NEW: To reduce overload of your browser, localities with more than 150 entries have been broken down into pages of 100.
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2 Afghanistan
96 Algeria
15 Angola
2 Antarctica
1 Antigua and Barbuda
3,417 Argentina
10 Armenia
4 Aruba
30,662 Australia
3,539 Austria
11 Bahamas
4 Barbados
51 Belarus
19,623 Belgium
27 Bermuda
55 Bessarabia (historical)
14 Bosnia and Herzegovina
1,287 Brazil
49 Bulgaria
62,009 Canada
9 Democratic Republic of the Congo
6 Costa Rica
9 Croatia
1,517 Cuba
105 Czechia
159 Czechoslovakia
4,712 Denmark
27 Dominican Republic
104 Egypt
5 El Salvador
2,143 Finland
363,266 France
70,097 Germany
164 Greece
3 Guam
3 Guatemala
6 Guyana
4 Haiti
5 Honduras
4 Hong Kong
165 Hungary
11 Iceland
37 India
1,334 Indonesia
1,913 Ireland
137 Isle of Man
298 Israel
47,001 Italy
29 Jamaica
115 Japan
198 Jugoslavia
135 Latvia
42 Lebanon
49 Lithuania
241 Luxembourg
28 Madagascar
20 Malaysia
11 Malta
1 Mauritius
687 México
37 Monaco
53,668 Netherlands
5,157 New Zealand
4 Nicaragua
6,672 Norway
6 Palau
8 Panama
1 Paraguay
25 Perú
1,439 Philippines
6 Pitcairn Island
8,108 Poland
2,785 Portugal
2,756 Prussia (historical)
30 Prussia (historical)
41 Puerto Rico
41 Romania
4,335 Russia
4 Saudi Arabia
13,197 Silesia (historical)
374 Slovakia
3 Slovenia
47,418 South Africa
5,290 South Russia (historical)
5,225 Spain
39 Sri Lanka
5 Suriname
1 Swaziland
3,786 Sweden
3,239 Switzerland
6 Syria
20 Thailand
116 Tunisia
376 Turkey
288 Ukraine
368,362 United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland
21,735 United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland
1,344,887 United States of America
45 Uruguay
4 Vatican City
226 Venezuela
27 Viet Nam

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After downloading a GEDCOM file, we encourage you to visit the home page of that host website. Simply trim the URL of the GEDCOM file and enter that in your browser’s location window. This site indexes thousands of different GEDCOM files found on other web sites. GEDCOM files are special genealogy files that can be imported into any genealogy software.

Be sure to check Sorted By to find transcription projects where your ancestors are listed, even if you don’t yet know where they went.

What you should know about GEDCOM files:

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GEDCOMINDEX.COM and GEDCOMLIBRARY.COM are simple websites for sophisticated genealogists.
The roles of different genealogy websites: Costs money. Provides lots of records. You can upload a GEDCOM file, but they jealously guard it and let other customers read pieces of material from it. They cannot download the GEDCOM file. Nobody else can correct or otherwise change your material. When you message new cousins, often they don’t know what a GEDCOM file is. Free. Provides lots of records, and even more are available if you access the site from a Family History Center. You cannot upload a GEDCOM file, so you have to add each person individually. This is lots of work but it can help you catch blunders. Other users can change your material, and sometimes they get it wrong. and Free. Provide no records. Simple websites for sophisticated genealogists. These help researchers find each other through GEDCOM files. GEDCOM Index indexes thousands of GEDCOM files (on other websites) by place name, helping you find the researcher working on the same ancestors. You will still need access to records to verify what is in those GEDCOM files. Upload your GEDCOM files today.

Other websites: There are other websites that want your GEDCOM file but they also jealously guard it. They don’t let other people download the whole GEDCOM file. Accessibility shouldn’t be a problem unless you want royalties.

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