Gazetteer of New York, 1860 & 1861 page 666
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the commencement of the last century. The first church (Ref. Prot. D.) was formed in 1770;
Rev. Stephen Goetschius was the first pastor


ROCHESTER2 —was incorp. by patent June 25, 1703,3 and organized as a town March 7,

1788. A part of Middletown (Delaware co.) was taken ofl4 in 1789, Neversink (Sullivan co.) in
1798, Wawarsing in 1806, and a part of Gardiner in 1853. A part of "VYawarsing was annexed
March 21, 1823. It is an interior town, lying a little s. w. of the center of the co. Ranges of
mountains extend along the
e. and w. borders, and a rolling upland occupies the central portions.
Rondout Creek flows
n. e. through the s. part, and receives as tributaries Sander Kil, Peters Kil,
and several other streams. Yernooy Creek flows s. through the w. part. The soil upon the up¬
lands is a gravelly loam, and in the valleys a sandy loam mixed with clay. The Delaware &
Hudson Canal extends along the valley of Rondout Creek. Esopus millstones are largely quar¬
ried in this town. An extensive cave near Kyserike has been explored about half a mile.
Alllg'erville and Port Jackson are small villages upon the canal. Accord and Ky¬
serike are p. offices. The first settlements were made about 1700, by the Dutch
.5 The first
church (Ref. Prot. D.) was formed soon after the first settlement. There are now 2 churches in
town; Ref. Prot. D. and M. E.

ROSENDALE—was formed from Marbletown, New Paltz, and Hurley, April 26, 1844. It
is an interior town, lying
e. of the center of the eo. Its surface is a rolling and broken upland,
the highest summits being 200 to 500 ft. above the valleys. Rondout Creek flows
n. e. through
near the center, and receives Coxing Kil from the s. and Kottie Kil from tne
n. The Delaware &
Hudson Canal extends along the valley of the Rondout. The soil is principally a sandy loam.
The manufacture of cement has become one of the most important branches of business
.6 There
are six cement manufactories in town. Rosendale, (p.v.,) upon the creek and canal, contains 2
churches and 450 inhabitants; Eawrenceville, 1 mi. w., 40 hquses; Brnceville, (High
Falls p. o.,) upon the line of Marbletown, about 30 houses. Creell EocllS, a canal village, on
e. border, and Wfiiteport, in the n. part, each contains about 20 houses. The first settle¬
ments were made by the'Dutch, about 1700.7 The first church (Ref. Prot. D.) was formed in 1797;
Rev. Thos. G. Smith was the first preacher

SAP GERTIES8—was formed from Kingston, April 5, 1811. An error in the boundary was
corrected June
8, 1812, and a part of Kingston was annexed April 2, 1832. It lies upon the
Hudson, in the
N. e. corner of the co. The surface is rolling in the e. and hilly in the center and
w. The hills upon the river and extending 2 mi. back are underlaid by limestone, from which
quicklime and cement are manufactured. Farther w. are quarries of fine flagging stone. Platte
Kil flows through the town in a tortuous course and forms the principal drainage. Kaaters Kil
flows along the
N. border. The soil along the river is a clayey loam, and upon the uplands a sandy
and gravelly loam. Quarrying is extensively carried on. Saugerties, (p. v.,) upon the Hudson,
at the mouth of Esopus Kil, was incorp. April 26, 1831, as “
Ulster.” Its name was changed
April 10, 1855. It contains the Saugerties Academy, 7 churches, a newspaper office, and several
extensive manufactories. Pop. 3,334. Malden, (p. v.,) upon the Hudson, 2 mi. n. of Sauger¬
ties, is the seat of an extensive stone trade
.9 Pop. 350. Glasco, (p. v.,) upon the Hudson,
3 mi. s. of Saugerties, is the seat of an extensive brick manufactory and stone trade. Pop.

8 This name is said to be derived from the Dutch “ Zagger,” a
sawyer, from a sawmill built by Robert Livingston on Saw Kil.
Ebenezer Wooster first used the name in 1749, when surveying
the bounds of the Hardenburgh Patent.

In 1826, Henry Barclay, of N. Y.; purchased the present site
of the village, and the water-power. He built a dam and con¬
structed a race which made a fall of 47 feet. He soon after built
a rolling mill, paper mill, and cotton factory. The last named
has since been changed to a white lead factory. The Ulster Iron
Works employs 300 hands night and day, and manufactures

6,000 tons of bar and hoop iron annually. The paper mill em¬
ploys 125 hands, and turns out 600 tons of paper annually. The
White Lead Works employs 40 men,,and manufactures 1,500
tons of paint annually. The village is largely engaged in com¬
merce. Sail-vessels are employed in exporting stone and
brick. A steam ferry plies between this place and Tivoli sta¬
tion on the Hudson River R. R„ and a daily steamer runs to
New York.

8 From Malden about 70,000 tons North River bine stone are
annually shipped to all parts of the U. S., employing about
1,500 inen and 15 vessels. E. and D. Bigelow.& Co.’s steam mill
employs 70 to 100 men, turning out about 5 tons daily. The
value of shipments is about $350,000. It is now about 25 years
since the quarries were i


There are 7 churches in town; 3 M. E., Wes. Meth., Ref. Prot.

D., Presb., and Friends.


Named in honor of the Earl of Rochester. The Indian name
is said to be Mom-bac-cus.


The first trustees under the patent were Col. Henry Beek¬
man, Joachim Schoonmaker, and Mosys Du Puy.


There are 5 churches in town; 2 Ref. Prot. D.,Bap., Friends,


* Inl703 the following persons resided in town:—Van Gerritse
Decker, Lodewyck Hornbeck, Leendart Kool, sr., Anthony Horn-
beck, Wm. De La Montaigne, Teunis Oosterhout, Jan Cartwright,
Gysbert Vkn Garde, Andries Davies, and David Du Bois. Teunis
Oosterhout had a “corne mill” on Mombaccus Kil, in 1743.


More than one-half of the cement made in the co. is manu¬
factured in this town. The water-Iimestone quarries may be
said to constitute the wealth of the town. The cement manu¬
factories are as follows:—


Newark and Rosendale Lime and Cement Co., at White-

port, manufactures annually.............................. 125,000

Lawrenceville Man’g Cegient Co., annually.................. 50,000

Rosendale Cement Co., Rosendale, manufact’s annually 40,000
Clearwater c£- Martin,    “    “    “    40,000

David S. Ogden,    “    “    “    28,000

Luther Hoffman,    “    “    “    8,000


° An inn was kept at the old Rosendale Farm” in 1711.


and R. C.


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