clay loam. Irondequoit, (p. v.,) near
the' center, contains 15 houses. A suburb of Rochester, in the s. w. corner, contains 50 houses.
The first settlement was made by Wm. Walker, in 1791.2 There is no church in town.


MEKDOI—was formed from Bloomfield, (Ontario co.,) May 26,1812. It lies on the s. border
of the co.,
e. of the center. Its surface in the n. and e. is rolling, and in the s. w. moderately hilly.
Honeoye Creek flows through the s.
w. corner, and the headwaters of Irondequoit Creek through
near the center. There are three small ponds in the
N. w. part. The soil is a clayey, calcareous
loam. Honeoye Falls,3 (p. v.,) near the s. w. corner, incorp. April 12, 1833, contains 4
churches, 3 flouring mills, 1 gristmill, a sawmill, 2 woolen factories, a plaster mill, a manufactory
of agricultural implements, and a stone quarry. It is a station on the Canandaigua & Niagara
. Falls Branch of the N. Y. C. R. R. Pop. about 1,100. Mendon, (p. v.,) in the e. part, contains
2 churches, a steam flouring mill, a steam sawmill, a foundery, and 20 houses; and Mendon
Center (p.v.) a grist and saw mill and 15 houses. Sibley ville, in the s.w., is a hamlet.
The first settlement was made at Honeoye Falls, by Zebulon Norton, from Yt., in 1790.4 The first
church (Bap.) was organized in 1809 ;B Rev. Jesse Brayman was the first settled minister.

OGDEN5—was formed from Parma, Jan. 27, 1817. It is an interior town, lying w. of the
center of the co. The surface is level or gently undulating, with a slight inclination toward the
n. The streams are small brooks forming head branches of Sandy, Salmon, and Little Black
Creeks. The soil is a fine quality of calcareous and clayey loam. It is one of the best wheat
growing towns in the co. Spencerport,6 (p.
v.,) a canal village and R. R. station, in the n. e.
part of the town, contains 3 churches, a furnace, tannery, gristmill, and sawmill. Pop. 578.
Adams IS as ill (p.
V.) is a canal village and r. r. station of 50 houses, with a church, machine
shop, and sawmill. 0§fden Center contains a church and 35 houses. Ogden is a p. o.
Settlement was commenced in 1802, by George W. Willey, from East Haddam, Conn
.8 The first
preacher was Rev. Daniel Brown, in 1807; and the first church (Presb.) was formed in 1811.®

PARMA10—was formed from “Northampton,” now Gates, April 8,1808. Ogden was taken off
in 1817. It lies upon Lake Ontario, w. of the center of the co. The surface is level in the
n., and
gently rolling in the s., with a slight inclination toward the
n. Its streams are Salmon, Little
Salmon, Buttonwood, and Long Pond Creeks. The soil is principally a gravelly loam, intermixed
in places with sand and clay. Weak brine springs are found s. of Unionville. Parma Cor¬
ners, (Parma p. o.,)" upon the ridge, in the s. part, contains a church, the Parma Institute, a
pump factory, and 116 inhabitants. Parma Center (p.v.) contains 2 churches, a machine
shop, and 109 inhabitants. Unionville,
n. of the center, contains 2 churches, a furnace, mar
chine shop, and 145 inhabitants. North. Parma is a p. o. The first settlement was made in
n. e. part, in 1796, by Rozwell Atchinson and his brothers Stephen and John, from Tolland,
.11 The first church (Bap.) was formed May 27, 1809.12

8 Among the other early settlers were Eph., Abraham, Timothy,
and Isaac Colby, in 1802, and Wm. H. Spencer, in 1803; Josiah
Mather, Jonathan Brown, Henry Hahn, Danl. Wandle, Benajah
Willey, John Webster, Benj. Freeman, and Daniel Spencer, in
1804; Wm. B. Brown and Daniel Arnold, in 1803; John D. Web¬
ster, in 1805; Austin Spencer, in 1808. The first child born was
J. M. Colby, in 1803; and the first death was that of Mrs. G. W.
Willey, in 1803. Miss R. Willey taught the first school, in 1807.
George Huntley kept the first inn; Chas. Church the first store;
.Wm. H. Spencer built the first sawmill; E. Jewett the first g. milL
8The census reports 7 churches in town; Bap., Cong., M. E.,
Meth. Prot., Presb., R. C., and Union.

io This town embraces the N. W. portion of the Mill Yard

u Among the other early settlers were Michael Beach, Silas
Leonard, Geo. Goodhue, and Timothy Madden, in 1802; Jona¬
than Underwood, Gibbon Jewett, Geo. Huntley, Abner Brock¬
way, jr., Jas. Egbert, and Jonathan Ogden, in 1805; Hope and
Elisha Davis in 1809; Augustus Mather, Lendell Curtiss, Sam’l
Castle, and Kinnicone Roberts, in 1810; and Joshua Whitney
in 18ll. The first marriage was that of Timothy Madden and a
daughter of Mr. Leonard; first births were daughters of G. Good¬
hue and B. Achinson. Alpheus Madden taught the first school,
in 1804; J. Thompson kept the first store; Hope and Elisha
Downs the first inn; and R. Achinson built the first saw and
gristmill. Mrs. Johnson, in 1802, the first death.

is The census reports 9 churches in town; 2 Bap., 2 M.E., 2
Presb., F. W. Bap., Christian, ana Cong.


Named from the hay. Called by the Indians Neo-da-on-
da-quat, signifying a bay.

. 2 Walker was a ranger. He settled at the month of Genesee
River, but shortly after removed to the w. side of the river,
Into the present town of Greece. Among the other early

settlers were - Park, Asa Dunbar, Elisha Scudder, Dr.


Hosmer, Emmer Reynolds, Jesse Case, and Adonijah Green,
from Vt. The first death was that of Elijah Brown, in 1806.


« Long known as “Nortons Mills,” from the first mills, erected
by Zebulon Norton.


Capt. Ball and Peter Sines, from Conn, came in with Mr.
Norton. Among the other early settlers were Daniel Williams,
Capt. Treat, Rufiis Parks, Ebenezer Rathbun, Benj. Parks, Wm.
Hickox, Lorin Wait, and Reuben Hill, from Mass., in 1793.

These all settled in the E. part of the town.  Sterling,

Jason Cross, Moore, and Calvin Perrin settled at Hone¬
oye Falls, in 1794; John Parks, Jonas Allen, and Joseph
Bryan, in 1795; Charles Foot and Samuel Lane, in 1797. The
first birth was that of Wm. E. Sterling, in 1795; the first mar¬
riage, that of Jason Cross and Mary Moon, in 1796; and the
first death, that of John Moon, in 1801. Welcome Garfield
taught the first school; Abram Parrish kept the first inn;
and James Dickinson the first store.


Named from Wm. Ogden, son-in-law of John Murray, original
proprietor. The town embraces a portion of “ Mill Yard Tract.”


Named from Wm. H. Spencer, the pioneer settler.


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