Gazetteer of New York, 1860 & 1861 page 625
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STEUBEN COUNTY.    .    625

Rogersville (South Dansville p.o.) contains 2 churches, an academy,1 and a female seminary.2
Pop. 200. Burns, a station on the B. & N. Y. City R. R., lias about 15 houses. Dotys Cor¬
ners is a p. o. The first settlement was made in 1804, hy Isaac Sterling and Samuel Gibson.3
The census reports 6 churches.2

ERWI1V3—was formed from “ Painted Post,” Jan. 27, 1826. Bindley was taken off in 1837
and a part of Corning was annexed in 1856. It lies w. of Corning, in the s.e. part of the co. Its
surface is about equally divided between high, rolling uplands and the low valleys of streams.
The summits of the hills are 400 to 600 feet above the valleys. Tioga and Canisteo Rivers unite
in the s. e. part of the town, and Tioga and Conhocton Rivers in the n. e., forming the Chemung
River. The valleys of these streams are 1 to 2 mi. wide. The soil upon the hills is a shaly and
clayey loam, and in the valleys it is a fine quality of alluvium. Nearly three-fourths of the sur¬
face is yet covered with forests. The lumber trade is extensively pursued. Paiijited Post,
(p. v.,) situated at the junction of Conhocton and Tioga Rivers, is a station on the Erie R. R. and
the B., N. Y. & E. R. R. It contains 2 churches, a bank, an iron foundery and machine shop, a
tannery, and a flouring mill.4 Pop. 777. Coopers Plains (p. v.) is a station on the B., N. Y.
& E. R. R. and contains 1 church. Pop. 293. Wm. Harris, an Indian trader, settled at Painted
Post in 1787.5 The census reports 4 churches.6

FREMOIT 9—was formed fiom Hornellsville, Dansville, Way land, and Howard, Nov. 17,
1854. It is an interior town, lying sr. w. of the center of the co. Its surface is a hilly upland,
forming a part of the dividing ridge between Canisteo and Conhocton Rivers. Its streams are
small brooks. The soil is chiefly a shaly loam, derived from the disintegration of the surface
rocks. Fremont Center (Stephens Mills p.o.) and Baskinville (p.o.) are hamlets;
and Big Creek is a p. o. The first settlement was made in 1812, by Job B. Rathbun, Amos
Baldwin, and Sylvester Buck.10 The first religious services werS conducted by Rev. Mr. Ford, in
1814. There is but 1 church (M..E.) in town.

GBEEIWOOD—was formed from Troupsburgh and Canisteo, Jan. 24, 1827. West Union
was taken off in 1845, and a part of Jasper was annexed in 1848. It lies upon the w.
border of the co., s. of the center. Its surface is mostly a rolling upland. Bennetts Creek flows
northerly through the e. part of the town, in a valley 400 to 600 feet below the summits of the
hills. The soil is a gravelly and clayey loam. Greenwood, (p. v.,) on Bennetts Creek, con
tains 1 church and 35 houses; and Rougk and Ready (p. v.) 12 houses. West Green¬
wood is a p. o. The first settlement was made in 1820, by Christian Cobey and John H., Ezra,
and Phineas Stephens.11 The census reports 3 churches.12

HARTSVIliUl—was formed from Hornellsville, Feb. 7, 1844. It lies on the w. border of
the co., s. of the center. The surface is a hilly upland, broken by several deep valleys. Purdy
Creek flows e. through the sr. part, and the valley of Bennetts Creek extends along the e. border.
These creeks are bordered by steep hillsides 400 to 600 feet high. The soil is a shaly and clayey
loam. ISartsville Center, (Purdy Creek p.o.,) on Purdy Creek, near the center of the town, t
contains 15 houses. The first settlement was made in 1809, by Benj. Brookins.13 There is no
church in town.

10 John A. Buck, Joel Everett, and Danl. Atherton settled in

the town in 1813-14; Taylor and Francis Drake, in 1815;

and Solomon and Levi Gates, Robert Kilburg, Danl. Upson,
Sami. Sharp, Nehemiah Luther, Lemuel Harding, Stephen Hol¬
den, and Edward Markham, in 1816. The first marriage was
that of John A. Buck and Rebecca Baldwin, Aug. 24,1815; tbe
first birth, that of Charles E. Buck, Nov. 12,1816; and the first
death, that of Mrs. Amos Baldwin, Dec. 21,1815. Danl. Upson
built the first sawmill, in 1816, and the first gristmill, in 1819.
The first school was taught by Lydia Everett, in 1819.

11 Eleazar Woodward, John J. Hoyt, H. Carr, and Lewis Ord-
way settled in town in 1822. The first birth was that of Charles

C. Stephens; the first marriage, that of Hiram Putnam and Lu¬
cinda Stephens; and the first death, that of Ezra Cobey. The
first gristmill was built by Col. John Stephens; and the first
inn and store were kept by Levi Davis. Sarah Carr taught the
first school.

12 Presb., Univ., and R. C.

13 Joseph Purdy settled in the town in 1810; Blake in

1815; Thos. Williams,  Satterlee, Joshua Davis, and-

Neff in 1818; William D. Burdick and Perry Potter in 1819;
Daniel P. Carpenter, Frost Powell, Joseph Thompson, John and

Robert G. Martin, and  Hudson in 1822; and Casper Van

Buskirk and Wm. Ellison in 1823. The first birth was that of
Sarah A. Carpenter; the first marriage, that of Robert G. Mar¬
tin and Mary A. Gleason; and the first death, that of an infant


The Eogersyille Academy was organized in 1849, and the
buildings were erected in 1852.


taught by James Jones, in 1811.


* 2 Bap., and 1 each Presb., M. E., Univ., and R. C.


Named from Col. Arthur Erwin, of Bucks co., Penn., an
officer in the Revolutionary War, by whom the township was
purchased of Phelps and Gorham.


0 One mi. w. of Painted Post is a saw, shingle, and planing
mill, that gives employment to 75 men, and turns out 8,000,000
to 11,000,000 feet of lumber per annum.

J David Fuller, Eli Mead, and Van Nye settled in the

town in 1791-92; and Samuel, Frank, and Arthur Erwin, Capt.
Howell Bull, and John E. Evans, in 1800-01-02. Samuel Erwin
built the first sawmill, in 1820, and the first gristmill, in 1823;
and David Fuller kept the first inn, in 1792. The first school
was taught by John E. Evans, in 1812.


3 2 Bap., Presb., and M. E.


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