river, bat toward the e. the surface rises to a height of 200 to 300 ft. and spreads out into a beauti¬ fully undulating upland. The Hudson, Moses Kil and Dead Creek are the principal streams. The soil upon the river is a mixture of heavy clay and alluvium, but farther e. it is a sandy or gravelly loam. In town are several extensive manufacturing establishments.1 Fort Edward2 (p.v.) is finely situated on the Hudson. Pop. in 1858,1,565. The Washington Co. Seminary and Female Collegiate Institute,3 one of the largest academic institutions in the State, is located at this village. Fort Miller (p. v.) is situated on the Hudson, about 7 mi. below Fort Edward. Pop. 225. Fort Edward Center is a p. o., and Durkeetown is a hamlet. The first family that located in the town or co. was that of Col. Lydius, son of Rev. John Lydius, who, having acquired the title to Delliu’s discarded patent, built a house, and engaged in trade with the Indians at what is now Fort Edward Tillage.4 His daughter, Catherine, was born here, and was the first white child born in the co. Fort Nicholson was built in 1709, but was soon after abandoned. As a part of the plan of military operations against Canada, about 600 men, under Gen. Lyman, were sent forward, in June, 1755, to build a fort where Fort Nicholson had formerly stood, at the great carrying place to Lake Champlain.3 Fort Edward was a very important depot for arms and ren¬ dezvous for armies in the great expeditions against Canada; and it served as a vast hospital for the sick and wounded until 1760, when it was allowed to go to decay. During the Revolution it was again occupied by both British and Americans. Fort Miller is named from the fort built, about 1755, in the bend of the river opposite the village.5 After the peace this town settled rapidly. Wm. Duer,6 son-in-law to Lord Sterling, was the pioneer of Ft. Miller, where he built a large house and sawmill. There are 6 churches in town.8
GRAlWIIiliE—was formed March 23, 1786. It is situated upon the e. border of the co., n. of the center. Its surface is undulating and hilly. The ridges generally slope gradually to their summits, which are elevated 300 to 500 ft. above the valleys. Quarries of excellent roofing slate have been opened in different parts of the town.7 Wide intervales of excellent land extend along the course of Mettowee, or Pawlet,8 and Indian Rivers. The soil is a slaty and gravelly loam, and is particularly adapted to potatoes, large quantities of which are exported. A limited amount of manufactures9 is carried on in town. Granville12 (p. v.) contains 450 inhabitants; Mortis. Granville (p.v.) a female seminary, and 220 inhabitants; Middle Granville (p.v.) an academy and 800 inhabitants; and South Granville (p. v.) 111. The land in this town is em¬ braced in several grants made to about 30 captains and lieutenants who had served in the French War.10 Barnaby Byrnes Patent, of 2000 acres, in the s.e. corner, was sold to Kennith McKennith, a merchant of New York, who again sold it to Donald Fisher, a tailor of that city. Fisher induced several relatives of his to remove from Scotland and settle upon his tract. In the Revolution he withdrew to Canada, and his lands were confiscated and sold; but, owing to some informality, the
down and made into canes and boxes as mementos of the event. The remains of MissMcC. are interred in the Union Cemetery.
6 The flat upon which this fort was erected is protected on three sides by the river and a narrow bay; it was further defended by a strong parapet of timber covered with earth, and with a ditch in front. A blockhouse, was built upon the bluff that overlooks the point; and within the flat storehouses were erected.
7 He was the first State Senator from this co. Among the first settlers were Noah Payne, from Warren co., Conn., in 1766, Timothy Buel, and the Crocker families, Nath’l Gage was living at Ft. Miller when these families arrived. The Durkee, Saun¬ ders, and Bell families settled in the upper part of the town. The first one of these consisted of a father and 5 sons, from R. I. These settlers first took out titles under Lydius, but, finding them invalid, they-bought of the Schuyler proprietors. There is no tradition of loss to the settlers from this cause,—whence it is inferred that Col. Lydius refunded whatever he may have re¬ ceived. Hugh Monroe, (owner of Monroes Island,) Patrick Smith, and Dr. Jas. Smith settled at Fort Edward about 1764. The house of Patrick Smith—still standing, J mi. s. of Canal Aqueduct—was the headquarters of Burgoyne and Gen. Schuy¬ ler at different times during the Revolution; and it was the co. courthouse.
8 2 M. E., 2 Prot. E., Ref. Prot. D., Presb.
3 The laborers engaged in this business are mostly Welsh. Jones & Co. have an extensive factory for cutting and dressing this for a variety of ornamental and useful purposes,
10 This stream, rising among the Dorset Mts., is subject to sudden and severe freshets, which render the maintenance of bridges difficult and expensive.
u At Granville Village are a paper mill and woolen factory.
12 Incorp. in 1849; formerly called “Bishops Coi'ners.”
13 These grants became known by the names of the patentees, as “Grants North and South Patent,” “Lakes Patent,” “Hutchin- sons Patent“ Kelleys Patent,” “Dupersons Patent&c. |
Tho dam at Fort Edward furnishes water for 4 gang sawmills, a machine shop and furnace, a flouring mill, plaster mill, paper mill, and cotton factory. At Fort Miller Dam are a grist and saw mill, fulling mill, machine shop, and woolen factory.
Incorp. under Gen. Act of 1847.
The seminary building is 300 ft. long by 40 broad, and & stories high, besides an extensive wing. It has accommodations for 500 pupils. See page 743.
His house was burned by the Indians in 1749, and his son taken prisoner.
was changed to Ft. Edward, in honor of Edward, Duke of York,
grandson of Geo. II, and brother of Geo. III. It stood on the
were entirely skinned, and the frail covering of the magazine was completely charred.
The murder of Jane McCrea took place July 27,1777, near a
spring, and beside a venerable pine tree a little e. of the village. This tragedy was at once reported throughout the country, and aided greatly to weaken the influence of tho British, while it
vaders. The old pine tree died in 1849; and in 1853 it was cut