Hayward’s New England Gazetteer (1839) page 232
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Lubec, Me.

Washington co. Lubec compris-
es a township of good land, lying
at the northeasterly corner of the
state, and contains a point of land
extending easterly on which West
Quoddy Head light-house is situa-
ted* at the western entrance into
Passamaquoddy hay. This place
possesses an admirable harbor for
vessels of any draught of water; it
is easy of access and never obstruct-
ed by ice. There are also within
the town a number of "bays, coves,
and several islands. , Grand Menan
stretches off the mouth of the har-
bor on the E. 5 or 6 miles distant,
and Campo Ballo, another English
island, lies very near and protects
the harbor on the north. This
town was taken from Eastport in
1811, and contained 3S0 inhabit-
ants. Population, 1S20, 1430 ; 1830,
2,081; 1837,4,161.

Lubec, in common with Eastport,
enjoys a very extensive trade with
the Bay of Fundy and the great
waters of Passamaquoddy bay.
The village, or principal place of
business, is beautifully located on a
point of land jutting out into the
harbor; it makfes a'fine appearafice,
commands an active trade, and is
flourishing in its navigation and
fishery. It lies 3 miles S. from
Eastport, 30 E. from Machias, 173
E. by N. from Augusta, and 31 S.
E. from Calais, at the head of navi-
gation on the St. Croix river.

Ludlow, Vt.

Windsor co. Black and Williams’
rivers give this town a good water
power. It is likewise watered by
a number of large ponds well stor-
ed with fish. Ludlow was first set-
tled in 1784. It lies 61 miles S.
from Montpelier, and 18 S. W. from
Windsor. Population, 1830, 1,227.

The town is mountainous, but
contains good land for the grazing
of sheep and other cattle. The
village is very pleasant, and the
centre of considerable trade with


the surrounding country. Some
valuable minerals have been discov-
ered here.

Ludlow, Mass.

Hampden co. This town lies N.
of Wilbraham, and is separated from
it by Chickopee river. It is 84
miles W. by S. from Boston, and 10
N. E. from Springfield. Incorpo-
rated, 1774. The Chickopee here
is a large stream, and adds much to
the beauty of the place. There
are two c.otton mills in the town,
and manufactures of palm-leaf hats
and ploughs: total value, in one
year, $160,850. Population, 1837,

Lnnenburgb, Vt.

Essex co. On the west side of
Connecticut river, and watered by
Neal’s branch and pond, and Cat-
bow branch;—good mill streams.
Some of the land is very good, but
the most of it is stony, appearently
of diluvial formation, consisting of
rounded masses of gFanite embed-
ded in clay and gravel. This is a
good grazing town, and produces
some cattle, and butter and cheese
for market. First settled about
1770. Population, in 1830, 1,054.
Lunenburgh lies 45 miles E. N.
E. from Montpelier, and 8 S. from

Lunenburgb, Mass.

. Worcester co. The soil of this
town is good, the surface uneven
and watered by some branches of
Nashua river. Considerable amount
of books are printed and bound in
this town, and there are some man-
ufactures of palm-leaf hats, chairs,
cabinet ware, leather, boots and
shoes. Lunenburgh is a very pleas-
ant town: 42 miles N. W. from
Boston, and 24 N. from Worcester.
Incorporated, 1728. Population,
1837, 1,250.

Lyman, Me.

York co. This is a pleasant


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