now occupied as a farm-house; it was moated round, and, with its ancient turrets, still presents a picturesque ap- pearance, Mr. Hargrove quotes an old ballad, which represents Sir Ninian Markenville as present at the battle of Flodden Field, in 1513 : the estate was forfeited to the crown by Sir Thomas Markenville joining the rebellion in the north, against Queen Elizabeth, in 1569. In this township are the cele- brated and magnificent ruins of Foun- tains Abbey, situated in a deep valley, through which flows a small rivulet, called the Skell ; the hills on either e are clothed with lofty trees, and the scene is admirably fitted for con- templation. In 1132 some monks of St. Marys Abbey, in York, who deter- mined to embrace the rules of the Cis- tercian order, lately introduced into England, left their parent monastery, and after various sufferings and for- tunes, settled under the foliage of an ancient elm tree in this place: the fame of their sanctity inducing various gifts, the abbey began to be erected, and from a scroll in the transept, appears to have been finished in the year 1283. The present remains are deservedly con- sidered as the most interesting, exten- sive, and perfect monastic ruins in the kingdom, as they consist, not only of the church, with its lofty tower, but of two cloisters, the chapter-house, refec- tory, dormitory, and kitchen, which, with the adjuncts of the gate, the mill, and the bridge, afford a complete illus- tration of an ancient monastery : the architecture is mixed, in some of the windows the arch is circular, in others pointed; the great east window is mag- nificent. The name de Fontibus, is sup- posed to have been adopted from a place bearing the same appellation in Burgundy, the birth-place of St. Ber- ' nard, the founder of the Cistercian or- der of Monks. At the dissolution of the monasteries, Fountains Abbey was granted to Sir Richard Gresham; after passing through various families, it was purchased hy William Aislabie, Esq., of Studley, to the celebrated park and grounds of whose descendant, Mrs. Lawrence, it now forms a distinguished appendage. About 200 yards from the abbey is Fountains Hall, built from a part of its ruins, by Sir Stephen Proctor, one of the esquires to James I.; it is not now occupied as a mansion. Micklehow Hill, in the township of Markington, is a lofty eminence, partly covered with wood; it belonged to the monastery of Fountains ; upon its summit was for- merly a chapel, which has been taken down, and a Gothic tower erected on its site, which affords an extensive and delightful prospect. |
Marishes, East and West, N.R. (6) a township in the parish of Thorn- ton, wapentake of Pickering Lythe, 5 miles S. E. from Pickering; inhabi- tants, 210.
Market Weighton, E. R. (6). See Weighton Market.
Marr, W. R. (8) a parish and township in the wapentake of Straf- forth and Tickhill, 4 miles W. from Doncaster ; inhabitants, 162 ; a per- petual curacy ; patron, the Trustees to the property of the late Mr. Thellusson,
Marrick, N, R. (1) a parish and township in the wapentake of Gilling West, 3 miles E. from Reeth ; inhabi- tants, 621; a perpetual curacy ^pa- tron, Josias R. Morley, Esq. Marrick is situated on the northern bank of the Swale. Here was a convent of Bene- dictine Nuns, founded in the reign of King Stephen; the nave of the cha- pel of which is still used as the parish church. Marrick Park is the seat of Mrs. Morley.
Marrifirth, N.R. (2) a small ham- let in the township and parish of Thorn- ton Watlas, wapentake of Hang East, 5 miles W. from Bedale.
Marsden, W. R. (7) a township in the parishes of Almondbury and Hud- dersfield, wapentake of Agbrigg, 7 miles |