laud1 (p. v.) is a station on the L. I. R. R., s. of Lake Ronkonkoma. Pop. 215. Thompsons Sta¬ tion (p. o.) and North Islip (Suffolk Station p. o.) are stations on the Long Island R. R. Modern Times is a place of about 20 houses, in the central part.2 The Patchogue Indians were the original occupants of that part of the town e. of Connetquot River, and the Secatogues, or Se- catokets, of that part w. of the river. A large tract of territory, w. of the Connetquot, was purchased hy Wm. Nicoll, Nov. 29,1683, and that part e. of the same stream hy Olof, Philip, and Stephen Yan Cortlandt, June 1,1703.3 During the Revolution the inhabitants were in a constant state, of alarm hy the frequent passing of British troops to and from New York City. There are 10 churches in town.3
RlfERHEAB—was formed from Southold, March 13, 1792. It lies upon the n. side of the island, between Brookhaven and Southold, and has 16J mi. of coast upon Long Island Sound. Peconic River and Great PeconiG Bay form the s. boundary, and Wading River4 a part of the w. The surfaee in the s. part is level, but in the n. it is hilly. The shore is lined with high and precipi¬ tous bluffs of clay and hardpan. The soil is light and sandy,' and in most parts hut moderately fertile. The poorhouse is located on a farm of 45 acres. Riverlaeis.d, (p.v.,) an important station on the L. I. R. R., is situated on Peconic River at the Lead of boat navigation. It is the county seat, and contains the co. buildings, 3 churches, a seminary,5 and several manufactories.6 Pop. 813,—723 in Riverhead and 90 in Southampton. From Riverhead e. to the line of Southold, a distance of about 6 mi. upon the “South Road,” is a continuous settlement, which has received at different places the names Upper Aquefeogne, (p. o.,) €>M Aqneisogue, (Jamesport p. o.,) and Franklinville, (West Suffolk p. o.) Old Aquebogue and Franklinville are stations on the L. I. R. R. Jamesport8 is situated about one-half mi. s. of Old Aquebogue, on Great Peconic Bay, and contains 1 church; pop. 148. North ville, (Success p. o.,) in the sr. e. part, contains 1 church and 35 houses; Halting Hollow, (p. o.,) in the n. part, in a scattered settlement, has 2 churches; and Wading River, (p. v.,) on stream of same name, 1 church and 25 houses. Settle¬ ment began at Riverhead, in 1690, by John Griffing and others. There are 10 churches in town.9
SHELTER ISliANH10—was incorp. hy patent, under Gov. Nicoll, May 31, 1666 ;n hut its government was united with that of Southold until 1730. It was recognized as a town March 7,1788. It lies between the two peninsulas which form the e. extremity of Long Island, and embraces an area of over 8,000 acres. The island is very irregular; upon all sides jutting headlands extend out into the surrounding waters, and branching hays penetrate into the interior. The principal of these inlets are Coecles, West Neck, and Deerings Harbors. The surface is hilly, and the soil fertile. Grain raising and sheep husbandry form the principal agricultural pursuits. Guano and oil are manu¬ factured in considerable quantities from bony fish caught in the neighboring waters. There is a wind gristmill near the center of the island. Shelter Island is a p. o., centrally located. This island was the ancient residence of the Manhassett Indians. It was purchased for the Earl of Ster¬ ling hy Jas. Farrett, and was afterward sold to Stephen Goodyear, of New Haven. In 1651 it was purchased hy Nathaniel and Constant Sylvester, Thos. Middleton, and Thos. Rowe.12 The first settlement was made in 1652. The first church edifice was built in 1743.13
SMITHTOWN14—was organized hy patent, March 25,1677, and recognized as a town March 7, 1788. It lies upon the n. side of the island, between Huntington and Brookhaven. Stony Brook and Nissequague Harbors, extending far inland, are separated hy the Nissequague Neck. Nissequagne River, emptying into the harbor of the same name, divides the town into two nearly equal parts. The surface is considerably broken and hilly. The soil is a light, sandy loam in the s. part, and a clayey loam along the Sound. The Branch, (Smithtown Branch p. o.,) on Branch Brook, near the center of the town, contains 2 churches and 35 houses; Smithtown,15 (p. v.,) on Nissequague River, 20 houses; and St. Jamesville, (St. James p. o.,) at the head of Stony Brook Harbor, 1 church and 25 houses. Fresh Pond, is a p. o., in the n. w. part. Hoppogne,16 on
canal, connecting two small ponds with the river, has been con¬ structed, in which is a fall of 8* ft.
3 Called hy the natives “ Mi-a-mog,” or “ Miran-rogue.”
® 6 Cong., 2 M. E., 2 Swedenborgian.
10 The Indian name of the island was “ Nan-han-sack-a-ha- qioash-u-wor-nock,” signifying “ an island sheltered by islands” u This patent was issued to Constant and Nath’l Sylvester.
12 In 1673 Gov. Anthony Colve proclaimed Middleton and Con¬ stant Sylvester “public enemies of Holland,” aud sold their interests in the island. They were bought hy Nath’l Sylvester, and the purchase money was collected hy an armed force.— Thompson’s Hist. L. I. is The census reports 1 church; Presb.
n Named from Richard Smith, of R. I., the early proprietor of the town. 15 Usually called the “Head of the River.”
I6 Sometimes written “Hauppaugs.” The word is supposed to signify “ sweet waters.” |
This place was laid out on a magnificent scale. Large sums were spent in advertising it as a desirable residence for mechanics and others of small means, and many were induced to buy lots. Their investments, however, proved of little value,— their deeds being given by irresponsible parties.
This “ village” was laid out and built hy Stephen Pearl An¬ drews and others, who held to the doctrine of “ the Sovereignty of the Individual,” and some of whom were practical believers
, in the “ Free Love” doctrine.
3 M. E., 2 Prot. E., 2 Af. Meth., Cong., Cong. Meth., and Presb.
B Called by the Indians “ Pan-qua-cuirtrsuck.”
3 Established in 1835.
1 Upon the river at this place is a fall of 6 ft.; and a hydraulic