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Brookes’ page 086 LeftBeesko < Brandenburg < PrussiaDirectional
Brookes’ page 087 LeftBelitz < Brandenburg < PrussiaDirectional
Brookes’ page 093 RightBernaw < BrandenburgDirectional
Brookes’ page 116 LeftBotzemburgh < Ucker Mark < BrandenburgDirectional
Brookes’ page 121 LeftBrandenburg < Middle Mark < Brandenburg < Upper SaxonyDirectional
Brookes’ page 135 RightBuchotz < Middle Mark < BrandenburgDirectional
Brookes’ page 184 LeftCharlottenburg < Middle Mark < BrandenburgDirectional
Brookes’ page 207 RightCoblentz < Lower Rhine < GermanyDirectional
Brookes’ page 211 RightCologne < Cologne < Lower Rhine < GermanyDirectional
Brookes’ page 236 LeftCustrin < New Mark < BrandenburgDirectional
Brookes’ page 237 RightDalme < Middle Mark < PrussiaDirectional
Brookes’ page 240 LeftDantzic < EuropeDirectional
Brookes’ page 263 LeftDrayton < Shropshire < United KingdomDirectional
Brookes’ page 313 RightFrankfort on the Oder < Middle Mark < BrandenburgDirectional
Brookes’ page 341 LeftGransee < Middle Mark < BrandenburgDirectional
Brookes’ page 350 RightGreiffenberg < Ucker Mark < BrandenburghDirectional
Brookes’ page 354 RightGuben < Guben < LusatiaDirectional
Brookes’ page 365 LeftHanover < Hanover < GermanyDirectional
Brookes’ page 410 RightJoachimsthal < Ucker Mark < BrandenburgDirectional
Brookes’ page 426 RightKonigsberg < PrussiaDirectional
Brookes’ page 430 RightKyraut < HindoostanDirectional
Brookes’ page 441 RightLeipzig < Meissen < SaxonyDirectional
Brookes’ page 442 RightLentzen < Brandenburg < PrussiaDirectional
Brookes’ page 446 RightLiebenwald < Brandenburg < PrussiaDirectional
Brookes’ page 463 RightLubben < Lower LusatiaDirectional
Brookes’ page 464 RightLuckenwald < Prussian SaxonyDirectional
Brookes’ page 471 RightMagdeburgDirectional
Brookes’ page 524 LeftMunchenberg < Brandenburg < PrussiaDirectional
Brookes’ page 531 LeftNauen < Brandenburg < PrussiaDirectional
Brookes’ page 536 LeftNeustadt < Brandenburg < PrussiaDirectional
Brookes’ page 565 LeftOranienburg < Middle Mark < Brandenburg < PrussiaDirectional
Brookes’ page 581 LeftParis < FranceDirectional
Brookes’ page 612 RightPotsdam < Brandenburg < Prussian StatesMentioned
Brookes’ page 612 RightPotsdam < Potsdam < Brandenburg < Prussian StatesDirectional
Brookes’ page 613 RightPrenzlo < Ucker Mark < BrandenburgDirectional
Brookes’ page 617 LeftPrussiaMentioned
Brookes’ page 644 LeftRuppin < Brandenburg < PrussiaDirectional
Brookes’ page 691 LeftSpandau < Middle Mark < Brandenburg < PrussiaDirectional
Brookes’ page 692 RightSpree RiverMentioned
Brookes’ page 695 RightStettin < Pomerania < PrussiaDirectional
Brookes’ page 697 RightStoklau < Ucker Mark < Brandenburg < PrussiaDirectional
Brookes’ page 699 LeftNew Strelitz < Mecklenburg-Strelitz < SaxonyDirectional
Brookes’ page 699 LeftStrausberg < Middle Mark < Brandenburg < PrussiaDirectional
Brookes’ page 715 LeftTeltow < Brandenburg < PrussiaDirectional
Brookes’ page 715 LeftTemplin < Brandenburg < PrussiaDirectional
Brookes’ page 718 LeftTeupitz < Brandenburg < PrussiaDirectional
Brookes’ page 731 RightTrebbin < Braddenburg < PrussiaDirectional
Brookes’ page 787 RightWriezen < Brandenburg < PrussiaDirectional
Brookes’ page 788 RightWusterhausen < Brandenburg < PrussiaDirectional
Brookes’ page 795 RightZehaenick < Brandenburg < PrussiaDirectional
Brookes’ page 796 RightZossen < BrandenburgDirectional
Hayward’s N.E. page 167Gorham < Coos County < New Hampshire < United States of AmericaMentioned
Hayward’s N.E. page 257Meriden < New Haven County < Connecticut < United States of AmericaMentioned
Hayward’s N.E. page 477Wethersfield < Hartford County < Connecticut < United States of AmericaMentioned