it contains a window of painted glass, admirably executed by Peckett of York, the subject is Moses delivering the law on Mount Sinai. Here was an hospi- tal, founded by some of the family of Brus, before the year 1185, but even its site is now unknown. A house of Black Friars has also disappeared, which was founded by Peter de Brus, in 1240, and its site is occupied by the Friarage, the seat of Thomas Meynell, Esq. Yarm is surrounded on three sides by the river Tees, and as it stands very low, it has suffered greatly by inunda- tions ; a remarkable flood took place at four odock in the morning of the 14th of February, 1753, by the break- ing of the bank of the river, the waters of which had been increased by a sud- den thaw; about noon the flood had risen to the height of seven feet—the people, says a relater, got up into their uppermost rooms, where they had the melancholy prospect of a perfect sea in the streets, horses, cows, sheep, hogs, and all manner of household goods floating before them; amongst other things, in the midst of this doleful spectacle, was -a sow big with young, who had swam till her strength was quite exhausted, when a wheelbarrow having been carried down by the tor- rent, she contrived to get near it, and laying her nose and fore-feet in, she suffered' herself to be carried by the flood, and thus got safe to land ; hap- pily no lives were lost. A second flood, in November 1771, three days after the eruption of Solway Moss, was still more calamitous: in this inundation the water rose twenty feet, and many of the inhabitants were taken into boats through the roofs of the houses; a large quantity of property and some lives were lost. Several similar, though less fatal visitations, have since taken place: to abate the violence of these floods,' the ancient bridge of five nar- row arches was improved, and in 1805 an iron bridge, of 180 feet span, was erected, but when nearly completed, the abutments gave way, and it fell down about midnight with a tremend- ous crash; it has been replaced by an elegant and substantial bridge of stone. Yarm consists chiefly of one main street, running north and south, which is spacious and open, but dis- figured, like several towns in the north of England, by shambles and other un- sightly erections in the middle. It has no manufacture, its chief trade consist- ing in the exportation of corn, flour, cheese, butter, and bacon; much sal- mon also is caught in the Tees, and the town partakes of the benefit of the fishery. The October fair brings a great influx of money and company: the place is considered somewhat insa- lubrious ; the lands in the parish are for the most part laid down in grass, and occupied by the tradesmen of the town; their fertility, and the thriving appear- ance of the quickset hedges, give the country a pleasant appearance. The parish and township are co-extensive. |
Yateholme, W. R. (7). See Gateham,
Yeadon, Upper and Nether, W. R. (5) a township in the parish of of Guiseley, wapentake of Skyrack, 4 miles S. from Otley; inhabitants, 2455. This populous township is chiefly occu- pied in different branches of the wool- len manufacture.
Yearsley, N. R. (5) a township in the parish of Coxwold, wapentake of Birdforth, 5 miles N. E. from Eas- ingwold; inhabitants, 170.
Yearsley Burton, N. R. (5) a hamlet in the preceding township.
Yeddingham, E. R. (6) a parish arid township in the wapentake of Buckrose, 10 miles N. from Sledmere; inhabitants, 127; a vicarage, value 5/. As. 2d.; patron, Earl Fitzwil- liam. Here was a small convent for nine nuns of the Benedictine order, founded, before the year 1168, by Roger de Clerc.
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