bs. 2§d.; patron, Sir John Lister Kaye, Bart. Here are alms-houses for five poor widows ; and Fence End, the seat of the Rev. W. A. Wasney. This pa- rish, for distinctions sake, is some- times called Thornton in Craven.
Thornton, N. R. (3) a parish and township in the wapentake of Pickering Lythe, miles E. from Pickering; in- habitants, 879 ; a rectory, value 20/.; patron, Richard Hill, Esq. Here is a grammar school, and also an hospital, founded in 1657, by Viscountess Lum- ley, for twelve poor widows. Thorn- ton House, is the seat of Richard Hill, Esq. The parish contains the township of Farmanby. Entire popu- lation, 1282.
Thornton, N. R. (2) a hamlet in the township and parish of Stainton, wapentake of Langbarugh, 4 miles E. from Yarm.
Thornton, N. R. (5) a township with Baxby, in the parish of Coxwold, wapentake of Birdforth, 3 miles N. from Easingwold ; inhabitants, 70.
Thornton, E. R. (5) a parish and township in the division of Wilton Bea- con, 5 miles S. W. from Pocklington ; inhabitants, 198 ; a vicarage, value 7/. 5*. 10«/.; patron, the Dean of York. This parish contains the townships of Allerthorpe, Melbourne, Storthwood, and Waplington. Entire popula- tion, 722.
Thornton Bishop, W. R. (5). See Bishop Thornton.
Thornton Bridge, N. R. (5) a township in the parish of Braffer- ton, wapentake of Hallikeld, 3 miles N. E. from Boroughbridge; inhabi- tants, 43.
Thornton le Beans, N. R. (2) a township in the parish of North Otter- ington, wapentake of Allertonshire, 3 miles S. E. from Northallerton; in- habitants, 247. Crosby Hall, in this township, is the seat of the Rev. Wil- liam Dent. |
Thornton le Clay, N. R, (5) a township in the parish of Foston, wa- pentake of Bulmer, 8 miles S.W. from Malton; inhabitants, 173.
Thornton le Moor, N. R. (2) a township in the parish of North Otter- ington, wapentake of Birdforth, 5 miles S. E. from Northallerton ; inhabitants, 294. Here is the seat of Thos. Beckett, Esq. The ancient chapel of ease has been suffered to go to ruin; a small part of it is converted into a village school.
Thornton le Street, N. R. (2) a parish and township in the wapen- take of Allertonshire, 3 miles N. Jfrom Thirsk ; inhabitants, 131 ; a vicarage, value 4/.; patron, the Dean and Chap- ter of Christ Church, Oxford. This vil- lage seems to have obtained its name from its situation on a branch of an ancient Roman road. Wood End, in this township, is the seat of Samuel Crompton, Esq. The parish contains the township of North Kilvington. Entire population, 199.
Thornton in Lonsdale, W. R. (4) a parish and township in the wa- pentake of Ewcross, 11 miles N.W. from Settle; inhabitants, 535; a vicar- age, value 28/. 15s. Id. ; patron, the Dean and Chapter of Worcester. Hal- stead, in this township, is the seat of Mrs. Foxcroft. Near the village is a tremendous cliff, called Thornton Scar, partly covered with wood, and partly exhibiting the bare rock : this Scar is about 300 feet in height, and stretches to a considerable distance, varying its elevation; on the opposite side is another rocky ridge, not quite so per- pendicular, and between them runs a small torrent, forming a succession of cascades. At a short distance from the Scar is Thornton Force, a cata- ract, in which the small river Don rushing, partly from an aperture in the rocks, and partly over their ledge, falls at once near thirty yards, in one unbroken sheet; it then tumbles over some irregular projections into a deep black pool: the scene is extremely pic- |