20 S. S. W. from Augusta. Popu- lation, 1837, 2,173.
Eowdoinham, Me.
Lincoln co. A pleasant town on the west side of Kennebec river, and north of Topsham. Here is considerable business in the lum- ber trade and ship building. Twen- ty miles S. by W. from Augusta, and 12 N. from Bath. Population, 1837, 2,218. Incorporated, 1762.
Boxhorougli, Mass.
Middlesex co. Incorporated,1783. Population, 1837, 433. Some shoes, palm-leaf hats and straw bonnets are manufactured in this town, and large quantities of hops are grown. It lies 25 miles N. W. hy W. from Boston, and 9 W. by N. from Con- cord. Good lime-stone is found here.
Boxford, Mass.
Essex co. This town lies 26 miles N. from Boston, 13 S. W. from TSTexyhiiryportUahcT"10 W. bv N..Mrem Ipswich. The annual amount of manufactures of cotton wicking, boots, shoes and ploughs is about $100,000. Population, 1837, 964. Incorporated, 1685.
Boy Is ton, Mass.
Worcester co. Tncorporated, 1786. Population, 1837, 821. It lies 40 miles W. from Boston, and S N. by E. from Worcester. Boylston is watered by Nashua river, and has iron ore and a ledge of crystalized quartz. Here are some manufac- tures of combs, palm-leaf hats, hoots and - shoes ;—several ponds and fine fish.
Bozrah, Ct.
New London co. This town was taken from Norwich in 1786. It was formerly called New Concord. It lies 33 miles E. S. E. from Hart- ford, and 5 W. from Norwich. The soil is a gravelly loam, rich and fer- tile. It is watered by Y antic river, on which are two pleasant and flourishing villages, BozrahviUe and Fitchville, at both of which are manufactories for cotton. |
This town experienced a terrible hail storm on the 15th of July, 1799, by which much property was lost and many cattle injured. The hail fell in immense quantities, some particles of which measured six inches in circumference. Popula- tion, 1830, 1,073.
Bradford, Me.
Penobscot co. This town lies 87 miles from Augusta. 4,944 bush- els of wheat was raised here in 1837, with a population of 770.— See Barnard, Me.
Bradford, N. H.
Merrimack co. Situated about mid- way between the Merrimack and Connecticut rivers, bounded N. by Newbury and Sutton,E. by Warner, S. by Henniker and Hillsboyough, W. by Washington; is 31 miles from Wmhersf, UlTTrom Concord, and 80 from Boston. This town is watered by small streams, which principally issue from ponds,—of which the largest is Todd’s pond, lying in Bradford and Ne wbury. This pond is supplied with water from the hills and mountains in Newbury. In it are a number of floating islands, which are deemed objects of curiosity. Its outlet forms the northern branch of Warner river. Pleasant, or Bradford pond, is on the E. side of the town. It is about 550 rods long and 150 wide. It communicates with Warner river by an outlet at the N. end of it. In this pond are several islands, which, with the rugged declivities on the E. hank, the waters below, and the cottages and cultivated fields on the west hank, present to view, in the summer season, a wild and variegated landscape. Many parts of Bradford are hilly. A large proportion of the town, however, lies in a vajley, about three miles |