Hayward’s New England Gazetteer (1839) page 60
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uring 25 feet 4 inches in length, and 4 feet 5 inches in diameter. They
weigh 25 tons each. The interior contains four court rooms, 50 feet by
40, and large and commodious offices for all the respective departments.

Houses of Industry, Correction, and Reformation. These houses are
delightfully situated on a plot of ground of about 61 acres, situated at
South Boston, on the margin of the harbor, and near the brow of Dor-
chester Heights.

Trinity Church, in Summer street, St. Paul’s Church and the Ma-
sonic Temple
, in Tremont street, the Washington Rank, in Washing-
ton street, the granite building lately erected by the Suffolk Bank, the
United States Bank, in State street, and the Steeple of Park street
Church, are some of the best specimens of architecture in Boston.

Schools and Institutions.

The first settlers of New England were exceedingly tenacious of their
civil and religious rights, and they well knew that
knowledge was an
all-powerful engine to preserve those rights, and transmit them to their
posterity. They therefore very early laid the foundation of those
, of which all the sons and daughters of New England are justly
proud. Exclusive of Infant and Sabbath school scholars, about a quar°
ter part of the population of Boston is kept at school throughout the
year, at an annual expense of about $200,000. Boston is not only cele-
brated for its schools, but for its munificent donations in support of its
institutions for moral, religious, and literary purposes. Since the year
1800, not less than two millions of dollars have thus been appropriated
by the citizens of Boston.

"New England Institution for the Education of the Blind.

This Institution was incorporated in 1829; but, little was accomplished
until^ 1832, when Dr. Howe returned from Europe accompanied by a
blind teacher; manifesting that zeal in the cause of the blind which had
distinguished his philanthropic labors, in another sphere, in a distant
land. He opened a school with six blind young scholars. The progress
of those children was so great, and the value of an Institution of the
kind so apparent, that legislatures and citizens, generally, became
much interested. By public and private donations, particularly by the
influence of ladies in several parts of New England, and by the munifi-
cent gift of a splendid building in Pearl street, hy the Hon. Thomas H.
Perkins, the Institution has increased, both in reputation and funds, with
unparalleled success. The scholars are instructed in all those branches
common in other schools, and some of them in the higher branches of
literature. Music is the study of all. Mechanical labors are taught
and enjoyed hy the pupils. Musical instruments of all kinds, and other



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