Hayward’s New England Gazetteer (1839) page 214
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county a great hydraulic power.
The elevation of the county ren-
ders the soil more adapted for graz-
ing than for tillage, yet there are
large, tracts of excellent meadow
bordering its streams. Manufac-
tures/flourish, and the exports of
beef/cattle and the products of the
dairy are valuable, apd annually
increasing. In 1837, there were
28,677 sheep. Population, 1830,

Lamoille River, Vt.

This river is formed in Greens-
borough. Its general course is N.
W. It passes, through Hardwick,
Wolcott, Morriston, Johnston, Cam-
bridge, Fairfax and Georgia, and
falls into Lake Champlain at Mil-
ton, 12 miles N. from Burlington.
This river has numerous tributaries:
it has several falls, which produce
a valuable waterpower. Its banks
in many parts are very fertile. It
was discovered by Champlain in

Lancaster, N. II.

• Coos co. Shire town of the coun-
ty, and situated on the southeastern
bank of Connecticut river, which
forms and washes its N. \V. bound-
ary, a distance of 10 miles. It lies
distant 110 miles W. from Portland,
130 N. from Portsmouth, 95 N.
from Concord, and 75 above Dart-
mouth College. Besides the Con-
necticut, which is deep and about
22 rods in width while it passes
through Lancaster, the town is wa-
tered by Israel’s river, and several
considerable brooks. Across tbis
river a bridge and several dams are
thrown, forming a valuable water
power. There are several ponds
in Lancaster, the largest of which
is called Martin-meadow pond, from
Martin, a hunter. This communi-
cates with Little'pond.

Lancaster is situated near lofty
mountains, but is not itself moun-
tainous. There are three hills in
the S. partof the town, called Mar-
tin meadow hills; and the land in
the S. E. papt lies too high up the
mountains for cultivation. The soil
along the Connecticut is alluvial,
the meadows extending back near-
ly three-fourths of a mile; and at
the mouth of Israel’s river much

The village, or most compact part
of the town, lies on a street extend-
ing from the bridge across Israel’s
river northwardly:—it is pleasant,
and is the site of some manufactur-
ing establishments. Lancaster was-
granted and settled in 1763. The
war of'the revolution tended to re-
tard the settlement of the town.—
After the war closed, the town set-
tled with.considerable rapidity, and
has since gradually increased in
wealth and business. Population,
1830, 1,187.

Lancaster, 3Iass.

Worcester co. This town, the
Nasawogg of the Indians, is the
oldest town in the county; it was
for many years a frontier settlement,
and greatly harrassed by the na-
tives. • In 1676, tbe town was at-
tacked by 1,500 Indians; many
were killed'on both sides; the town
was destroyed, and a number car-
ried into captivity, among whom
was the celebrated Mrs.
Lancaster lies on
both sides of Nashua river, and has
a remarkably fine, alluvial soil, in
a high state of cultivation. Per-
haps there is'no inland town in New
England that possesses more natu-
ral beauties, -or that strikes the eye
of the traveller more agreeably.—
The village is very beautiful r—it is
neatly built on an alluvial plain,
surrounded by hills, and watered by
a large and placid stream. There
are 3 cotton and 1 woolen mills in
the town, and manufactures of
leather, boots, shoes, hats, forks,
combs, palm-leaf hats, tenon ma-
chines, copper pumps, piano-fortes,
chairs, and cabinet ware :—annual
value about $100,000. Some min-


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