tracted with 20 Germans from Penn., of whom 16 came on and made a permanent settlement.1 The first church (Christs Ch., Prot. E.) was formed Aug. 3,1795, and the church edifice was erected by Judge Duane. Rev. David Belden was the first rector.2
GEESJTIEGE®—was formed from Schenectady, April 14, 1820. It is the only town in the eo® n. of the Mohawk. The central and w. parts are occupied by rugged and wooded hills abruptly rising from the valley of the river to a height of 300 feet. The e. part is nearly level. The streams are Crabbs Kil, Chaugh-ta-noon-da, Aalplaats,3 and Jan Wemps Creeks, and Yerf Kil. The soil among the hills is a stiff clay, underlaid by hardpan, with an occasional out¬ crop of slate; and in the e. part it is a sandy and gravelly loam. The Mohawk intervales are very fertile, a"nd are chiefly devoted to the culture of broomcorn. Glenville (p. v.) contains 2 churches and 20 houses, Scotia,4 (p.v.) 2 churches and266 inhabitants, Reesvlll© 12houses and a broom factory, and 'fSigfti Mills 13 houses, 1 grist and 2 saw mills, and woolen factory. Hoffmans Ferry5 (p. o.) is a hamlet and r.r. station. East Glenville and Town Center are p. offices. Bridges connect this town with Schenectady and Niskayuna. ' Settlements were made about 1665, and were among the earliest in the co.6 The Sanders House, in this town, was spared by the enemy when Schenectady was destroyed.8 There are 5 churches in town.7 597
MISKAYEJVA10—was formed from Watervliet, (Albany co.,) March 7, 1809. A part of Schenectady was annexed in 1853. It lies upon the Mohawk, in the e. part of the co. Its surface is mostly upland, terminating in steep bluffs upon the river valley. The intervales are very rich and productive. A strip of land about 1 mi. wide, extending back from the summits of the bluffs, has a hard, clay soil, and a considerable portion of it is swampy and unfit for cultivation. Further s. the soil is sandy. Watervliet Center (p. o) is within the limits of this town. . Aislia- juisa is a hamlet in the s. e. corner. The first settlements were made about 1640.11 The canal crosses the Mohawk into this town upon a magnificent stone aqueduct.12 There is 1 church (R^1. Prot. D.) in town. x
PMICETOWI13—was formed from Schenectady, March 26,1798. It lies a little w. of the center of the co. Its surface consists of a broken upland, gently descending toward the s. e. The streams are Normans Kil in the s. and Zantzee Kil in the n.u The soil is a heavy clay loam, underlaid by hardpan, and is best adapted to grazing. Princetown (p. o.) is a hamlet. The town was chiefly conveyed to Geo. Ingoldsby and Aaron Bradt, in 1737. Wm. Corry afterward became owner, and formed a settlement, which was long known as “ Corrysbush.†The town was thinly settled at the time of the Revolution. The Princetown Academy, a Presb. institution, was opened here, on an extensive scale, in 1853, and was discontinued in 1856. There are a Presb. and a Ref. Prot. D. church in town.
ROTTERDAM—was formed from Schenectady, April 14, 1820. A part of the city was annexed in 1853. It lies near the center of the co., upon the s. bank of the Mohawk. The surface consists of a broken, hilly region in the n. w., a level intervale extending from the center toward the s., and a high plain in the e. The soil upon the w. hills is a tough clay, underlaid by shale, which frequently crops out. The central valley or plain, 5 mi. in extent, was called by the Dutch the “ Bouwlandt.†The soil is a deep alluvium. The e. plateau is sandy and barrett. Rotter¬ dam, Mohawkville, and Factory ville are hamlets.15 Settlements were first made about I661.16 The first church was organized Aug. 29, 1800 ; Rev. Thos. Romeyn was the first pastor.17
10 Said to be a corruption of Nis-ti-gi-oo-ne, or Co-nis-ti-gio-no, by which it is known on the old maps. The "name is said to sig nify. “ extensive corn flats.†The term was also applied to por¬ tions of Watervliet and Half Moon. Upon the advent Of the whites this place was occupied by a tribe of Indians known as the “ Conistigione.â€â€”Barber & Hmve’s Hist. Coll. N. Y.. p. 508.
11 Among the early settlers were Clutes, Vedders, VanVrankens, Groots, Tymesons, Pearces, Jansens, and Van Bockhoovens.
12 By an act of 1805, Alexander Alexander was authorized to build a dam at this place.
is Named from John Prince, a member of the Assembly from Albany co. at the time of the formation of the town.
u Upon this stream, on the farm of Eben’r Dougall, is a cas¬ cade 60 feet high, and from this point to the Mohawk are nume¬ rous rapids and cascades.
is Among the early settlers were Wilhelmus Van Otto Van Curazoa, (a native of the island of Curagoa,) Ryer Schermerhorn, and Simon Veeder, The house of Van Otto stood on the site of the one now occupied by Simon Veeder. At the time of the Revolution there were families living in town by the names of Delemont, Van Pelten, and Braugham.
i® At this place is a twine and thread factory.
17 There are 3 churches in town: 2 Ref. Prot. D. and 1 M. E. |
The tract embraced about 60,000 acres, and the lands were rented at the rate of $15 per 100 acres, on long leases. The agents of Sir Wm. Johnson excited a prejudice against these lands which retarded their settlement.
There are in town 5 other churches; Cameronian, Bap., Univ., Presb., and Quaker. 8 Named from the original patentee.
6 Harmanus Vedder established a ferry here about 1790, and it was called Vedders Ferry until 1835, when it was bought by John, Hoffman and the name was changed.
1 In 1665 the country around Scotia was granted to Sanders Lendertsen Glen, a native of Scotland, who removed to Holland in 1645 ou account of religious persecutions. After several
years there spent in mercantile pursuits, he migrated to “ New Netherlands.†Van Slvcks Tsland was granted to Jacques Van
Slyck, Nov. 13,1662.—‘Barber’s Hist. Coll.
2 Ref. Prot D., 2 M. E., and Bap.
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