Killerby,N. R. (2) a township in the parish of Catterick, wapentake of Hang East, 2 miles S. from Catterick; inhabitants, 48. Here is the seat of John Booth, Esq.
Killerby, N.R. (3) a hamlet in the township and parish of Cayton, wa- pentake of Pickering Lythe, 5 miles S. from Scarborough.
Killing Hall, W.R. (5) a town- ship in the parish of Ripley, wapentake of Claro, 2 miles S. from Ripley; in- habitants, 519. Tn this township is Rolling, the seat of John Williamson, Esq. Two or three families of note formerly resided in Killing Hall: some ruins, covered with grass, point out the site where two of these mansions have stood, from the materials of which several farm houses have been erected.
Killingwold Grove, E. R. (6) a small hamlet in the township and pa- rish of Bishop Burton, division of Huns- ley Beacon, 2 miles W. from Beverley. This village bears several indications of a very high antiquity.
Kilmont Scar, N. R. (1) a small hamlet in the township and parish of Bowes, wapentake of Gilling West, 3 miles W. from Greta Bridge.
Kii.nhurst, W. R. (8) a hamlet in the townships of Swinton and Raw- marsh, parish of Rawmarsh, wapen- take of Strafforth and Tickhill, 5 miles N. from Rotherham. Kilnhurst Hall is the seat of William Turner, Esq. Here are alms-houses for six poor people.'‘
Kilnsea, E. R. (9) a parish and township with Spurn, in the wapentake of Holderness, 8 miles S. E. from Pa- trington; inhabitants, 196; a vicarage, value 6/. 18s.6§tf.; patron, G.L. Thomp- son, Esq. The church in this village, is in a dilapidated state, and will probably soon become a prey to the depreda- tions of the ocean, which for several ages has been making progressive en- croachment on this coast. In the year 1818, an ancient cross was taken down and removed into the park at Burton |
Constable for security: this edifice, according to tradition, was originally erected in the town of Ravenspur, to commemorate the landing of Henry of Bolingbroke. In this parish, is the well-known promontory of Spurnhead, the Ocellum Promontorium of Ptolemy, the southernmost point of Holderness : it may be called an island, as it is joined to the main land by a narrow neck of sand, about a mile and half in length, which is frequently overflown by a high tide. Spurnhead contains two light-houses and a few cottages; it is also a station for a life-boat: some- where near Spurnhead, was the port of Ravenspur, celebrated in English his- tory, for the descents of Henry IV., 1399, and of Edward IV., 1471, when these princes came to contend for the crown of England. Ravenspur has been long swallowed up by the sea or the Humber, and its precise situation can- not now be ascertained. Several other towns and villages in this part of Hol- derness have experienced the same fate. Mention is made of Frismerk, Tharle- thorpe, Redmayr, Pennysmerk, Upsal, and Potterfleet, of which places, more unfortunate than even old Troy, not a vestige remains to point out that they ever had an existence.
Kilnsey, W. R. (4) a township with Conistone, parish of Burnsall, wa- pentake of Staincliffe, 3 miles S. from Kettle well; inhabitants, 157. This place is remarkable for a lofty range of lime- stone rock, called Kilnsey Cragg, and hither the numerous flocks of sheep belonging to Fountains Abbey, were driven to their annual sheep-shearing. Chapel house, in a picturesque situa- tion, is the seat of John Tennant, Esq.
Kilnwick Percy, E.R. (6) a pa- rish and township in the division of Wilton Beacon, 8 miles N. W. from Market Weighton; inhabitants, 43 ; a vicarage, valueAl. 16s.3d.; patron, the Dean of York. Here is the seat of Ro- bert Denison, Esq. |