CANDOR—was formed from Spencer, Feb. 22, 1811. It is a large town, extending from the center to the sr. border of the co. Its surface consists of high, broad, rolling uplands, separated into ridges by the narrow valleys of streams flowing in a southerly direction. Their declivities are generally abrupt, and their summits are mostly covered with forests. Catatunk Creek flows through the center of the town, and the West Branch of Owego Creek forms the e. boundary. The waters of Catatunk Creek enter the town near the center of its w. border and flow. s. e., its valley com¬ pletely dividing the western ridge into two parts. The soil is a gravelly loam, fertile in the valleys and moderately so upon the hills. The settlements are mostly confined to the valleys. Candor (p. v.) is situated on Catatunk Creek, near the center of the town. It is a station on the C. & S. R. R., with 3 churches, a tannery, woolen factory, flouring mill, a sawmill, and about 70 dwellings. Candor Center, J mi. w. of Candor, contains 1 church, a flouring mill, 2 saw¬ mills, and 20 dwellings. Willsey ville, (p. v.,) a station on the C. & S. R. R., in the n. w. part of the town, contains 20 dwellings. Soutli Candor, on Catatunk Creek, near the s. border of the town, contains a church and about 20 dwellings. Weltonvllle (p.o.) is a hamlet at the mouth of Dolittle Creek. East Candor is a p. o. The first settlers were Thos. Hollister, Job Judd, C. Luddington, and Isaac Judd, from Conn., who came into town in 1793.1 Rev. Daniel Loring was the first preacher. The census reports 10 churches.2
NEWARK. —was formed from Berkshire, as “ WestvilleApril 12, 1823. Its name was changed March 24, 1824. It lies upon the center of the e. border of the co. Its surface is mostly a hilly, upland region, with a mean elevation of about 1,200 ft. above tide. Its streams are the West Branch of Owego Creek, forming the w. boundary, and the East Branch, flowing s.w. through near the center of the town. The soil in .the valleys is a fine, gravelly loam, but upon the hills it is an unproductive hardpan. The greater part of the uplands are yet unsettled. Newark. Valley, (p.v.,) located in the valley of East Owego Creek, contains 2 churches, mills, an ex¬ tensive tannery, and 75 dwellings, itetchumville, (p. v.,) in the n. e. corner of the town,, 7 mi. n. e. of Newark Yalley, contains a church, sawmill, and 26 dwellings. West Newark is a p. o. Jenksville, in the n.w., is a p. o. Settlement was commenced in 1791, by etnigrants from Berkshire co., Mass.2 First religious association (Cong.) was formed in 1798, by Rev. Seth Williston, a missionary from Conn.; Rev. Jeremiah Osborn was the first settled preacher, in 1803.4
NICHOES—was formed from Tioga, March 23, 1824. It lies upon the s. bank of the- Sus¬ quehanna, near the center of the s. boundary of the co. Its surface is mostly upland, excepting the broad valley of the Susquehanna, and broken by the narrow valleys of small streams. The sum¬ mits of the hills are broad and 300 to 500 ft. ahove the river. Many of them are still covered with forests. The soil in the valleys is a gravelly loam and very productive; upon the hills it is a mode¬ rately fertile, gravelly and clayey loam, underlaid hy red sandstone. Nichols, (p. o.,) Hoopers Valley, (p.o.,) and Canfields Corners (p. o.) are hamlets upon the Susquehanna. The first settlement was made hy Ebenezer Ellis, Pelatiah Pierce, Stephen Mills, and James Cole, in
1787. There are 2 churches in town; M. E. and Union.3
OWEGO4—was organized Feb. 16, 1791. Spencer was taken off in 1806. It is a large town, occupying the s. e. corner of the co. Its surface is mostly upland, separated into two distinct parts by Susquehanna River and broken hy the narrow valleys of small creeks. The summits of the ridges are broad and rolling, and 300 to 500 ft. ahove the river. The intervale along the river in some places is an unbroken flat more than a mile in width. Owego Creek, flowing through a broad and beautiful valley, forms the w. boundary of the town n. of the Susquehanna. The other streams are Nanticoke Creek, from the sr., and Apalachin Creek, from the s., and a great number of smaller brooks and creeks. The declivities bordering upon these streams are generally steep. The soil is principally a gravelly loam. A considerable portion of the hilly re-
4 The census reports 5 churches; 3 M. E., Cong., and Presb.
8 Among those who settled later were Judge Emanuel Coryell,
Isaiah Jones, Bass, and Emmons, in 1791; and about
the same time Caleb Wright, on the site of Nichols Village, and Stephen Dodd, a short distance below. In 1793 Jonathan Platt and his son Jonathan, Col. Bichard Sackett, Lewis Brown, and Miles’Forman,—all from Westchester co.,—settled in the valley. Major John Smyth and his sons John, Gilbert, and Nathan, from Monroe co., Penn., Benjamin Lounsbury, Ziba Evans, Jonathan Hunt, Richard Sarles, Asahel Prichard, Jonathan Pettis, Joseph and John Annibal, Joseph Morey, and David Briggs, were also among the pioneer settlers. The first birth was that of Daniel Pieree, in 1787.
6 Owego, “Swift River.”—Annals of Binghamton, p. 110, |
They were followed in 1794 hy Joel and Elijah Smith, Israel Mead, and his son Israel,—the former two from Conn. and the latter from Vt. Families named Collins, Sheldon, Marsh, Bates, and Ellis were also among the early settlers. The first inn was kept by Thomas Hollister; the first store by Philip Case; and the first gristmill was erected by Elijah Hart.
8 Among the settlers in 1791 were Elisha Wilson, (living upon the place of his original settlement in 1858, at the age of 87,) Danisl Ball, Isaac and Ahram Brown, Dean, and Nor¬ ton,—all from Stockbridge, Mass.,—most of them settling in the
Mis* E. Moore taught the first school; Enos Slawson kept the
fti*t store and inn; and E. Wilson built the first mill.