township in the parish of Kirkburton, wapentake of Agbrigg, 5 miles S.E. from Huddersfield; inhabitants, 989. Storthes Hall in this township is the seat of C. H. Bill, Esq.
Thuskin Holes, W. R. (7) a ham- let in the township of Hepworth,'parish of Kirkburton, wapentake of Agbrigg, 6 miles S. from Huddersfield.
Thwaite, N. R. (1) a hamlet in the township of Muker, parish of Grin- ton, wapentake of Gilling West, 6 miles W. from Askrigg.
Thwaite Bridge, N. R. (1) a hamlet in the township of High Abbot- side, parish of Aysgarth, wapentake of Hang West, 4 miles W. from Hawes.
Thwaite House, W. R. (4) a hamlet in the township of Fountains Earth, parish of Kirkby Malzeard, wa- pentake of Claro, 9 miles N. W. from Pateley Bridge.
Thwaite Mills, W. R. (5) a ham- let in the township and parish of Roth- well, wapentake of Agbrigg, 2§ miles S. E. from Leeds.
Thwaites, W.R. (1) a hamlet in the township and parish of Sedbergh, wapentake of Ewcross, 4 miles N. E. from Sedbergh.
Thwaites, W.R. (4) a hamlet in the township and parish of Keighley, wapentake of Staincliffe, 1 mile E. from Keighley. |
Thwing, E. R. (6) a parish and township in the wapentake of Dicker- ing, 8 miles tV. from Bridlington ; in- habitants, 314 ; a rectory in two medie- ties, value 8/. 12s. Id. each; patron, the King. Wold Cottage in this parish is the seat of the Rev. T. Fish Foord Bowes. The place is remarkable from the circumstance of a stone falling from the atmosphere, on the 13th of De- cember, 1795, at three oclock in the afternoon, in a south-western direc- tion ; its weight was 56 pounds, its breadth 28 inches, its length 36 inches : it is now lodged in Mr. Sowerbys museum in London. In its fall, which was witnessed by two persons, it exca- vated a place in the earth to the depth of 12 inches, and penetrated the chalk rock below seven inches further; to commemorate the event, the late Major Topham erected an obelisk on the spot: the substance of the stone, while it resembles in composition those which have fallen in other parts of the world, has no affinity to the natural stones of the district in which it fell. The sur- face has a black and vitrified appear- ance, exhibiting marks of a volcanic origin: to account for the pheno- menon, two hypotheses have been started; either that the stone was pro- jected by some submarine volcano, which the slanting direction in which it fell, and its vicinity to the sea might render probable; or that it was pro- jected by the furious eruption of a vol- cano in the moon, and driven within the sphere of the superior gravitation of the earth: both these* notions are attended with great difficulties, but the latter opinion seems most to prevail, from a consideration that similar sub- stances have fallen in countries very remote from the ocean and from any known volcano.
Thwingarth, N.R. (1) a hamlet in the township of Lunedale, parish of Romaldkirk, wapentake of Gilling West, 5 miles. W. from Romaldkirk.
Tibthorpe, E. R. (6) a township in the parish of Kirkburn, division of Bainton Beacon, 6§ miles S. W. from Driffield, inhabitants, 221.
Tickhill, W.R, (8) a parish, town- ship, and market town in the wapentake of Strafforth and Tickhill, 4 miles W. fromBawtry, 43 S. from York,157 from London; inhabitants, 1830 ; a vicar- age, value 7/. 2s. 6d.; patron, George Foljambe, Esq.; market, Friday ; fair, August 21. Tickhill lies in a valley watered by a brook, and being a strag- gling place, covers a great deal of ground; some of the houses are of brick, others of stone, but the town |