Gazetteer of New York, 1860 & 1861 page 589
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part, Mosherville,.(p-o.,) near the n. border, Wliiteside Corners, (p.o.,) in the n.w.,
South Galway (p.o.) and JVorth Galway (p.o.) are hamlets. The first settlers, from
Galway, Scotland, located in town in 1774.1 Rev. Simeon Smith, from Canterhook, came in town
in 1778, and located near Yorks Corners.2 He formed the first religious society (Bap.) during tho
following year.3

GH-EEXFIEEM—was formed from Saratoga and Milton, March 12,1793. A part of Hadley
was taken oft' in 1801. It occupies a position a little n. w. of the center of the co. The Palmertown
Mountain Range extends along the
e. border, and the.Kayaderosseras Range occupies the w. par
of the town. A valley 6 mi. wide separates these ranges. The principal streams are the Kaya¬
derosseras and its branches. The soil is generally a gravelly loam intermixed with clay. Sections
of the surface are very stony. Iron ore has been found in the
e. part. Greenfield Center
(p.v.) contains 2 churches. Pop. 85. Jamesville, (Middle Grove p.o.,) on the s. border, con¬
tains 1 church, 2 paper mills, and 31 houses; Mount Pleasant, (p.v.,) in the n.w. corner,
a glass factory and 140 inhabitants; and Porters Corners, (p.v.,) near the center of the town,
2 churches and 20 houses. West Greenfield, (p.o.,) Worth Greenfield, (p.o.,) and
Pages Corners are hamlets. Rev. Elias Gilbert was the first preacher, in 1792. -—— Hag¬
gerty and —r— Root located near Haggerty Hill in 1784.4 The census reports 9 churches in town.6

HADEEY—was formed from Greenfield and Northumberland, Feb. 27, 1801. Its boundaries
were amended Eeb. 28, 1808. Corinth was taken off in 1818, and a part of Day in 1819. It lies
upon the Hudson, in the
N. e. corner of the co. * A large share of its surface is occupied by the
peaks and ridges of the Kayaderosseras Mts. Mt. Anthony is an isolated peak in the
s.e. part.6
Sacandaga River flows through the s. part. Its valley is narrow; and below Conklingville its
current is rapid and frequently interrupted by falls. The soil generally is a coarse, yellowish, un¬
productive sand and gravel. ’Lumbering and tanning are extensively carried on. Conhling-
ville, (West Hadley p.o.,) on the Sacandaga, in the w. part of the town, contains 1 church, a
large tannery,5 and 39 houses. Hadley (p.o.) is a hamlet at the junction of Sacandaga and
Hudson Rivers. Richard Hilton commenced the first settlement, just after the close of the Revolu
tion, on the Hudson.8 The census reports 2 churches in town; a F. W. Bap. and a Wes. Meth.

ISAEF MOOW6—was formed as a district, March 24, 1772, and as a town, March 7, 1788.
Its name was changed to “
Orange” April 17, 1816, and the original name was restored Jan. 16,
•1820. Waterford was taken off in 1816, and Clifton Park in 1828. Its surface is undulating and
broken by the narrow ravines of small streams. Hudson River forms the
e. boundary, and tbe
Mohawk a portion of the s. The river intervales are about J mi. wide, and are bordered by a line
of steep, clay bluffs 60 to 100 feet high. The other streams are Anthonys, Dwaas, and Steena Kils.
The soil is a clayey and gravelly loam upland, and a fine quality of alluvium in the intervales.
Crescent7 (p.v.) is a canal village near the center of the s. border of the town. Pop. 593.
Middletown, (Half Moon p.o.,) IJ mi.
e. of Crescent, has a pop. of 230; Mechanicsville,
(p. V.,) at the mouth of Anthonys Kil, lies mostly in Stillwater. Pop. in Half Moon, 495.
ton Park. (p. v.) is on the>w. line. lewtown, Smithtown, and Grays Corners
are hamlets. The first settlements are supposed to have been made between 1680 and ’90, by
Germans, on the Mohawk Flats.11 The first church (Ref. Prot. D.) was organized in 1800.12

Walker, at Hadley, in 1790.  Wilson taught the first si.fiool,

in 1791-92. Delane & Hazard built the first sawmill, in 1791,;
and Alex. Stewart, the first gristmill, in 1803. Jonathan Flan¬
ders kept tho first inn, and Jeremy Rockwell the first store, in
1807. Col. Gordon Conkling built the tannery at Conklingville
and placed the first steam tug on the river.

0 Named from the crescent shape of the land between the
Hudson and the Mohawk.

10 The canal crosses the Mohawk at this place on a stone aqua-
duct 1,150 feet long and supported by 26 stone piers.

u In 1689 it was resolved by the authorities of Albany to re¬
move the fort about the house and barn of Harme Lievese, at.
Half Moon, to a more convenient place,—from which it is in¬
ferred that a considerable settlement existed at that time. In
1714 the precinct of Half Moon contained 101 inhabitants.
Among the early settlers were Oldert Onderkirk, on the flats,
Fort, on the Judge Leland farm, and Taylor, at Me¬
chanicsville, before 1763. The ancient stone house on the Dans-
bach place, in the s. w. corner of the town, was built in 1718, by
.Killian Van Den Bergh. There was a sawmill on Steena Kil,
near Crescent, in 1762. Wm. Bradshaw built a gristmill on
Dwaas Kil at the close of the Revolution. A bridge was erected
across the Mohawk in 1794, at a cost of .$12,000.

12 The census reports 7 churches in town; 3 M. E., Bap., Wes.
Meth., Presb., and Friends.


Among the early settlers were John and James Major, John
McClelland, Wm., Robt., and Alex. Kelsey, and John McHarg,
who all came over in the same ship, in 1774. The first death was
that of James Major, killed hy the fall of a tree, Sept. 11, 1776;

John McClelland or Prendergast kept the first store, in

1780; Datiiel Campbell built the first gristmill.


Mr. Smith was accompanied hy his parents and 3 brothers-
in-law, Simeon Babcock, Reuben Mattison, and Joseph Bawn.


The census reports 6 churches in town; 2 Bap., Christian,

Eriends, M. E., and Presb.


* Among the other early settlers were Brewster, Wm. Scott,

a soldier of the Revolution, who came in 1785; Isaac Demmon,

John Benedict, Nath’1 Seymour, and Benj. Ingham, in 1787; Jas.

Vail and Chas. Mirick, inl789; Isaac and Darius Stephens,-

Reynolds and his sons, in 1790;- Eseck Turletot, in 1793; and—-

Miner, soon after.   Scribner taught the first school, in 1792;


6 Iron ore was formerly obtained on the w. side of this moun¬


1 This tannery consumes 5,000 cords of ha A and manufactures


50,000 sides of leather per annum.


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