an air of great magnificence; the lower story is supported by a vast column of stone in the middle, from which spring circular arches closing the top; the floors of the two upper stories are fallen in, and the apartments are dilapidated; the view from the roof must have been superb: at some distance from the keep is a ruinous tower, in which is a dismal dungeon, fourteen feet in depth. This castle was decayed even in the time of Leland, and owes its de- struction, not to the hostile attacks of an enemy, or to the dismantling enact- ments of Parliament, but to the neglect of its possessors, when the change of manners no longer required the protec- tion of its walls: the site of this castle contains about six acres, and is the property of the Duke of Richmond. The town is small, and though a great market for corn, contains no manufac- tures ; the want of coal and of water- carriage is felt as a great inconvenience, but the rocky bed of the Swale pre- cludes all idea of navigation; the situa- tion of the place is delightful, and obtained the name of Richmaunt from the partiality of its early lords. "Hie church in itself is not remarkable, but contains some interesting monuments. In the centre of the town is the chapel of the Holy Trinity, formerly belonging to St. Marys church at York; in the north aisle is held the consistory court, with other matters pertaining to the archdeaconry of Richmond; a little without the walls stood a monastery of Grey Friars, founded in 1258, by Ralph Fitz Randolph, lord of Middleham ; its present remains consist of little more than a tower of exquisite beauty. To the west of this place was a nunnery, but it has totally disappeared, and its history is quite unknown. The town hall which jus a modern structure, is handsome, and contains a spacious as- sembly room : a mile from the town is a race course. Richmond having im- parted its name to the ancient village of Sheen, in Surrey, a comparison of their contrasted merits naturally pre- sents itself; but the soft and sylvan beauties of the south, bear no'sort of resemblance to those fragments of an elder world, which strike the eye amidst the bold and rocky scenery of Swaledale. Archdeacon Blackburne was born in this town, and was for eight and forty years rector of the pa- rish ; he was author of the Confes- sional, a forgotten controversial work, but singular from the pen of a clergy- man of the establishment, as it is a vindication of the principles of dissent: he wrote also another work, in which he maintained the notion of the sleep of the souls of the dead, till the day of resurrection. The township and parish of Richmond are co-extensive. |
Richmond, W.R. (8) a hamlet in the township and parish of Hands- worth, wapentake of Strafforth and Tickhill, 4 miles S.E. from Rother- ham.
Richmondshire, N. R. (1) a dis- trict in the North Riding, comprehend- ing the five wapentakes of Hallikeld, Gilling East, Gilling West, Hang East, and Hang West; it occupies the north- west corner of Yorkshire, and was part of the estate of Earl Edwin; at the con- quest, William bestowed it upon his nephew, Alan earl of Bretagne, who gave it the the name of Richmondshire, of which his castle of Richmond on the Swale was the capital.
Riddings, N. R. (1) a hamlet in the township of Reeth, parish of Grin- ton, wapentake of Gilling West, 1 mile W. from Reeth.
Riddlesden, W.R. (4) a hamlet in the township of Morton, parish of Bingley, wapentake of Skyrack, 1 mile N. from Keighley. Riddlesden Hall is the seat of Thomas Leach, Esq.
Ridgecross, W.R. (4) a hamlet in the township of Wadsworth, parish of Halifax, wapentake of Morley, 14 miles W, from Bradford. |