Gazetteer of New York, 1860 & 1861 page 664
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It contains 8 churches,.a bank, and newspaper office. The people are principally engaged in the
eoal trade; and a large number of steamers, barges, and sailing vessels are constantly engaged
in freighting coal, stone, .and cement from this place
.1 The Newark Lime and Cement Manufac¬
turing Co. manufacture a larger amount of waterlime and cement annually than is produced at
any similar establishment in the country. Pop. 5,978. Eddy ville, upon Rondout Creek, 2J
mi,, from its mouth, contains a cement factory
2 and about 50 dwellings. It is the N. terminus of
the D. & H. Canal. Wilbur, (p. v.,) on the Rondout, below Eddyville, contains about 100
houses. It is the center of an immense trade in flagging stones
.3 Fly Mountain is a p. o.
Dutch Settlement is a hamlet in the
n. part. Flatbush contains a cement factory.4
The Dutch built a trading and military post here as early as 1614; but every thing was swept
away in the wars of 1644-45. Another settlement was commenced in 1652, and abandoned in
1655. The first permanent settlers came in soon after, but suffered much from Indian hos¬
tilities for several years
.5 Feb. 19, 1777, the first State Convention adjourned from Eishkill to
Kingston. On the 9th of September following, the State Legislature convened here, but dispersed
upon the approach of a British force under Sir Henry Clinton on the 7th of Oct. At that time
the public records were hastily removed to the back settlements, and the place was burned
.6 The
first church (Ref. Prot. D.) was formed May 30, 1658. There are 18 churches in town


EEOYD—was formed from New Paltz, April 15, 1845. It lies upon the Hudson, s. of the
center of the co. Its surface is mostly a rolling and hilly upland, terminating in a bluff upon the
river; and the average height of the surface above tide is about 200 ft. Swarte Kil flows
n. along
its w. boundary and Black Brook
n.. through the center. The soil is generally a clay and gravelly
loam. The bluffs along the river are principally occupied by fine country seats. New Paltz
Landing, (p. v.,) upon the river, contains 2 churches and 50 houses
;8 Centerville (Lloyd
p. o.) a church and 17 houses. Eewisburgh is a hamlet on the river, s. of New Paltz Landing.
Riverside is a p. o. in the
n. e. part. The date of first settlement in this town is quite ancient;
but most of the details of the first years are lost. It was originally named “Paltz.” The first
church (M. E.) was formed in 1787. There are 3 churches in town
; 2 M. E. and Presb.

MARBLETOWN—was formed by patent June <25,1703.® It was first recognized as a town
March 7,1788. A part of Olive was taken off in 1823, and a part of Rosendale in 1844. It is near
the geographical center of the co. The surface is a hilly upland, broken by the valleys of the
streams. Stone Ridge, near the center, the highest summit, is about 400 ft. above tide; Esopus
Creek flows through the
n. part, and Rondout Creek through the s. e. corner. The soil is chiefly
a clay and sandy loam. A quarry of Shawangunk grit has been opened, and a sulphur spring has
been found near the line of Rosendale. Stone Ridge, (p.v.,)
s.e. of the center, contains 2
churches and 80 houses; Kripplebush, (p. v.,) in the s. part, a church and 12 houses. High
Falls10 is a hamlet upon the canal. Marbletown is a p. o. Rruceville (High Falls p. o.)
a small canal village on the line of Rosendale, in the s. e. corner. The first church (Ref. Prot.

D.) was formed in 1738.11

MAKER OROL (J II—was formed as a precinct, from Newburgh Precinct, March 12, 1772,

at an early period of its growth, a maze of crooked lanes, bor¬
dered by rude shanties and inhabited by a floating population
of Irish laborers. The village still cbntains a large proportion
of Irish, and has a large and increasing number of German in¬
habitants. Its appearance has much improved within a few

1 About 20 steamers are engaged in the freighting business of
this place. Lines of steamers also run regularly to Albany,
New York, and intermediate places. A steam ferry connects
the place with Rhinebeck, on the p. bank of the Hudson.

2 The Lawrence Cement Co. manufacture 90,000 barrels of
cement annually.

s The aggregate amount of this trade is more than $250,000
per annum.

* The Kingston and Rosendale Cement Co. manufacture 70,000
barrels of cement annually.

5 The site of the first Dutch fort is said to be upon a plateau
in the w. bounds of Rondout. The locality is still called by its
Indian name, Ponkhockie, said to signify “ Canoe Harbor.” On
-the 7 th of June, 1663, as most of the people were at work in the
fields, the Indians made a sudden attack upon the fort, (which
was carelessly left open,) killed 18, and carried away 42 as prison¬
ers. Capt. Chambers rallied the men, drove out the Indians, and
commenced a war in which the captives were mostly reclaimed
and the Indians nearly exterminated. The first marriage on the
church record was that of Jan Janse Timmermans and Catha¬
rine Mattyson, Oct. 3,1660.

6 The British force under Gen. Vaughan, consisting of 3,000
sen, was sent up the river to co-operate with Burgoyne. For
10 days after passing the barriers at the Highlands they amused
themselves by burning and plundering the places along the
river. They took possession of Kingston Oct. 17, and, after plun¬
dering it several hours, they burned every house but one. The
houses were mostly of stone, and the woodwork was easily re¬
placed after the retreat of the British. Several of the early
meetings Of the Legislature were held at this place; and the first
State Constitution was formed here.

7 2 Ref. Prot. D., 2 M. E., Bap., Prot.E., Presb., and Jewish, at
Kingston; 2 M. E., Presb., Germ. Evang. Luth., R. C., Bap., Prot.
E., Ref. Prot. D., and Jewish, at Rondout; and M. E. at Eddy¬

8 A ferry connects this place with Poughkeepsie.

6 This patent was granted to Col. Henry Beekman, Capt.
Thos. Gaston, and Capt. Chas. Brodhead, in trust for the in¬
habitants. Trustees continued to be annually elected until
1808. The records of 1703 contain the names of the following
petitioners for grants of land:—Mosys Du Puy, Thomas Vande-
marke, Loondart Kool, Richard Wilson, Jeremy Kettell, jr.,
Gysbert Roosa, Wm. Nottingham, John Cock, sen., and Capt.
Richard Brodhead.

10 The Ogden Rosendale Cement Co. manufactures 100,000
barrels annually, and employs 70 men; D. S. Ogden, President.
The falls on tbe Rondout are here about 50 feet high, affording
a great amount of water-power.

11 The census reports 5 churches in town; 3 Ref. Prot. D.
and 2 M. E. Rev. Derick Romeyn and Rev. J. R. Hardenburgh
(afterward Pres, of Rntgers College) were both pastors of the
Ret Prot. D. church at Stone Ridge.


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