and its materials divided so scrupu- lously, that the stones, it is Jsaid, were shared one by one; a compromise, how- ever, seems to have taken place before their demolishing hands approached the present remains. From the num- ber of ancient coins and reliques dis- covered here, and from other circum- stances, it is evident that Malton was a Roman station, but to pretend that it was the Camalodunum of Ptolemy, is absurd, as that municipal town is satis- factorily ascertained to have been Mal- den, in Essex. New Malton is a very flourishing place; the river having been made navigable in the reign of Queen Anne, vast quantities of corn and provi- sions are shipped for Hull and other mar- kets : the town is about half a mile in length, and possesses a handsome suite of public rooms, with a theatre; St. Leonards church has a tall spire, which is left] unfinished, and presents the un- sightly appearance of a truncated cone: the town stands on an eminence, over- looking the river, which runs through a beautiful and fertile vale. The manor is the property of Earl Fitzwilliam.
Malton, Old, N. R. (5) a parish and township in the wapentake of Ry- dale, 1 mile N. from New Malton ; in- habitants, 1064 ; a perpetual curacy; patron, Earl Fitzwilliam ; this appears to have been the mother church to St. Leonard and St. Michael, at New Mal- ton : the church is a very ancient struc- ture, and adjoins some remains of a priory, founded in the 12th century by Eustace Fitz-John, for canons of the order of St. Gilbert. In 1546 Arch- bishop Holgate endowed here a free grammar school.
Manfield, N. R. (2) a parish and township in the wapentake of Gilling East, 10 miles N. from Catterick ; in- habitants, 440 ; a vicarage, value 6l. If. 3d.; patron, the King. This small village is supposed to have been once a place of some importance, from vari- ous foundations of buildings and scat- tered tumuli, but nothing satisfactory has been obtained respecting their ori- gin. The parish contains the township of Cliffe. Entire population, 493. |
Maningiiam, W. R. (4) a town- ship in the parish of Bradford, wapen- take of Morley, If mile N. from Brad- ford ; inhabitants, 2471. In this town- ship are the Clock House, the seat of Miss Jowitt; Maningham House, the seat of L. E. Cunliffe, Esq.; and Whit- ley House, the seat of J. Hollings, Esq.
Maniwell Heights, W. R. (4) a hamlet in the township of Wilsden, pa- rish of Bradford, wapentake of Morley, 4 miles S. from Keighley.
Mankinholes, W. R. (7) a hamlet in the township of Langfield, parish of Halifax, wapentake of Morley, 11 miles W. from Halifax.
Mappleton, E. R. (6) a parish and township in the wapentake of Holder- ness, 3 miles S. from Hornsea; in- habitants, 187 ; a vicarage, value 4l. 13s. 4d.; patron, the Archdeacon of the East Riding. It contains the town- ships of Cowdons, Great Hatfield, and Rowlstone. Entire population, 460.
Mapplewell, W. R. (8) a hamlet in the township and parish of Darton, wapentake of Staincross, 3 miles N. from Barnsley.
Marderley, N. R. (2) a small hamlet in the township and parish of Feliskirk, wapentake of Birdforth, 3 miles N. E. from Thirsk.
Marfleet, E. R. (6) a township and parish in the wapentake of Holder- ness, 5 miles E. from Hull; inhabi- tants, 127 ; a perpetual curacy; pa- tron, the Rev. Thomas Watson. This is a small village, near the north bank of the Humber ; the church is a small modern brick building.
Markington, W. R, (5) a town- ship with Wallerthwaite, in the parish of Ripon, wapentake of Claro, 4 miles S. from Ripon, inhabitants, 457. In this township is Markenfield Hall, once the seat of a family of the same name, |